Comments on: Barack Obama: Hope for America, but not for the world? Journalism for Citizens Fri, 14 Nov 2008 09:58:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: kumar Fri, 14 Nov 2008 09:58:27 +0000 Dear Sam,

1. In the past 60 years in SL the tamil issue came into play due to British policies of minority control over the majority. Once we gained independence things changed as more positions were taken by Sinhalese (as per population) and if Tamils say this is discrimination, I say this is the correct and way of the world.

2. Did the elected law makers, by major consensus ask for military intervention? The TNA, who stuffed ballot boxed behind LTTE line? Are they elected? Don’t make us laugh.

3. Would you be so kind to hold your breath and wait for Obama?

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 14 Nov 2008 07:57:08 +0000 Ajit

You fail to give me an English word for the process of discrimination, dehumanisation, and destruction of Tamil lives and property.that is taking place for the past 60 years in SL. Probably, you do not have any other word than genocide. My definition falls also within the usage in the legal circles.

Therefore, there is no hidden agenda. The trruth is that the GOSL and its cohorts are hiding an agenda of Tamil genocide to the world. Soon the world will accept in totto, though it is taking time as usual. Evidence of genocide is open and everywhere in the NE. But those who can see it see.clearly

You speak of democracy and say that Karuna and others asked for military intervention. Did the elected law makers, by major consensus ask for military intervention? No never.

The world knows the “puppet” part the Tamil cabinet ministefrs and frustrated politicians, seeking mere selfish ends, do in SL. In fact the state abuses them against the legitimate rights of Tamils. You appear to be holding candles for such puppets.

Such events occured even in South Africa also. So do not worry about that. History will determine their future democratic rejection by those affected.

Let us wait to see how Obama with all his experience will see the evil of humanity against humanity in SL.

By: Ajith Fri, 14 Nov 2008 06:07:44 +0000 Following is quite off track from the relevance of this article. I do apologise for that. Just a response to a comment.
To Sam.
I have an open mind not just open eyes. I am not wearing coloured glasses either. In fact I have no issue one day living under a Tamil president for that matter. For that I know we have a long way to go. Very long, I won’t deny it.
My answer is no, that there is no genocide going on. No international organisation has accused Sri Lanka of this and that is something to consider over your unsubstantiated claims. You just pulling such statements out of thin air not providing a single shred of evidence means you’re blatantly lying to fulfil a hidden agenda. It seems like that anyway. This does not mean there isn’t the occasional collateral on the battle field but they are 2 different things.
If you have been following both side of the story from the battle field for the past 2 years or so you cannot deny that incidents of collateral have been very rare compared to some other hot zones around world like Iraq or Palestine. The most concerning issues for Tamil people in my view right now due to this conflict are the forced recruitment by the LTTE of inexperienced civilians against their will, displacement due to active engagement and shortage of food.
I was hoping you would enlighten me on these foreign allies who so dearly love our poor nation. If you’re referring to India, USA, Pakistan, China and Iran most of whom just want to stir up both sides or hand out “loans” not “donations”, I just don’t know how they can be classified as guardians. It’s just business!
I don’t quite understand why you used Sudan as an example. Sudan does not pose any security threat to USA. Hence why USA is engaging in places like Afghanistan but not in Sudan where the humanitarian crisis is much worse. Which was my point!
In NE terrorists were the LTTE. In fact local leaders of the LTTE itself like Karuna who represent the local population felt that the LTTE’s exploits were unjust and turned to the state for help. Is it not the state’s duty to free its own people from the clutches of terrorisms? I know this is a bitter pill to swallow even for the most loyal LTTErs. LTTE was recruiting civilians including women and children against their families and local elder’s wishes for its own terrorism campaign. Some of these carders eventually being used as suicide bombers who would roam populated cities of Sri Lanka targeting the civilians who are helpless. That is no way an acceptable form of freedom fighting. It is just plain criminal.
These are war crimes that the State legally has absolute authority and impunity to deal with and exterminate. There are many ranks within the LTTE that deserve to be on the next express flight to Hague where they may even have to decide on new forms of punishment for some of their atrocities that has never been seen in this world before.
The real situation in Sri Lanka has become clear to the international community through the fog of LTTE propaganda their supporters have previously built up. That is why it is hurting the feelings of some elements and beat their drums about “foreign guardians” now. Because the educated are not giving into the mantra of persuasion by violence aka terrorism anymore.
Civil rights movement failed many times in the USA, in fact some of those activists were burnt alive. I take it that you’re not very familiar with the US civil rights movement or you have a bias to say Sri Lankan people are not civilised – that’s an insult. Anyway, the difference was their spirits were higher and their wills were stronger. They never gave up, and they believed, and they hoped. The very sentiments that 40 years later gave birth to the miracle that is Obama today and the very words that he preaches today. Also during the US civil rights movement for their blessing, there weren’t short sighted radicals that were hell bent on slaying their own intelligent saviours in cold blood. I can see you’re one of them that do not believe in traversing the honourable path or at least you have given up. But I know there is a new generation of Tamil youth that is up to the challenge. If we can safe guard them from the clutches of LTTE murder machine we may have real hope. That is why I emphasise the importance of what is happening in Sri Lanka atm. This is our last chance to make things right. “YES WE CAN!”

