Comments on: Attacks on Media Journalism for Citizens Tue, 08 Mar 2011 02:13:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: samadara_perera Wed, 14 Jan 2009 01:18:46 +0000 This cruel attack was organized by the opposition party to gain their lost popularity. Their popularity was zero in Srilanka. In this historical moment the 30 year war is ending. The UNPer enjoyed have a prolonging war in order to make gain business. We lost 70000 lives in this 30 year war. Let us stop this communal politics behind us and take a lesson from our past and go for the freedom under one flag. Let the new generation grow in peace and harmony. Politicians divided our country. Do not forget who organiazed 1983 riots and killed thousands of innocent civilians? You UNPERS were the organizers. Now trying to clean your hands and blame others. SCOTLANDYARD can invest their time in GASA STRIPE and claim for human right violation and probe as much as they want and in Sri LANKS we are fine. Give the Mahinda Rajapakse a chace to implement his plan. He is going to the History as the President of unity and He will be the National leader not Sinhalese. thank you.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:34:33 +0000 5. The unilateral constitution of 1972 of the Republic of SL and the participants and signatories in the constituent assembly.

6. Tamil Eelam(TE) resolution passed at Vaddukoddai in 1976.

7. The election manifesto of TULF, the "plebicite" in 1977 and the results giving mandate for TE, and

8. All other relevant documents.

On the 8th October 2008, the UN General Assembly voted to ask the ICJ to rule as to whether Kosovo's unilateral secession from Serbia was in accordance with International Law.

Likewise, the UN could ask the ICJ to rule on the validity of the 1972 constitution, the consequent Vaddukoddai resolution and the subsequent "plebicite" of 1977 by the people of NE.

Then and only then, the conflict in SL could be resolved without any further state rhetoric, bloodshed and genocide.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:32:02 +0000 Therefore, any attempt by any country either to resolve the conflict or stop Tamil genocide would only cause more stiff defiant state actions, such as banning of the LTTE, increased state terror and genocide.

Countries striving for conflict resolution in SL, should therefore, bring new stake holders with fresh eyes, credibility and love for justice.

The UN could bring peace with justice by requesting the International Court of Justice(ICJ) to make a decision on the legitimate demand of the people of NE, after studying the contents of the following documents;

1. The surrender documents signed with Britain till 1815, by three kingdoms separately, when the island was captured as three independent sovereignties.

2. The decree by the Britsh empire, by about 1845, unifying the three countries in the island, as one country, and naming it Ceylon, for administrative convenience.

3. The constitution of Ceylon from then till 1948.

4. The constitution of the Dominion of Ceylon from 1948 to 1972.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:29:54 +0000 Pigs can't fly. Sri Lanka can't solve its "ethnic problem". It "tried" for the past 60 years and will "try" for another 60 years. Talks about talks and "trying" are political rhetoric, avoiding required action. The people of North East(NE) and the International community have been cheated and trampled. Truthful journalists are being gunned down.

Political captains in the South, denying the legitimate demand of the people of NE are repeatedly propelled to political victory in Sri Lanka(SL). Though such denial is criminal and unconstitutional in civilised countries, in SL, such policy attitudes are endorsed and entertained by the masses. This is Southern "political culture", which is nothing but criminal politics.

Because of this "hole in the ship", all the past internal and international agreements concerning the NE were defiantly and unilaterally thrown into the rubbish bins. The future would provide no exception whatsoever. Perhaps, trillions of words have been used to resolve the conflict but not even a single sentence to grant the legitimate demand of Tamils was acceptable to the Sinhalese !

By: Justin Tue, 13 Jan 2009 12:14:39 +0000 Every person living within Sri Lanka is turning out to be mad and soon SL will be called a "mad house". When violence is practiced against Tamil civilans and justified, what do you expect to happen ?

You reap what you saw. You soe hatred and murder you reap it..

By: Wasantha Tue, 13 Jan 2009 10:10:30 +0000 Who is Sydney Zoysa? You meant to say Richard De Zoysa?
Get your history from a reliable source.

By: Kumara_Perera Tue, 13 Jan 2009 06:18:04 +0000 Why cant Scotlandyard come in and investigate these killings,If the govt did not get involved.Many people hate to come to Sri Lanka under present Govt..

By: Raji Tue, 13 Jan 2009 05:56:08 +0000 In reply to Lak8.

I totally agrred with LAK8, Similaraly during Janaka Perera's sasination UNP made a big fowl cry. But the mistry for us is there were no single UNP hi-ranker was there at the openning ceromony??????

By: Lak8 Mon, 12 Jan 2009 23:04:11 +0000 The unp was making merry hell about the Sirasa attack until it was revealed that a unp councilman was involved. They (and Mangala Samaraweera) became totally silent on the Sirasa issue after that. Now they are clamoring about the Lasantha killing, as you are, too. Any bets that the unp or the ltte is behind Lasantha's killing? Ask yourself – why would the govt do such a ridiculous thing at such a victorious time? They are not fools like you make them to be, and will not be affected by unfound attacks by traitors of the country, be it Sinhala or Tamil.
