Comments on: Hands off my TV, please! Journalism for Citizens Wed, 19 Nov 2008 03:41:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: kichchi Wed, 19 Nov 2008 03:41:26 +0000 Mr.Suraji seems to have much to say about the article. But he de-railed himself with the LTTE-mind-set. I thought he was going to say about the education of his children being distracted by the programs in the TV. But he branched off to the LTTE culture (gun-culture) without going into the new culture of bribery and corruption and the other culture of injustice and discrimination both of which along with gun culture are against the Buddhist culture. For the time being I will just forget about the cultures of other religions.

If the letter and spirit of the Constitution with all its amendments is upheld and implemented in full, the regulations mentioned in the article may not be necessary.

In my opinion the regulations might have been copied from the Malaysian or Singaporean Governments, which we are trying to follow.

By: Suraji Sun, 02 Nov 2008 23:49:37 +0000 Yes, the regulations for media is good. As a father of 2, I really would like that to happen in Sri Lanka. Some of the Sri Lankan Television channels are not suitable for children. Sri Lanka has got a good cultural values. If you have been raised in such a culture you should understand how important our cultural values are. The problem is that those international media mafia and international organizations don’t understand those cultual values. They just want to give 100% freedom for the media to telecast what ever they want. Some of the media channels in Sri Lanka are telecasting programs that is harmfull for the culture and our religions. It should be noted that some channels use this freedom to reach their political goals and pro-LTTE channels are using that end-less freedom to break the country into pieces.

So as a government it’s responsibility is to uplift the country but not helping the international organizations to break the country into pieces. The government should know what is most important. Media freedom is good as long as it’s used to the well being of the people in the country and make sure their security.

Government should not do any thing to give the freedom for the media who support LTTE. All the media stations who support LTTE in any means should be banned. Why should they help killing more. We have already suffered enough due to this LTTE problem.