By: Sam Thambipillai Thu, 13 Nov 2008 13:56:51 +0000 Ajit

It is easy to awake a person who is really sleeping but is difficult to awake one who is pretending to sleep.

Any person with any common sense would know that there is genocide in the North East of Sri Lanka. As I explain often, genocide is not dependent on the number of persons killed but is an intention to discriminate, dehumanise and destroy the lives and proerty of a people in stages.

One should open his eyes without green, blue or red glasses to see if there is no history of Tamil discrimination, dehumanisation and destruction of lives and property of Tamils in the North East for the past 60 years.

If your answer is “yes” then you agree with me that there is genocide though you may use a different word to describe it.. If your answer is “no” then you are wearing coloured glass to view Tamil matters ! The latter appears to be true.

I now come to your points;

1. If you do not know the foreign guardians of Sri Lanka ask Mahinda Rajapakse in confidence and he may tell you. They may may expolit you because you exploit Tamils without giving equality and legitimate democratic rights. Obama need not help anybody, he only has to use the “Stick” on SL for its human rights violations, torture, mass displacements, collective punishment and genocide meted out to Tamils. Especially if he can make Rajapakse or the soldiers responsible for war crimes appear in the war crimes court in the Hague, to be judged, as process of justice is denied for Tamils murdered in SL by the state.

Is the USA bulldozing over Sudan for the sake of its security?

2. In the NE who is the terrorist the state or the LTTE ? A state carrying out state terror against its own civilians is criminal to the core and should be punished. Is the state defending or offending civilians? Did the civilians in the NE ever ask the state to defend them ?

You will see soon that the government and Karuna would be taken to task by Obama for recruiting child soldiers in the East. It is a heinous crime when carried out by the state. A state should protect its children.

Do you think that pillars of democracy exists in SL? Democracy is about equality, freedom, justice and human rights for all. None of these exist for Tamils in the NE. There is a type of Sinhala autocracy that we see in the NE.

Sovereignty is derived from people. The GOSL does not recognise Tamils as people but as “animals” as you refer to the LTTE. You are angry with LTTE because they stand for the freedom and rights of Tamils.

3. Non violence movement was started by SJV Chelvanayakam at the time Dr Martin Luther King started in the USA. It worked with civilised people of the USA. It will never work with uncivilised and uncultured or barbaric people. A reason why it failed in SL causing violent protest by armed militants.

4. The culprit of violence is the Sinhalese government. Violence can never be ended by violence. Obama knows this principle.

It is wrong to think “yes we can” continue with violence. You will fail.

By: Nishan Wed, 12 Nov 2008 17:23:34 +0000 I appreciate all the comments on this article.

