Comments on: Aftermath of the Victory: whither Sri Lanka? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:03:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Diego MONTALVAN Fri, 03 Jul 2009 15:03:40 +0000 An Astrologer from Argentina claims freedom for a collegue arrested in Sri Lanka 4 Jueves, 02 de Julio de 2009 10:55 Pedro del Carpio
An astrologer from Argentina,Don Zodiac Guille has already sent an e-mail to Sri Lanka President Rajapaksa imploring to liberate his collegue, Astrologer Chandrasiri BANDARA saying ” Please, MERCY for Chandrasiri, Dear President Mahinda Rajapakse, because his relate is maybe a mistake…”

Don Zodiac Guille is the chairman at World Wide Parapsychological Association and asked all newspapers from Asia to publish his petition to Sri Lankan President.

Argentine horoscope man also says: If the Sri Lanka leader is a Sagitarian. I know about his generosity but also his bad temper when he gets angry… I describe this in my site

I feel that Chandrasiri will be free as soon as his Excellency reads my e-mail, I am an ordinary astrologer but I know the suffering stay in prison…”

Astrologer Don Zodiac Guille has recently predicted the civil-military rejection for the President Manuel Zelaya in Honduras, but he also added that the President will returns to power.(Dorys Dodier from Madrid – Spain

By: pradeep Fri, 22 May 2009 14:54:23 +0000 i am glad that sri lankan president continune its war against the ltte despite the
pressure of the international community,since the world does not know the local
problem of sri lanka ,the international community just made hue and cry over the humunitarian add of tamil refuges,
the world dont know how ltte has destroys the tourrium industry of this country,
now the ltte almost abolished from the sri lanka ,now the sri lankan govenment can work upon the warfare of the tamil refuges
and for the integrety of the country ,the citizen of sri lanka should stop celebration the down fall of ltte,since this only add frustation in the mind of tamils.
and also the sri lankan goverment should stop discriminating between the people ot sinhale and jafna ,since previously the sri lankan goverment had done
partially between the student of the two areas.
now there should be equal rule for every one

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:15:40 +0000 For my part I have prepared a set of suggestions and am circulating it in any platform available.

One of them is the proposal to split and separate the powers of parliament now exercised by a group of PARTY representatives, and empower small groups of people's representatives to exercise each of the separated powers. This suggestion is put forward to eradicate the corruption that is eating the entire governing system due to the concentration of power at a point.

There are many other suggestions that together go to make good governance, basic need for sustainable peace, serenity, prosperity and a pleasant living for ALL the people in the country.

The other suggestions would be given in a separate article, if permitted.

By: Suresh Molagoda Mon, 26 Jan 2009 07:59:51 +0000 Hello Amali, It seems that you have forgotten something really important that has taken place recently in Sri Lanka. You wrote that politicians reap the harvest from the military victories. I like to remind you that it was only the current government who had put the right strategies in place and did the mighty task to achieve those strategic objects of getting rid off LTTE and their associates.

Yes, military had their responsibilities and accountabilities in this outcome. The politicians in the current government (yes there are shortcomings but tolarable) made the right decisions to equip our heroes to fight the LTTE. It was the previous successive governments that took all the money that was supposted to be spent on the war. I can give you names of them and incidents where a boat was delivered with the money allocated for fully equipped navy vessel.

It is shamfull of you to join a few others who push their own agenda and tarnish good work done by people who have balls to eradicate LTTE rather than agreeing to a ceasefire, an act only a man who has no balls would do.

By: wijayapala Mon, 26 Jan 2009 03:35:16 +0000 Here's a short reading list for you re my above suggestion:

1. Erik Wibbels. Federalism and the Market. 2005

2. Jenna Bednar. The Robust Federation: Principles of Design. 2008

3. Mixed-Member Electoral Systems: The Best of Both Worlds? ed. by Matthew Soberg Shugart and Martin P. Wattenberg . 2003

Let me know when you're done, so we can have a discussion instead of listening to Colombo NGO-style pontification.

By: wijayapala Mon, 26 Jan 2009 03:27:49 +0000 Dear Amali,

"Sri Lankans in general and specially the Sinhalese do not show any sign of being aware of what the word ‘political solution’ implies."

Looking at your vague idea of "some sort of power sharing," it seems that you don't know any sign of being aware of what the word 'political solution' implies either! Why don't you read a bit about decentralized power systems, consociationalism vs. centripetalism, and then come back to us with a more useful idea?
