Comments on: No we can’t? – Obama’s victory and Sri Lanka Journalism for Citizens Fri, 14 Nov 2008 02:12:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ghani Fri, 14 Nov 2008 02:12:54 +0000 Sri Lanka need a catlayst like Obama to change its destiny. But can no other than Buddhist Sinhalese person can be a President of the Country. Though Obama is a Balck and African American, majority of Whites and miiloins of people of other racial backgrounds let Obama to make history. Can Sinhalese allow a Tamil or Muslim or any other minroty person to become a president? . We need to do lot of work to see an Obama, starting from brainstronming our people by creating pluarlist mindset to changing the British inherited constiitution.

By: Obama Wed, 12 Nov 2008 04:05:43 +0000 Sri-Lankan fascist regime had made the most of Bush doctrine of “War on terror” camouflaging vicious civil war as war against terrorism. The failed shortsighted foreign policy of Bush not only promoted acrimony throughout the world, also lead to severe economic slowdown which resulted the global recession that we are facing today.

Barack Obama, who is now viewed as the beacon of hope by Americans and rest of the world, views the problem of the 21st century as “problem of others” meaning today’s problem in the world as the failure of the states to accept minorities as equal, and his first choice of an example in a google interview is Srilanka followed by Ireland. Obama with his remarkable acumen in differentiating terrorism and civil war gives a slight hope for minorities who are suppressed by the majority.

By: kumar Mon, 10 Nov 2008 12:31:02 +0000 if manhinda or JVP said ““We may not get there is one year or in one term” how the local press and people would react. infact don;t you think the media would have said empire building and that these people are looking to extent the term?

i felt it was funny that he should being it up specifically -indicating he’s in for a 2nd term .. shouldnt he atleast have served 2-3 years before making a comment like that? we only want to see , what we want to SEE:::::::::::::::::

By: wijayapala Mon, 10 Nov 2008 05:16:11 +0000 Groundviews,

What was referenced were the expression and implementation of disturbing and essentially violent policies and practices, no different in spirit to those employed by the LTTE and with sickening consequences, that run counter to addressing significant challenges of democracy, human rights and terrorism.

One reason that we don’t have a Sri Lankan version of Obama is simply that our “liberals” are too clueless and disconnected from the country outside of Colombo. Obama won because he crossed lines and boundaries. He won “red states.” He gained credibility by vowing to continue the battle against anti-US terrorism.

Contrast this with the attitude of our own NGO snobs as demonstrated quite eloquently in the above article. The author constructs a Sri Lankan ignoramus in the immigration officer who does not share the author’s belief in peace and love with the LTTE. Perhaps if the author had some understanding of US history, he would’ve known that the process that ended with Obama’s presidential victory had begun with a very bloody and costly Civil War fought by an earlier President who did not believe in a “political solution” with the slave-owning southern secessionists. That Civil War was interesting because there were American versions of our own NGO pundits:

During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the Copperheads nominally favored the Union and strongly opposed the war, for which they blamed abolitionists, and they demanded immediate peace and resisted draft laws. They wanted Lincoln and the Republicans ousted from power, seeing the president as a tyrant who was destroying American republican values with his despotic and arbitrary actions.

…As war opponents, Copperheads were suspected of disloyalty, and Lincoln often had their leaders arrested and held for months in military prisons without trial — one famous example was General Ambrose Burnside’s 1863 General Order Number 38, issued in Ohio, which made it an offence (to be tried in military court) to criticize the war in any way: the order was used to arrest Ohio congressman Clement L. Vallandigham when he criticized the order itself.

By: groundviews Sun, 09 Nov 2008 19:56:44 +0000 The specificity of the Sri Lankan condition is not denied, and frankly not addressed in this article. What was referenced were the expression and implementation of disturbing and essentially violent policies and practices, no different in spirit to those employed by the LTTE and with sickening consequences, that run counter to addressing significant challenges of democracy, human rights and terrorism.

By: Velu Sun, 09 Nov 2008 19:25:30 +0000 Remember Obamah is for a unified state, he speaks for and as a US citizen not a sessionist, seperstist, terrorist or a racist ! The US is not engaged with a fascist or terrorist or separatist war on it’s soil. After all if it is justified here then so can it be in the US. America is facing the minority impact in its political future for the first time. Sri Lanka has faced this for many decades. It is onle now that a quarter of the voting population is non-european, and this change is not bought or forced upon the US by out siders / a third party. Our situation is on the other hand has been quite different to this.

Obama won on a ‘God bless America’, not ‘God damn America’, a point you may like to learn !!

