Comments on: Mahaveer 2008 and Mumbai Mayhem Journalism for Citizens Thu, 04 Dec 2008 06:54:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chinthana Mahinda Thu, 04 Dec 2008 06:54:48 +0000 It ain't over until the Kashmir people get a separate state or till the Tamils of the North and East get a separate state or maximum devolution of power

By: Ajith Wed, 03 Dec 2008 12:12:44 +0000 How is that a prescription? That is giving no hope at all! If you walk about in Colombo you will see the ethnic cooperation thriving among many communities encompassing many ethnicities going about their daily lives peacefully. So I do think there are strong resilient Sinhalese and Tamil people who are capable of coexistence despite your gloomy outlook.

I just want to know what we must do if we are to abandon attempts to restore war torn nations? If the tensions are that strenuous then it is clearly not suitable for creating 2 states side by side either as that will lead to an eternity of border war (leading to further amplified carnage by your so called unhealable animosity). It will create an unhealthy precedence that will have propagating effects to other nations around the world crumbling down societies as the legitimacy of all sovereign nations come under threat by small violent groups. Unacceptable.

Note it says genocide. Sri Lanka doesn’t have a genocide issue so clearly this doesn’t apply even. Irrelevant.

By: Ajith Wed, 03 Dec 2008 06:02:15 +0000 Isn't it a bit hypocritical that you cheer Prabakaran who denies Tamils democracy while saying "South Asia has become a region for countries that deny democracy to its citizens"?

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:45:07 +0000 Some persons screem aloud with abusive "rhetoric" and others run recklessly to gulp a drink to "cool off" after biting raw chillies. It appears that to the Sinhalese, the truth pronounced by Velupillai Prabaharan is smarting like the chillies grown in Jaffna. Sadly, the Sinhalese are yet to admit collectively, in unision, the 60 years of orchestrated discrimination, dehumanisation, violence, murder and subjugation of Tamils of North East(NE) as an absolute disgrace.

All the Sinhalese governments had a secret agenda, which is no secret at all now. The world knows very well, that aginst Tamil citizens, there is state terror, gross human rights violations, anti Tamilism, lack of justice, political trickery and genocidal war. All what Prabharan did was to list and explain them briefly and excellently in his message. Therefore, if someone calls Prabaharan a "liar" for this act, he becomes one, even if he employs "split hair logic" to spin the truth !!

A terrorist does not raise his voice for the freedom of his people but a leader of a freedom movement does it. Any democratic society knows this fundamental truth very well.

By: questions Tue, 02 Dec 2008 03:24:48 +0000 "separatism which does not accept the bottom line that that any solution – however radical — must be within the borders of the legitimate sovereign state of Sri Lanka. "

why must it? what makes a state "legitimate"?

if killing unarmed civilians makes is what makes an organization terrorist, what state is not terrorist?

By: Sinthaamani Tue, 02 Dec 2008 01:31:45 +0000 Sorry for the bad link in my earlier posting. The correct one for the article by Prof Chaim Kaufmann from Lehigh University is: ” target=”_blank”>http://user

By: Sinthaamani Mon, 01 Dec 2008 06:47:37 +0000 While the gifted writer resorts to demeaning the constitution of his adversary, he draws on Prof Robert Pape’s research, which was earlier exposed as relying on "facts" the author himself has helped to "educate." My main point is both adversaries have now 5 decades of justifying why the violence on each side is justifiable, and the writer continues on the same path. Chaim Kaufmann, in a bold theory on conflict resolution, writes: “restoring civil politics in multi-ethnic states shattered by war is impossible because the war itself destroys the possibilities of ethnic cooperation…To save lives threatened by genocide, the international community must abandon attempts to restore war-torn multi-ethnic states." Appears a suitable prescription for resolving Sri Lanka's war. ” target=”_blank”>http://user

By: Political analyst Mon, 01 Dec 2008 01:35:54 +0000 I congratulate Pirabkaran for the courageous way in which he exposed the oppressive regimes in Colombo. The Sri Lankan state and its cohorts have been propagating lies after lies to the detriment of Tamils. Responsibly, he whipped the Sri Lankan state and its cohorts with appropriate dose of words.

Sri Lanka and India have regimes carrying out political oppression against selected communities. Both countries resort to military terror and hatred to avenge citizens who express their political desire for independence. State terror was also in Pakistan from the time of dictator Musharaf. Afghanistan had oppression from Russians and Taliban. We see an evil axis here.

South Asia has become a region for countries that deny democracy to its citizens. This is the reason for terror in the region. The west should open its eyes and address this decay in the region and put strictures against state terror and political oppression. Then and then only terrorism would have its end.

By: Gerry Popplestone Sun, 30 Nov 2008 02:48:26 +0000 Well said! We could do with more details like this, showing what a tyrannical thug Prabakaran is. And agree with you that he needs to be killed – preferably as soon as possible. An the LTTE will be the better for it. t cannot possibly speak for the Tamils in the North until those elements are expunged.

By: prassanna Sat, 29 Nov 2008 11:36:06 +0000 man. VP is clearly off his rocker. does any one here think India or Manamohan would even want to be friends with LTTE. he killed Rajiv Gandhi and ow wants to be friends again?

India should also now understand that when they ask us to go and talk to LTTE, and then say foreign terror will be crushed, it kind of sounds confusing to us folks here in SL>

sins of tamil nadu(of Vaiko and Karunanidhi) falls on mumbai!!!!
