Comments on: Media watch: To write or not to write the truth Journalism for Citizens Thu, 22 Jan 2009 18:00:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ethirveerasingam Thu, 22 Jan 2009 18:00:47 +0000 A very good exposition of Truth Malinda. Hope you keep on exploring it. The process of exploration in itself is woth it for you and your readers.

I think that, Truth is an event of high probability. So any statement we consider to be the truth has a probability to be not true. By my definition what I said, what anyone said or will say cannot be absolute truth. But then the probability that I am wrong is there.

There is a saying by Thiruvalluvar that, "Whatever may be said, whosoever may say it – to determine the truth of it, is wisdom" – Another Tamil saying on the subject of Truth is, "What is seen by the eye is false. What is heard by the ear is false. What is Truth is what we research, find and understand." But then probability comes in all of this. One may argue that death is the truth with no probability of it being wrong. But then, is Beethoven dead. If he is, how come he lives in the world of music and he speaks eternally to those who listen to his compositions. Is Shakespeare or the Buddha dead? Is Lasantha dead?
