Comments on: From the ‘sole representative’ to the ‘sole alternative’: Justice for, and within the Tamil Community Journalism for Citizens Thu, 22 Jan 2009 03:25:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: sivan Thu, 22 Jan 2009 03:25:35 +0000 sole presentation left by leg-acy of Bushism is more appropriate to those who vie for sole representation they should be shoed away.

By: Dileepan Wed, 21 Jan 2009 13:02:23 +0000 Sam I find your comments to be substantiated and well written. But your bias is embarrassingly evident. Your constant squawking of the word “genocide” belittles the survivors of actual genocide. You seem to be passionate about the LTTE cause with no concern for the cause of our Tamil brethren in the island. It seems to me that you are either young, naïve or both. You talk about Mahatma Gandhi and ahimsa while defending the most ruthless terrorist organization in the world. You talk of a leader who advocated non-violent resistance against a brutal and powerful colonial power while defending an organization controlled by a man who for 30 years has killed scores of unarmed civilians, Buddhist monks and any dissenting voices.

By: citizen Wed, 21 Jan 2009 02:05:42 +0000 In reply to Valkyrie.

The arguments you make are appreciated – because there is a dire need to hold all those who wield power – by democratic means, non-democratic means and dangerous combinations of the two – need to be held to account for the exercise of their power. But we have to concede that the Eastern province today has a better chance than ever of falling back to the democratic stream. Changes for the better – unlike changes for worse – are inherently slow and very frustratingly so. Perhaps at least there is a silver lining – which wasn’t there before.
Forgive me for making this point repeatedly, but Obama articulated the point I am trying to make better that I could ever have by saying “Change does not come from Washington. Change comes to Washington”.
Those with real political power in Sri Lanka – wherever it may be and whoever it may be, does not have the will, the competency, the integrity or combinations of the above to effect the changes that post-war Sri Lanka so desperately needs. It can be achieved only by empowering the people with knowledge and the spirit of freedom which even after 61 years of “independence” seem to elude us.

By: citizen Wed, 21 Jan 2009 01:47:56 +0000 In reply to Sam Thambipillai.

Sam, you talk a lot of sense and point out facts that need to be pointed out. However your arguments have no semblance of credibility or integrity – because they do not seem to be inspired by principal but buy racist bias because you do not expose the LTTE in particular to the same criticisms. I am not so sure about Mahatma Ghandi would be fasting unto death as you suppose he would, but a man of principle as he is would fight for the liberty and dignity of all victims of violence. He would be the first to criticise the LTTE, JVP, PLOTE… all armed groups for resorting to – if not embracing – violence as the driver of their struggles.
May you live long enough to see another Tamil leader emerge in Sri Lanka – who would have the integrity to command the respect and confidence of all people of Sri Lanka and the strength and endurance of character to unite all people even as he/she champions the rights off all the oppressed in the country. Alas, if only Sri Lankans had the wisdom to recognise such a man in Kadirgamar… here’s hoping time will be kind enough to produce others like him.

By: wijayapala Tue, 20 Jan 2009 20:16:44 +0000 Valkryie,

Congratulations on a well-reasoned and well-written article. You have explored the challenges that the SL Tamil community will face post-LTTE in a way that I have not seen others (aside from the UTHR) present. You criticize the govt. but do not rely on the sort of screeching language that is typical from "dissent" (esp. the Sinhala opposition) quarters.

You paint a bleak picture for the Tamils, but I would encourage you to think about Sri Lankan political dynamics as a whole after the end of the LTTE. Paradoxically, the current regime will no longer be able to wave the flag without an LTTE nemesis to act as a foil. The South will increasingly take notice of the govt's misgovernance and the economic situation without a war to draw attention. In fact, the only certain factor that will keep Mahinda in power is Ranil Wickremasinghe in charge of the opposition, along with sundry Colombo NGO types (i.e. "dissent") who parrot Western-centric norms while totally lacking the ability to reach out to the common man. The white vans will work only as long as the people perceive that they improve, and not diminish security.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:08:24 +0000 Mahatma Gandhi, the founding father of India, was for universal human values. He campaigned in South Africa against the apartheid regime. If Mahathma was living today, he would have definitely commenced a fast unto death campaign against Tamil genocide in SL. Sadly, those in power in India carry the name "Gandhi" but do not have his DNA. They are aliens.

The present Indian leadership is far away like George Bush from the golden moral values pronounced and practiced firmly by their founding fathers.

Last week, in his press conference, Bush was unrepentant for tarnishing America's global reputation in moral standing, though critics savaged his presidency for his failure to implement justice, freedom and fairness in countries.

Fortunately, for America, Barrack Obama's government would use "smart power"; a mix of human values, diplomacy, economy, legality and military strength to resolve conflicts all over the world.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:06:05 +0000 David Miliband was at Mumbai last Thursday. He said that the US led "war on terror", a term which Britain did not use since 2006, was "misleading and mistaken". With an unbiased and clear mind he correctly linked the unresolved Kashmir issue to Mumbai attacks. In SL, the unresolved Tamil Eelam(TE) issue is the reason for Colombo attacks. In all theses attacks there is more desire for political independence than simple terror. Miliband rightly understood it but Bush was blind to this truth.

Last Saturday, when the IDP camps and civilians at Vanni were being bombed and when a fellow Indian political leader Thirumavalavan was fasting unto death calling for a ceasefire in SL, Indian envoy told Mahinda that they -the two "cousins"- were "closer than ever before". Yes, they are coser to international rejection and disgrace than ever before !!

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:03:26 +0000 The world is abhorring state terror. George Bush is being disgraced for his "war on terror". Britain's Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, is rebuking it, but two "cousins" of George Bush; Sri Lanka and India are still living with a mistaken notion that "war on terror" is a passport for political and military terror and a weapon for repression and destruction.

Sri Lanka(SL) is abusing "war on terror" to carry out Tamil genocide. India, the former ahimsa advocate, is giving muscle to the genocide by supplying weapons, military personnel and political support to SL. Politics of state terror instead of politics of consent, and politics of repression instead of human rights, civil liberties and justice are illegal practices in these states. Rule of law is grossly subordinated.

Judgement is inevitable. Righteousness needs to be restored speedily.

By: Valkyrie Tue, 20 Jan 2009 06:48:17 +0000 The (non-intuitive) statement about internecine violence is based on personal visits to the province and conversations with human rights and community activists in the region. The statement issued by the Coalition of Muslims and Tamils for Peace and Coexistence titled 'The New Democracy in the East' might also provide an useful background to the current situation in the East.

The focus on the Eastern Province is mainly because it is being portrayed not only as an example of the restoration of democracy and rapid economic development but also a success in terms of the integration of former combatants into the democratic mainstream. Let's not forget this is a discussion about justice issues related to former combatants and the replacement of the 'sole representative' with the 'sole alternative' which doesn't alter the state of Tamil politics in a positive manner or enable the emergence of plural and dissenting Tamil voices.

By: citizen Tue, 20 Jan 2009 05:39:28 +0000 In reply to citizen.

Besides, isn't the mere existance of "non-LTTE Tamil leadership and political groups", by definition, provide "a [more] reasonable (meaning non fascist, [more] democratic) – if not viable alternative" to the Tamil people as indeed all peoples of Sri Lanka?