By: Chaminda WEERAWARDHANA Sun, 09 Nov 2008 06:11:02 +0000 It does not seem to be advisable to compare Obama’s persona with the Sri Lankan situation. What seems to be important is the whole set of ideals that this man represents in the contemporary American and international contexts. He is seen as a man who goes beyond racial boundaries (in a country which found it extremely challenging to reach inter-racial co-existence and accomodation). Even the most rival international counterparts (such as the Iranian President) seem to see in him an approachable opponent, with whom constructive negotiation could possibly begin.

These factors are what makes the election of Barack Obama a highly significent event. In the Sri Lankan context, I believe that it is perfectly possible for someone who incarnates and upholds such ‘inclusive ideals’ to come to power in future. I may not know how long it will take, but the arrival of an ‘Obama-equivalent’ in our land will be marked by the political success of someone who successfully surpasses ethnic boundaries, calls for inter-ethnic accomodation and measures to reach that goal, makes Sri Lanka a modern, cosmopolitan state open to the world, makes it a state that absolutely respects parity in all sectors of government, gives equal status to our languages and cultures, and facilitates innumerable opportunities for the youth, irrespective of who they are, where they come from, and to what ethnic community they belong.

Whatever his/her own ethnic identity is, such a person is bound to command the support of a majority of Sri Lankans (within and beyond our shores) of the 21st century generation(s).

All we could do at this stage is to continue a constructive dialogue, and develop awareness among people about the importance of making peace and ways of doing so. People from different groups and backgrounds view the ethnic issue through different and conflicting stereotypes, and helping them view it beyond those seems to be an essential step forward.

By: Malinda Seneviratne Sun, 09 Nov 2008 03:51:13 +0000 The wish for a Sri Lankan Obama and the exploration of the political space for such a creature has become a popular pastime for many. Some of the obvious incompatibilities have been ignored in most comments. The thrust of the ‘Obama Wish’ is to entrench the notion of a multi-ethnic-multi-religious Sri Lanka. The merits of such an eventuality notwithstanding, I believe this multi-thing needs to be fleshed out by its most ardent advocates. It is not a self-evident truth.

Such a project requires you to go into history and go into demography and go to the deconstruction board and place within it the multi-ethnic, multi-religious diga palala of Sri Lanka. You have to tell us what ‘multi-ethnic’ and ‘multi-religious’ means. And if you want to compare and contrast Obama, the US citizen with the Sri Lankan Obama of your imagination, then you must mention that Obama does not have slave ancestry. You must compare the contributions of whites, blacks and Hispanics in the making of the USA on the land robbed by genocide and trickery from the Native American with the contributions of Sinhalese, Tamils, Moors, Burghers and Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians (of all denomination) to the making of Sri Lanka throughout the longer-than-US-history of the island.

My comment on this can be found here…

By: K Nanthakumar Sat, 08 Nov 2008 04:03:42 +0000 reka perera …

your quite right when you say that there were sinhalese people who did commit those crimes … and they deserve to rot in hell. however, i’d like to note that not all Sinhalese were involved in those activites. a few thugs are bound to get out of hand at times, but one cannot claim the entire sinhalese race is like that. there were so many cases in which sinhalese families actually protected their tamil friends and families during the 1983 riots, to protect them from thugs.

do not forget that the LTTE drove 121,000 Muslims away from the north in the late 1980’s, that they massacred 60 buddhist monks in 1986 and annihilated countless sinhalese villages in their quest to create a terrorist state. all extremists will get out of hand and there are extremists on both sides, sinhalese and tamil. don’t twist the truth so that its like as though the sinhalese thugs are the only criminals. only the extremists on both sides commit the crimes; the vast majority of sinhalese and tamil live together happilly and free from the idiocies of these extremists.

By: reka perera Fri, 07 Nov 2008 23:42:27 +0000 ”Sinhala people love to live with peace and with all others” .
Sinhalese people except those who made 80,000 Tamils stateless and voteless in 1949, except those who butchered and burnt 150 Tamils in Galoya sugercane field, except those thugs who butchered and burnt hundreds of Tamils in 1958, except the politicians who sent armed forces to beat up the satyagrahis in 1961, except those who butchered and burnt thousands of Tamils in 1977, 1981, 1983, except those who ‘disappeared’ thousands of Tamils arrested by Prevention of Terrorism Act, except those who gave and received impunity for killing Tamils, ……………………. …………………… ……………………
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except those who prevented investigations into crimes and drove the IIGEP away, except those who threaten journalists and lawyers who go about their professions.
In that case ”SOME Tamils do not want to”.
