Comments on: Achievement 2008, Challenge 2009 Journalism for Citizens Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:06:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: shantha Fri, 02 Jan 2009 06:06:54 +0000 Killinochi fas fallen… EPS next !!!!!!!

By: Justin Tue, 30 Dec 2008 10:27:56 +0000 "Victory in 2009" and peace or progress in any form are devoid of reality and are full of wishful thinking and propaganda because of the following reasons;

1. The Tamils of North East will not be prepared to trust any genocidal government any more with their precious lives. Therefore, Tamils will adamantly demandd defence and financial sovereignty in self governance.

Though, the first of such request in the world, having seen the present genocide type in Sri Lanka(SL), under the "shield of sovereignty" as Madeline Albright reported recently, the first of its kind, the UN and the International Community will definitely support this reasonable demand to protect humanity in the North East.

But, the Sinhalese will refuse to cede defence and finance and the war will go on in 2009 and beyond.

2. Now child soldiers under 18 years are being thrown as fodder in the battle front, meaning that experienced soldiers believe the war to be unwinnable.

3. Raanil Wickremasinghe has sid that the military is not having vehicles to transport the injured from the battlefront. Can the GOSL go ahead with war?

By: mukerjee Tue, 30 Dec 2008 05:00:02 +0000 2009
Capture of elephant pass and killinochhi.
return of sinhala and muslims people to jaffna and mulattivu
hunting down of underground LTTE carder.
setting up economic fundementals in east and north,
ability to visit jaffna by road.
tourism improvements.

most of all defeating VP forverer.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 29 Dec 2008 10:44:18 +0000 When the NGO's were asked to leave Kilinochchi and the entry of journalists to the place was barred, the churches in the South kept stone silence, getting their vison wrong not right as usual.

Any sensible person, let alone any spiritual leader, would admit now that no political solution can be imposed on the Tamils of North East by any amount of arm twisting, any amount of political trickery, any amount of political puppetry and any amount of military force.

Opportunity begs in the island. SL is broke morally, spiritually and economically. It is time for the churches in the South to have the guts to speak the truth, so that, 2009 could bring peace and prosperity to our troubled land.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 29 Dec 2008 10:41:44 +0000 Therefore, this Christmas season "a time of love and joy", as stated by Rajapakse himself during this Christmas message witnessed murder by cluster bombing of a convent at Mullaitivu, where the statue of Mary was shattered and remained with a broken head helplessly hanging upside down. Also an orphanage run by catholics was ruthlessly bombed. Strangely, the churches in the South have failed to protest upto now.

Destroying infra structure and creating social problems are acts of genocide and collective ethnic superiority blurs the minds of ethnic group collectively. For this reason even the churches in the South are yet to pronounce that there is Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka(SL).

Bishop Oswald Gomis in the South, a Sinhalese, in a Vatican broadcast on 12 December this year, was giving a lopsided view of the crisis at Kilinochchi. Like the racist Sinhala political leaders, he played a blame game on the LTTE. A few days later, Human Rights Watch (HRW) titled the plight of Tamils at Kilinochchi rightly as " besieged, displaced and detained".

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 29 Dec 2008 10:38:26 +0000 Sentimentalism, a human trait, should never overwhelm the common sense of any leader. The political and spiritual leaders had their fling on Sinhala emotions in 2008. It is assesment time now. Payback is coming !

On 24 December 2005, Joseph Pararajasingham, a TNA lawmaker was brutally gunned down, by the armed forces of the Sri Lankan state, inside Saint Mary's cathedral at Batticaloa, while he was attending a midnight christmas eve mass.

When Mahinda Rajapakse went recently to the vatican to receive papal blessings, the vatican failed to ask him as to why the cold blooded murder was permitted inside the church, located within the military controlled high security area, and as to why the offenders have not been brought to justice upto now.

Whenever genocide occures, rule of law is made inapplicable to those facing genocide. Realising this, the Vatican should have sought permission for its own enquiry on this murder but it failed here also.

By: Venthan Mon, 29 Dec 2008 01:51:18 +0000 Jayathileka speaks for the singhala nation. They will attempt with their thamil Quislings to ram a solution down the throat of the the thamil people of Eelam. However they will never be able to control or subjugate the thamil peoples desire for toatal independance from their racist and corrupt leadership
