Comments on: Sri Lankan Identity in a Time of Seige Journalism for Citizens Wed, 05 Nov 2008 01:28:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Velu Wed, 05 Nov 2008 01:28:02 +0000 If Tamils can live all over Sri Lanka, that too with the over-whelming majority out side Tamil-only eelam, while (some) waging a fascist-terrorist war with a baby army holding the country ransom, how are they the oppressed people? The ones that are oppressed are the ones who do not have that right to live anywhere in this multi-cultural state!

Tamil 90 million : Sinhala 12 million. From Rama to Ellalas, Raja adi rajas to Madras seapoys, the historical genocide of Lankans runs to many millions! Yes, Justin right, Karuna is wrong, Pillayan is wrong, East-wrong, no case, only wanni has case, majority Tamils-wrong, world-wrong! Think Bramah, Do kuppa!

Tamils in Tamil Nadu, Tamils all over Lanka, Tamils in Tamil-only eelam, so what seems to be the problem? If so others should also have one!

By: dayan jayatilleka Mon, 03 Nov 2008 22:40:54 +0000 Dear Justin,

Contrary to what you say, when I quoted Colin Powell, I did not mean “that the GOSL soldiers should take Kilinochchi and kill it”.

What kind of nasty person do you think I am ? I have absolutely nothing against Kilinochchi. What I meant was that the Sri Lankan armed forces should cut off the Tiger army and kill it, i.e. the Tigers, and as many as possible.

By the way, do you know the meaning of the word vacillate? Given your usage of it here, you do not seem to.

By: Justin Mon, 03 Nov 2008 14:49:45 +0000 Dayan,

Do you remeber writing an article in September this year in this website titled ” ………………..take it and kill it”. You refered to a quotation by Colin Powel during the liberation war of Kuwait. You meant that the GOSL soldiers should take Kilinochchi and kill it. You gave the impression that Colin Powell would have liked it !! Do you see that he is a man for freedom, dignity and honesty of mankind and not murder of civilians? Were you not vascillating?

You failed to realise that the USA and Colin Powell were fighting a liberation war in Kuwait to liberate the oppressed people from Iraqi regime. When he said that he was for freedom, human dignity and human rights of people of Kuwait.

In that example, Iraq is synonymous to SL and Tamil people are the oppressed people like the people of Kuwait, GOSL commits murder, disappearance, torture, rape and violate human rights like the Iraqi regime.

You also appear not to have read clearly, the 51% support the Tamils of Tamil Nadu expressed to LTTE in a survey. Please refer to your notes. If this info is absent add this info to it !!

One must remeber that Tamil Nadu is the immediate neighbour of North East Tamils. They know better than the Sinhala government about discrimination, dehumanisation and destruction of Tamil lives and propety to commit Tamil genocide. GOSL should listen to their views and provide self determination and self governance to the people of North East.

As a pragmatic solution divide the island into two countries; Tamil Eelam and SL. Then see how these two countries can work together. One should do this before more bombs are dropped in Colombo, electricity goes off again, may be permanently and Rajapakse goes into his bunker again trying to save his life !

By: velu Mon, 03 Nov 2008 10:11:53 +0000 Where was the concern when Tamil-Nadu was killing other Indians (and Lankans) for the British? If not for them (Madras seapoys) India would never have been colonized!

By: velu Mon, 03 Nov 2008 09:53:51 +0000 The majority of Tamils and others are sick of you exploiting the ‘race’ card and holding the country ransom. This is the reason they (the overwhelming majority !) chose to live out side wanni ! You dont have to listen to us , just listen to ex-tigers like Karuna and Pillayan! The world is against fascism.

Tamils live all over lanka, this is also the right of every community !

By: Ajith Fri, 31 Oct 2008 22:34:24 +0000 I feel sorry for Sam because he thinks there’s something other than “gutter” politics. Politics is a dirty business! As the name inherently suggests it is not something sacred. It’s a dog eat dog world buddy. Grasp the reality. If you have closely followed the US elections or Tamil Nadu fake concerns – prior elections then you will know that politics even in the US is not that different from 3rd world countries. Except they wear shiner clothes and have big money to horde the media.
If Obama is the Tamil’s cause savior then why did the US Tamil diaspora back Hillary Clinton during the Democratic pre selections? Because she looked like the winner back then not because of the principles. Shame on them and serves them right for wasted campaign funding! If you think Obama like all other politicians don’t use “gutter” politics, then I wish you well living in your candy land.
I saw the Powell interview and I don’t see any relevance for that reference. MR has repeatedly said quote “this country belongs to all people of Sri Lanka”. If you want to distort the facts go ahead. Powell got demoted because he couldn’t tow the line during a war. He’s probably bitter with them now but as a general you don’t make opinions. You follow orders. Being emo is not an option for a military man.

