Comments on: Barack Obama: History’s High Note Journalism for Citizens Sat, 08 Nov 2008 05:48:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: reka perera Sat, 08 Nov 2008 05:48:58 +0000 30s and 40s saw overtones of majoritarianism and we formed a pan-Sinhala cabinet in 1931. When Tamils were hesitant about accepting the constitution at independence, our DSSenanayake pleaded with them saying ” We will be fair to you.” There was anti-Muslim riots in 1915 in the South.
All school children should be taught the history of the last 100 years and the future Sinhalese politicians will make better choices with the international humanitarian and human rights standards.

By: reka perera Sat, 08 Nov 2008 05:35:52 +0000 US is a federal state and Tamils were humiliated psychologically and physically
for decades for asking for federalism.

By: Velu Thu, 06 Nov 2008 16:17:34 +0000 Why just sixty years? that shows. There is more to history (if important) than 60 years. So youve git things to hide, we know. Now claiming to be the victim!! Like the sheapers crying wolf, the world knows its cries without much substance. The false feeling of superrority created as a minority over the majority and the sick doubble standard expression and pleasure you derive is the scourge of what is limiting people like you and the exploitation of the ignorrent (wanni peasents and baby army).

Remember Obamah is for a unified state, he speaks for and as a US citizen not a sessionist, seperstist, terrorist or a racist ! The US is not engaged with a fascist or terrorist or separatist war on it’s soil. After all if it is justified here then so can it be in the US. America is facing the minority impact in its political future for the first time. Sri Lanka has faced this for many decades. It is onle now that a quarter of the voting population is non-european, and this change is not bought or forced upon the US by out siders / a third party. Our situation is on the other hand has been quite different to this.

By: Justin Thu, 06 Nov 2008 13:58:17 +0000 Dr Martin Luther King made possible a person of the calibre of Obama into presidency of the USA. We should all be not judged by the colour of our skin and ethnicity but by the contents of our character.

Then we can have an Obama

I am sure all the present popliticos will end up in dumps.

By: Java Jones Thu, 06 Nov 2008 12:02:00 +0000 Great analysis. What do you think Obama will feel about the prevailing governance and leadership here in Sri Lanka?

By: punitham Thu, 06 Nov 2008 07:28:39 +0000 If and when we have the audacity of courage to tell all our school children what has been happening in the last sixty years without the slightest distortion, I believe many Obamas would emerge.

By: nagalingam Thu, 06 Nov 2008 01:33:20 +0000 Yep. Well said. A precise and eloquent analysis of the man and his books. I have listened to him and others about him for an year now. A new era for the US and hopefully for the world. I wonder how long it would take for such a statesman to take the political stage in Sri Lanka.
