Comments on: A disturbing and growing McCarthyism in Sri Lanka? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 19 Jan 2009 09:24:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sathyapala Mon, 19 Jan 2009 09:24:49 +0000 In reply to Palith.

Palith, I would advice you to know your Country's history before writing & I'm glad that you have written about 1948 which you might have picked up from some were. Before 1948 most of the Tamil's were just slaves worked with out a salary or for a small salary just to feed them self's with no National identity.

After the Independence it's we who gave them the freedom & most impotently the National Identity. There are two kinds of Tamils in Sri Lanka one that were there before Britishers came in & the other after simply brought in for slavery. Even after the freedom some injustice happened for these slaves thanks to Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim & Christian politicians collectively. Due to the complexity of the matter the real freedom took some time for this slaves.

The Government haven't killed any Tamil personal & to remind you it's LTTE who killed Tamil, Sinhale political members including Rajiv Gandi, R Premadasa etc.

And It's not that Sinhalese have harvested but the all communities in Sri Lanka thanks to the GOD.

Do bit of goole and read some history next time Palith.

By: Palith Sat, 17 Jan 2009 13:50:20 +0000 Government has been mudering the Tamil minorities since 1948, from the independence. No body to talk ?
In future the sinhalese will reape the harvest.

By: purohitha Sat, 17 Jan 2009 02:41:10 +0000 perhaps we should look at the media freedom that existed or Not in european and western countries when they were at war. It would be an eye opener to see what isarely media is writing about their attacks. It is also known that in SL some media people are known to pick up crumble ($ ) from ther tables of their foreign masters and INGOs. McCarthysm or not there should be limits to and total responsibility of media when a country is at a war. These people, organisations, countries who like to see SL broken up, Eelam established. singhala Buddhist neutralised are the ones screaming for media freedom in SL. It is funny that!