I want to acknowledge explicitly two factual clarifications:
(1) Filius Dei’s comment suggests that my pollution per capita information is outdated. I’d welcome a reference to the latest data.
(2) I have been forwarded an email comment on this article by Jayantha Dhanapala (who I mentioned) to clarify that the proposal on curbing small arms didn’t get to the “treaty” stage. That would mean the US objection took place at the “conference” stage, from which the agreement didn’t proceed further. This article is worth a look:

The comment by Robson Monteiro is I think based on a misunderstanding of my article. I am not making the assumption ascribed to me and not denying the responsibility or obstructionism of other nations. I pointed out only that US actions are significant in preventing certain positive changes in the world, and that an Obama presidency is unlikely to change US actions in these areas .

By: Ajith Wed, 12 Nov 2008 08:04:42 +0000 btw this was an excellent article Nishan. Very well thought out and refreshing – when everyone seems to be getting on the same other bang wagon.

By: Ajith Wed, 12 Nov 2008 07:51:53 +0000 Sam why are you lying about a genocide and a lot of other things in every post trying to relate it in anyway you can. Which is quite comical in this article. You sound a like a propaganda machine.

1. Sri Lanka does not have foreign guardians. They all just want to exploit us – esp India. Open your eyes. We are on our own and our destiny lies in our own hands. Even Obama can’t/won’t save us. He’s an admirable, extraordinary person who achieved the impossible and I have immense respect for his due to that as a person. But, now, he’s going to start looking after his own country! He will run bulldozers over any country if it is essential for the security of USA w/o hesitation as any president would and should do. Only difference is he may think twice about ruining other countries when it comes to general prosperity of US of A.

2. There is no military expansionism in Sri Lanka. It is called defending civilians against terrorism which aims to create a dictatorship which recruit children in part of the island and undermines the very pillars of democracy which Obama him self believes in. So don’t criticize a government that pushes a trigger against these animals. Even Obama supports the fight in Afghanistan to the end where democracy is in shambles. Iraq was a prosperity decision for USA with a good excuse at the time which turned out to be an absolute disaster. Any incumbent president was going to withdraw regardless. So Sri Lanka has a right to protect its sovereign borders just the way Obama would protect United States of America any day.

3. If you want to take Obama as an example please learn starting from the days of Martin Luther King at the pinnacles of civil rights movement in USA where he fought for civil rights not through violence. The very Martin Luther Kings of our day, in our Sri Lanka (Tamil politicians who picked the correct path) that got killed by the LTTE not for towing their hard line, violent, destructive path.

4. Once you learn violence only brings further grief, then allow the government to bring an end to those who want to destabilize a country holding innocent civilians ransom at gun point. And to eventually bring much needed PEACE! “YES WE CAN!”

By: Robson Monteiro Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:48:53 +0000 The flaw in this article is to assume that only USA needs to change to make the world a better place. Let’s think if all questions raised by the author were met by USA. Anyone with a minimum sense would know that we live in a world much more complex and that submitting its own country to international treaties undermine dosmetic process-making decision. American government is not made of a central power where the president is the almighty god with a free hand to do what he wishes in the international arena. The American democracy is made of check and balances of three constitutional powers (Execute, Judiciary and Congress) and many of the questions were vetoed by the Congress in the name of the American people. The power of the American president is limited and for that reason democracy thrives there. Obama will change America not with a executive order but through the persuation and negotiation with the Congress which legitimately represent the will of the people. Regarding the world, it needs to ask what are the elements of the American democracy to emulate on our own countries to transform them and give the same hope that is find in America. America is changing. The rest world would be willing to change or just continuing blaming America for their own misdeeds.

By: Tim-Oxford Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:01:37 +0000 Thank you for a healthy dose of realism …but I do hope (and expect) that we will see a change in the orientation of US policy and it will be in the general direction you are hoping for. The US is a big ship to turn, but I think Obama has a different destination in mind than Bush… We wait with bated breath!

By: Filius Dei Mon, 10 Nov 2008 21:44:11 +0000 By the way, I heard from several source that Australia is actually the world’s biggest polluter per capita. Here is one internet source:
