Comments on: To Win the War and Lose the Peace: Beyond Sri Lanka’s ‘War on Terror’ Journalism for Citizens Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:38:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arul Wed, 28 Jan 2009 13:38:47 +0000 Anagarika what will the singhala buddhists do if the christians and the hindus " provoke you"? Revert to your animalistic past? Like emergency 58, or balack july 83.

By: Anagarika Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:54:48 +0000 The sri lankan army commander sarath fonseka stated that sri lanka belongs to the sinhala buddhists. The hindus and the christians must now try to live with the buddhists wihout provoking them.

By: Suren_Raghavan Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:32:55 +0000 I believe every moderate Thamil has the legimate right to demand a proposal from the Sinhalas and their polity. As they govern the state. It would take only a politically insane individul to say there are no problems for Thamils in SL. 7 weeks ago my friend could not send a telegramin Thamil from Nuwaraeliya post office. This is the distric with the largest Thamil speaking population in the south.

Colombo's rehtoric was ''no solution before the end of LTTE''. (history shows that LTTE came to be because there was no solution) However as GoSL claims the end of LTTE, once again their committment to , Buddhism, Ahimsa, Pularity, Democracy and all other vertures will be tested. History is the best teacher in politics. What kind of Sri Lanka the Sinhalas will build? Who are the key architectects of that new state? Where/how will the Thamils, Muslim and ''other'' sons(and daughters) of Lanka will be placed?

These are more sober yet probing questions that everyone who rejoys over the capture of Mullaithevu should ponder upon.

By: Suren_Raghavan Tue, 27 Jan 2009 12:32:55 +0000 I believe every moderate Thamil has the legimate right to demand a proposal from the Sinhalas and their polity. As they govern the state. It would take only a politically insane individul to say there are no problems for Thamils in SL. 7 weeks ago my friend could not send a telegramin Thamil from Nuwaraeliya post office. This is the distric with the largest Thamil speaking population in the south.

Colombo's rehtoric was ''no solution before the end of LTTE''. (history shows that LTTE came to be because there was no solution) However as GoSL claims the end of LTTE, once again their committment to , Buddhism, Ahimsa, Pularity, Democracy and all other vertures will be tested. History is the best teacher in politics. What kind of Sri Lanka the Sinhalas will build? Who are the key architectects of that new state? Where/how will the Thamils, Muslim and ''other'' sons(and daughters) of Lanka will be placed?

These are more sober yet probing questions that everyone who rejoys over the capture of Mullaithevu should ponder upon.

By: Arul Tue, 27 Jan 2009 11:50:25 +0000 Sumana tries to twist history again. During the ceasefire the LTTE cam up with two proposals The ISGA and PTOMS. History records the singhalese response.The APRC recommendations of Tissa Vitharane was still born. The attitude of to the victor the spoils is why as tamils we have no alternative but to fight, either militarily or by other means to regain our independance from people with the mentality known as the mahavamsa mindset. This attitude exemplifies shows why sr lanka will win This war but not have real peace

By: sumana Tue, 27 Jan 2009 08:30:52 +0000 now that tamil eelam doesnt have a homeland, you see (as in this site commets) lot of people asking for "proposals" and expecting the majority to put ideas. when the land border (1/3 of coastel belt) game was looked at no tamil party wanted proposals. so as the saying goes, "to the victor the sopils of war" hence please hold you breath and wait for the set of proposals….. at best the onus is on the tamil politicians, i bet the sanagrees, devanandas and karunas will fill the vacume and become democratically elected members in a unitary SL…

By: Ethirveerasingam Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:51:58 +0000 Darini
It is good to know your perspective of the conflict between the Tamils and the Sinhala peoples and those who fight on their behalf. I had the pleasure of meeting you at the SEED meeting when we discussed the methods education of Special Children – a project school of SEED and about their rehabilitation projects of the displaced Tamil families. Your compassion for the less fortunate and the victims of the war is commendable. I was fortunate to be a student of your father who taught me Mathematics in 1949/50. I met him in 1995 after 45 years and thanked him for the excellent teacher he is.

Those of us whose views have petrified through years of repeated tragic experience and repeating failed ways of recommended conflict resolutions have nothing new to propose. History tells us that "Might is Right." Democracy preaches that the majority will shall be done. Tamils in the North-East are trying to think and act otherwise and paying the price for it. I see no end to the misery visited on us. Nor do I see the beiginning of peace. I hope you and persons like you continue to express your perspectives and more importantly propose viable and just solutions based on your analysis.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:03:27 +0000 Congratulations to

President Obama in his first 100 hours of presidency said " ….transparency and rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency". Adherence to rule of law for SL. both internally and internationally would mean; reinstating the ceasefire Agreement(CFA); Withdrawing its soldiers to 2002 CFA lines; Calling back Scandanavian monitors; Continuing with peace talks and facing War Crimes charges as envisaged for Israeli soldiers for their violatins in Gaza.

As a world leader and as a leader of a "Co-Chair country", President Obama has the responsibility to make SL adhere strictly to rule of law on Tamil matters. But Sri Lankan state is a "Wild stallion", needing taming with civilisation before it could comply with rule of law. The task is difficult but Barack Obama is capable.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:02:18 +0000 Dr Martin Luther King Jr led the civil rights movement and SJV led a non violent "Satyagraha" movement. Tamils and African Americans became contemporaries in their struggle for freedom and dignity in the 1960s and shared a common history. Our fathers sang "We shall overcome" simultaneously in America and in the NE and were locked up inside prison during the same years. Satyagraha was always met by more brutal state violence. Yoke of oppression became heavier and rule of law was non existent on Tamil matters.

John F Kennedy, aware of Tamil struggle, sent a message to Colombo Plan Exhibition in Ceylon stating that he hoped Ceylon would "solve its problems and develop". He was surely hinting of a Federal constitution as found in America. Ceylon never solved its Tamil problem and was in retardation since then. Prophesy and words of wisdom are for believers, not for the foolish and the defiant!

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 26 Jan 2009 12:00:58 +0000 Realising the need for education in emancipation, Jaffna College was established in 1860s, by learned missionaries, as the first University College of its kind in the region. As the president of America, Abraham Lincoln, wrote a letter to the Board Of Directors, wishing them success. America thus helped the missionaries "under the shadow of its wings" to extricate slavery in caste system.

Most of the leaders in the country studied in schools and Jaffna College run by American Mission. SJV Chelvanayakam, fondly called as SJV, was mentored in a similar manner to become an outstanding Queen's Counsel lawyer, law maker and director of the Board of Directors of Jaffna College. Having inherited the golden values of justice, equality and freedom; cherished by Abraham Lincoln, SJV became the political leader of the people of NE from 1950s till his death in 1977.
