Comments on: Defeating the result and the cause of war – Role of the mass movement Journalism for Citizens Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:06:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: neem Tue, 24 Feb 2009 23:06:24 +0000 In reply to shiraz.

This is not a valid argument. This person has indeed received and education (upto A/L at least if he so pursued it) and enjoys the ability to go to the doctor without having to cough up any money. If not, he is living in denial! or else went to private school and sought private health care. In the US you are guaranteed only education up to high school. University and medical fees are not provided or neither are they subsidized. University education is absurdly high and out of reach for many low and some times middle income families. People go into debt paying medical costs!

By: shiraz Tue, 09 Dec 2008 09:01:43 +0000 "As one gentleman living in Karikattiya, Mundal told me, the only right he has enjoyed so far being a citizen in Sri Lanka is the right to vote and the only thing he has got from the government is the identity card."

well , if SL stopped spending on free health and free education it can be like singapore. i dont know but want to check, is singapore, malaysia korea, US have free education to all? higher university level, where they can become lawyers doctors? can any one confirm this.

i looked at state expenses and two of the largest contributors were education and health. so when the gentelman goes and says he doesn get much? do you think its justified?

By: Ajith Tue, 09 Dec 2008 06:07:41 +0000 @Justin: Defence sovereignty? How is that even remotely related to a federal ideal? Justin is pretty much rephrasing the notion of a separate state in a deceiving way.
Federal law enacted by a central government should govern the operation of federated forces. You cannot have 2 military forces in the same country that's just ridiculous. Also what do you mean by financial sovereignty? That Northern and Eastern states will make enough in their local economies to self sustain and they should not have to contribute to the federal budget?
Lack of overarching legislation that governs financial, military aspects means it's not even a united state. The central government must have necessary powers to defend all its citizens while letting local states have the political sovereignty to govern them selves which is what a true federal system is all about from what I understand.
Practically going to a federal system is just overkill for a small country like ours let alone separate it. So really we need to enhance the devolution of power and move towards absolute secularism while combating rampant corruption at the same time. No easy feat by any means!

By: Kathieravealu Tue, 09 Dec 2008 03:24:56 +0000 The suggestions given below is for a system of governance that is unitary in character though NOT in accordance with what the APRC is going to produce.


The main cause for all the ills of the country is the present democratic system of governance which allows "corruption" of all forms to thrive unchecked.
In my opinion "Corruption" includes any kind of waste, neglect and every form of malpractice, dishonesty, abuse, misuse, unreasonable exercise of power, failure or refusal to exercise power, anything and everything left undone which results in the right of the people being denied or impaired.

Without a "just society" in existence much talked about "terrorism" cannot be eradicated. For the creation of a "just society" there should be "good governance" in the country. For the creation of "good governance" in the country "corruption" of ALL forms must be eradicated. And to eradicate "corruption" the present democratic system of governance, where full power to make final decisions ultimately rests in the hands of one person, must be changed.
So the only way to salvage the country is to change the present system of governance to one that is truly democratic where the final decision-making power will NOT be in the hands of ONE person.

To make the country truly democratic, the powers of the Parliament should be split and separated and each of the separated powers must be handled by separate groups of persons selected and elected by the people for the purpose of administering EACH SET OF POWERS or duties as the case may be. Particular care should be taken to see that all powers are NOT CONCENTRATED in one place and that they do not overlap and there must not be a secret budget to be handled by a single person.
All transactions should be transparent including Diplomacy which has to be diplomatically transparent.
One set of powers dealing with the development of the country should be given to the set of representatives at the village level. The people of each and every village must be empowered to determine their way of life (lifestyle). The life-style of a village, its lands and resources shall not be disturbed by external forces. All plans of development of a village or remotely/indirectly affects the village must have the concurrence of the people of that village concerned.
Even now the administration is from village level unto National Level with many stages in between – one above the other – with powers overlapping and the final decision-making power is at one place. That is the problem and that system must be changed. The decision-making powers with regard to every set of powers must be spread through-out the country.
We can lead the world with such a REAL DEMOCRACY with a parliament encompassing representatives from all the villages and starting the administration of the country at the village level and going unto national level. Mahatma Gandhi wanted the villages to be empowered but it has not implemented by the government yet due to human nature of not willing to lose the little power each person (office) is already in possession.
A change in the people's attitude and understanding of the problem is important. They must be made aware of the benefits it will bring to them in the long run. Now they are after short-term profits. They are not considering the future generations. A corruption-free society will bring-in good-governance that will benefit everyone other than the crooked politicians.
In my opinion the people are ready to change the present system but they are not being given the opportunity by power hungry politicians. I think Loksatta movement is moving towards this goal and like-minded persons from all walks of life must join the movement and strengthen it. Only then can the people be able to give a send-off to ALL the corrupt politicians of ALL political parties and usher-in a new era of a corrupt-free society. Rajaji (the last Governor-General of India) tried it but was not succesful.
Rather than continuing to express and analyze the problem of the day we must move towards a solution.
They (the people) should move away from race/religion/language/class-centered/oriented politics and move towards a needs-focused administration that which is race-blind, religion-blind, language-blind and class-blind for sustainable peace, prosperity and a pleasant living for ALL the people in the country.

By: Justin Mon, 08 Dec 2008 09:53:33 +0000 The statement by Dilan Perera "there should be a political solution with some form of devolution of power if we are to defeat the cause of the North and East conflict and it can be done only by the politicians. " is years old political rhetoric.

He should have said that either confederal or federal solution with Financial and Defence sovereignty to the people of North East that would bring peace to the island.

UNP speaks its own rhetoric of "maximum devolution" to the North East which is also deceptive. They too should come out to guarantee constitutionally the "Financial and Defence sovereignty" to the people of North East, if they would like to alternate to Tamil Eelam as an independent sovereign state.

History has shown and will undoubtedly show in future too that Sinhalese can never ever be trusted by Tamils.

By: Sinthaamani Sun, 07 Dec 2008 11:08:40 +0000 While civil society can serve as the bedrock to advance good governance, it cannot function in a corroded political setup that exists in Sri Lanka today. Nepotism is rampant, corruption, suppression of media and freedom of expression, racially divisive politics, is the norm in the South, genocide-by-attrition, and destruction of Tamil civil leadership by the Security Forces, encouraged by the Government is taking place in an organized/large scale in NorthEast. The article is useful, and intellectually attractive, but the priniciples cannot be applied for another generation to come in Sri Lanka.
