Comments on: The end of neo-liberal economics: Great Crash of 2008 and the demise of the Regan-Thatcherism Journalism for Citizens Mon, 02 Mar 2009 00:16:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Litwin Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:47:45 +0000 You note: “A frank admission that free-market capitalism had terminated in a catastrophic meltdown of the world’s greatest banking system”

To me, that’s a very strange conclusion, as I have not considered our system anything close to a free-market for many decades.

If we really had free-market capitalism, then why has Ron Paul introduced his new legislation called the “American Freedom Agenda” ? This proposed set of bills would, among other things, allow free-market currencies to compete with the government’s Federal Reserve. But why do we need a bill to end the Fed’s monopoly if we truly have a free market?

But that’s far from the only powers that have corrupted our “leaders” and completely obscured any notion of a free market.

We have had the first S&L bailout, the SEC, the FDIC, Freddie and Fannie, to name only a few.

And you can blame this on the *free market*?

What free market?

The US has been awash in big government since the early 1900’s in fundamental monetary policy, and for 50+ years in every other sense, and Reagan failed to change that in any significant way. This is the failure of rigid government-imposed structures, same as everywhere in the world. Rather than a free-market, the US has long been just another banana republic, caught in the grip of the usual 2 corrupt political parties. The “left” and the “right”.

The problem comes from giving central powers to any group. Humans just can’t handle it. They always will become corrupt. They even start spreading perverse messages, like “this is the failure of a market free from government intervention”.
