Comments on: Artistes of hypocrisy in Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Sat, 22 Nov 2008 03:19:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sanjana Sat, 22 Nov 2008 03:19:05 +0000 Wijayapala,

I must in turn conclude that you have a problem with English comprehension.

By: wijayapala Sat, 22 Nov 2008 01:23:32 +0000 Sanjana,

"Obama's quote goes on to note "What I am opposed to is a rash war… A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics". See Hundreds of people are already suffering from bowel diseases like diarrhoea and looming seasonal rain in Vanni area will only will make worst situation for these unfortunate people in coming days. Biggest and bloody human catastrophe situation are fast developing in the Vanni area. These people’s plight worsened by the State’s expulsion of U.N aid agencies and INGOs from Vanni last month. Even the German Dictator Adolf Hitler did not bomb his own citizens.

According to Mangala Samaraweera more than 300 Sinhala Army soldiers died in this conflict and the Tamil rebels casualty figures seem worse than this. Tamils or Sinhalese they are all sons of our motherland Sri Lanka, and each life loss is a loss to Sri Lanka.

By: Groundviews Thu, 20 Nov 2008 01:24:40 +0000 Ajith, thank you for your note. However, your feedback isn't the reason for the new comment system on Groundviews.

IntenseDebate was acquired earlier this year by Automatic, the makers of WordPress, and what you see here is a precursor to what may well become the standard comments system on hosted WordPress blog (i.e.

I have been tweaking the settings of the new version 2.0 (beta) plugin of their comment moderation system for WordPress for a while. Coincidentally, this new system addresses every single one of the points you raised regarding security, online identity management, voting / popularity ratings and adds a few more features to boot.

Perhaps next time, before you pontificate, it may help to first ask what I'm doing to address any concerns you have and certainly point me to resources and ideas elsewhere on the web that I should take a look at to make this site better.

By: Ajith Wed, 19 Nov 2008 11:59:52 +0000 groundviews, thanks for listening to my feedback. i like the new comment system.

By: Akila Tue, 18 Nov 2008 17:14:38 +0000 The Sri Lankan artists have every right to voice their opinion, just like the artists in Tamil Nadu. I do not understand “anonymous’ complants because if he/she has a problem with the Sri Lankan artists, then surely he/she should have a problem withe Tamil Nadu artists as well? So why is there not at the very least a tiny bit of criticism of the Tamil Nadu artists? Are they not supporting the terrorism of the LTTE? I don’t see why Sri Lankans should keep quiet when people make false accusations and try to tarnish the name of the country. To say that the Sri Lankan artists are for “war, killing and dictatorship’ is pretty much a bunch of rhetoric and pretty prejudiced. It’s no different that saying anyone who is against the present government is a traitor. I have to ask: when have the Tamil Nadu artists condemned just one of the LTTE’s many bomb attacks and killings of civilians? Have they ever?

Coming to what Dayan and Punitam said, I honestly think a lot of people are upset over the current military campaign simply because their days of lecturing to the Sri Lankan people and trying to impose a solution, whilst wining and dining in five star hotels with foreign money flowing into their pockets might be coming to an end. Think about it; what are the ‘peace mongers’ going to do when there is no war? They will have to fold up their institutions and say good bye to their luxurious lifestyle. It’s really no different that the arms merchants who don’t want a war to end because then they would be out of a job.

By: groundviews Tue, 18 Nov 2008 13:14:07 +0000 Arshad,

I have never supported the idea of Eelam, or the means the LTTE has used to go about realising this idea. But we know that the idea came about by unaddressed and legitimate grievances. Insensitive policies, practices and statements of and by the incumbent regime suggest that though it may win the war against the LTTE it is unable to engender the vital, and far more vexed transformation in polity and society necessary to address root causes that gave rise to and inflamed violent extremism in Sri Lanka.

Dayan is convinced otherwise, and frankly, I hope I hope he’s right. Let’s bookmark this thread and revisit it say a year hence?

The other points I’ve addressed in my article. There are always grey areas, as the Bush administration discovered the hard way.


By: arshad Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:53:58 +0000 groundviews

this is a war based on

reason –
1. a 6-12% of population cant ask for 1/3 of a landmass,
2. no one can on any given sunday can standup and say they want to create a seperate country for their people, cutting up a exisitng state.

principle –
1.if we give in to terrorist, then any one with a wepon will take over us.
2.on prinicple, terrorist should not be allowed to win?
3. right is right, and wrong is wrong, there are no grey areas.

why do you imply otherwise???

By: jiva parthipan Tue, 18 Nov 2008 12:44:12 +0000 velu
General equality for all citizens is commendable and I am definitely willing to engage in.
but when you say ‘ the good news is that Sri Lanka has become a heaven not only for the great majority of Tamils …’ – how can I take you seriously. So many IDPs, so many refugees, so many killed. you must be joking. Unfortunately yours is an attempt to disregard the question involved by masquerading hatred and hegemony by clothing in commendable marxist ideology.

By: groundviews Tue, 18 Nov 2008 07:30:56 +0000 I don’t infer. I imply.
