Comments on: A Spectre Haunting Global Capitalism Journalism for Citizens Wed, 31 Dec 2008 01:36:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Freeman Wed, 31 Dec 2008 01:36:23 +0000 Hi,
Does "realization crisis" or "fictitious capital" translate into financial markets creating artificial surplus value? Surplus value being that which a person creates over what is required for food, clothing, shelter and reproduction.
It may sound simplistic but it is a point at which I can proceed from.

By: Sinthaamani Wed, 10 Dec 2008 03:45:17 +0000 The article highlights the complex financial world we are living in. Financial instruments, and transactions have become complex that even the most astute econmists are unable to forsee the trends until the effect become irreversibly disasstrous.

Perhaps this is why economists often talk in abstract terms. Greenspan dismissed the bad fall out of the 2000+ stock market crash pointing to the unusual rise as "irrational exuberance," and dismissed the housing bubble as "speculative price imbalances," and said "a national severe price distortion seems most unlikely."

But, in the U.S. one can see that rush to seek short term profits has trumped over building strong economic fundamentals. High borrowing ends up as consumer spending, mainly on foreign goods, and less on investment. Housing bubble was mainly due to unregulated lending by large financial firms, trading sliced and diced morgage-backed securites, disguised as complex financial instruments. Absent a technology/medical advance that can propel U.S.'s world leadership, U.S. economic dominance will be on an inexorable downward trend.
