Comments on: The future of the LTTE in Sri Lanka: Shanthi Sachithanandan Journalism for Citizens Wed, 04 Mar 2009 01:06:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sudrshana Wed, 04 Mar 2009 01:06:06 +0000 Well once everything come back to normal we can ask those normal Tamil people living in those people about what do thy want. Then we can get a clear idea also bare in mind this Women says that LTTE is not the main subject but some time back she said LTTE is the sole representative for tamils and all the other Tamil leaders misled Tamil people. Also she parsed Velupille Prabakaran (Defeating Prabakaran is a major problem to refugees that want to get Visa renewals in developed countries.)

Do visit this site it shows from a independent point of view about the LTTE
<a href=”” target=”_blank”>

By: arul Mon, 26 Jan 2009 03:07:43 +0000 if the singhalese commentators to this viceo are so sure, why dont they have a referndum among the tamil people as to what government they want. No tamil is against singhalese settling in the vanni or anywhee else, if they bought gthe land out of their own money. What we are against is state sponsored colonisation, as has been practiced in gal oya and manal aru. This attitude will lead to the continuation of the conflict, even if the LTTE is defeated militarily. Mudali repeats the often repeated fallacy theat the LTTE has killed more tamils than the singhalese. I am presuming he lives in sri lanka and has no access to tamil net. One day we the tamils hope you leaders will have to answer for crimes agains humanity.

By: M.S.Mudali Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:13:14 +0000 LTTE killed more Tamil people than any others. LTTE has no political agenda in print. The LTTE supporters claim this and that but LTTE never gave a political plan to Tamil people. That means LTTE is a plain mafia terrorist gang. Some people find comfort by supporting LTTE. They are the vey dangerous people.

By: abey Thu, 22 Jan 2009 19:11:28 +0000 I wish her talk is not suitable for peaceful Srilanka what we really want to achive after this struggle. We need the entire PEACE in entire Srilanka. not only North or east. I wish any person wants to show up now that he/she is interested on the leadership of shouldering the move to go forward, this is the real oppertunity to come forward and shoulder to eliminate terror from the country as a whole. NOT something else to get fulfilled similiar to LTTE was trying to do.We want same Srilankan unity to grow up once we had. But not the Black & white difference.

By: Gamini Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:12:05 +0000 -Vp is not a obstacle for our problem,
-VP is respected as a great tamil leader
– He is single handedly dedicated to the cause

These are some of shanthi's comments from the earlier video "Prabakaran’s Role in Tamil National Struggle: Interview with Shanthi Sachithanandan".
Now the tune has changed slighlty -NO VP, but Colombo government, "mention of us vs them, and tamils are the sole owners of wanni area.
Dear shanthi
1. Wanni is not for tamils alone. in SL any person should be able to buy sell land and move to any place. (See wellawatta for example)
2. if so, what about the muslims that were chased from north. didnt they own wanni parts and sinhalese in the north and east?
3. SL governmetn is elected democrtically, unlike ur sole rep and any person or people in area can influsance the vote under rules and regs of the consititution by vote and this will not be changed how ever much you cry.
4. Hope your VP will stay and do the same as he advised misguided tamil youth and face the enemy like a man, cos he is your respected leader.

By: Bandara Wed, 21 Jan 2009 11:24:18 +0000 this is the same woman who, sometime ago claimed that LTTE is the sole representative of tamils in sri lanka and the entire tamil community embraces them. Ask from the people who is finding refuge among the secured areas of sri lanka whether this was true. Please be mindful that the ltte has done much more harm to their community than the 'colombo governments' (in her words) did over 60 years post independence.