By: Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 31 Oct 2008 18:05:58 +0000 Mr Thambipillai seems to dislike “gutter politics”. good. how does he characterise Prabhakaran’s Tamil secessionist politics of murdering Nehru’s grandson on Indian soil, not to mention assassinating mr amirthalingam, dr rajini thiranagama, dr neelan tiruchelvam, mr yogeswaran and his widow mrs yogeswaran?

By: Ajith Fri, 31 Oct 2008 09:10:59 +0000 You can’t just claim self determination! The word sounds almost as a fascist dictatorship if you think about it. If the majority of the people decide that they love their country and don’t feel like giving pieces away then tough luck! There are sovereign international borders with all the rights to protect them at all costs. Crushing violent rebellions such as JVP and LTTE is all part of the duty that we owe to the homeland. Try self determination in any country like US, UK and you will get a similar or worse reaction from those administrations not different to the reaction from Sri Lanka administration. UK-Northern Ireland is the prime example. I see a similar power sharing future in Sri Lanka if LTTE agrees to disarm like the IRA did. Other than that it can be assured of warring till one side drops dead.

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 31 Oct 2008 07:37:43 +0000 One can never clean a people with a shower of untruth. The agitation in Tamil Nadu will make the Sinhalese to be defiant initially, but afterwards they will come to realise that they have been fooled by political parties in the South for six decades.

“When General Colin Powell, Jamaican-born former Chief of Staff of the US Armed Forces and US Secretary of State endorsed Barack Obama last week, he gave as one of his reasons his disgust that John McCain had not responded appropriately to an ignorant heckler in a Republican crowd who had shouted that Obama was a Muslim. (As is well known Obama is a Christian who often quotes the Scripture in his speeches). Colin Powell said that Senator McCain should have responded “so what if he is?” .

The failed responsible behaviour of a politician, under such circumstances, to bring out the truth, is what Barrack Obama calls “gutter politics”. He used this coinage against senator Mc Cain.

I am sure that when he becomes the president of the USA, he will reprimand and disciplinee the countries all over the world, for “gutter politics” and promote genuine political debate and correct political action.

When the Sarth Fonseka, the army commander and a JHU cabinet minister said that Sri Lanka is for the majority Sinhalese, none from the UNP or JVP or even the president, rebuked and said ” No, this country belongs to Tamils also”.

When the 1972 constitution was drafted to name the island Sri Lanka (SL), and call it a Sinhala Budddhist country; none from the UNP, LSSP said “No, this country should be called a coutry where the Sinhalese and Tamils lived side by side with autonomy and separate sovereignty for long and was secular”.

This is not “Sinhala nationalism” as the Sinhalese often portray. This is gutter politics; speaking untruthful and detrimental things against fellow citizens. In this instanjce it is the Tamils.

Gutter politics has lead the South to discriminate and dehumanise Tamils , collectively punish them and carry out human rights violations and Tamil genocide. Now, SL is soaked in this evil.

What is needed now is remorsefulness and repentance from the Sinhalese political leaders for their gutter politics of the past, admit guilt and make it illegal and punishable constitutionally.

By: velu Thu, 30 Oct 2008 23:38:20 +0000 Many Maldivians claim a thousand year old Sinhala ancestory, the agro-engineering culture and the only surviving Buddist culture in the sub-continent is what is unique to Lanka. The largest reservoirs/dams up untill the last century, a continuity of recoded history and survival and the earliest Buddist writings (not Mahavamsa).

It was in 1985 they surrounded a school in Tamil Nadu to kill the six Sinhala students and the Internationally recognized and appointed pricipal of this Internationalschool in Tamil Nadu, Mr. Frank Jayasinghe. Rama to Ellala, Raja adi Raja to the Madras seapoy colonizing force, we now about Tamil racism. If you have lived there you know some poor villagers kill their new born baby girls to escape dowrey and poverty. It is time better spent for TamilNadu govt and Fils stars to address these issues. Hanibal canibal prabha represents a wee minority of Tamis in little lanka, see outside nazi eelaam, ask moderates or even tigers sucg as col. Kruna ! 🙂

Sri lanka has seen notable Tamil leaders in all spheres of our society, long before any non-white in the US. Strangely non-christians cannot claim that in the US while we have had plenty Christan and even the worldsfirst Woman leader!

If tamils can live and work in all parts of the country, that right should also be extended to the Sinhala, non-tiger and other people ! This is the genuine problem in SL and it needs to be fixed !
