Comments on: A thought for the stranded refugees in Vanni Journalism for Citizens Wed, 22 Oct 2008 21:29:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: nandasena Wed, 22 Oct 2008 21:29:38 +0000 I wonder where was Ajith in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1983 and several thereafter when un -armed Tamils suffered brutality in the hands of Sinhala thugs aided and abetted by the Security forces with the full blessings of the respective governments, who were in power at that time, whether it is blue or green!! How come Ajith did not know how the Jaffna library was torched by the sinhala thugs with cheering from some Sinhala politicians. He obviously pretend not to know of the several prison massacres which took place against the Tamil inmates. He would pretend that he has not heard about the Chemmani mass graves. He is not concerned, because he is not affected. There is no truth in saying that “Tamils and Sinhalese have co-existed for years” Tamils were burnt alive even in the heart of Colombo. Nowadays the “white van” is doing the damage away from the prying eyes of the world and the govt. is turning a blind eye.!!

Some sinhalese people say that they gave shelter to Tamils people during the several pogroms against them. Everyone appreciate those individual”s courage and sympathy. But, if the Government did not turn a blind eye to these actions and if the Govt. did not give tacit support to the hooligans, this tragedy would not have happened. LTTE is the by-product of the Government’s inaction to control lawlessness. Now can anybody blame the Tamils for asking for a seperate state!! Even now has MR & co. come up with any solution for the 6 decades of problem!!

By: Ajith Sat, 18 Oct 2008 03:52:28 +0000 iresham echoes my concerns of the narrow views of some of the authors here. While I am not referring to the above author specifically and I deep heartedly respect his genuine concern for the plight of the refugees, we should open up the debate to other parties as well. Specifically people who are engaged in the war effort. These people are endangering and sacrificing their lives daily in Sri Lanka because of a strong conviction that they’re contributing to a greater cause of lasting peace for the citizens of Sri Lanka.
What I see repeatedly on this forum is that articles that voice the unfortunate plight of certain individuals or communities due to this conflict are taken out of context by some of the elements that have their own agendas into mud slinging against the government, forces and Sri Lankan people – recklessly ignoring the LTTE contribution. This is unwarranted and baseless in most cases as they fail to even reference their allegations in any substantial way.
So it is only natural that some of us counter these flabbergasting comments left by the elements, naturally in some cases turning into a flame war. But at least be glad that threads here are much more civilised than that say the ones you see on Youtube!
Back to the topic at hand, suggestion of negotiations with the LTTE to let the civilians out of Vanni into safety zones is just useless as we all know that won’t happen. That would leave the LTTE at the mercy of a advancing Sri Lankan army with no restrictions. It is unfortunate but Tamils are hostages in Vanni and tactful rescue is the key here. MI already suggests that Kilinochchi is deserted and the IDP’s are moving towards Mulaithivu.
Sinthamani how can you say Sinhalese and Tamils can’t co exist? They are and have been for years in other areas of Sri Lanka except the Vanni region. LTTE and it’s narrow views are the obstacles here.

By: punitham Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:59:56 +0000 It’s a great irony that 16-17 October conference(GP10) in Oslo at the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre marks 10 years of Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the world is marking 60 years of UDHR when hundreds of thousands of Tamils and Muslims have been languishing in camps for up to 10/15 years and even food convoys are being prevented from reaching IDPs by military assaults..

By: iresham Thu, 16 Oct 2008 03:36:20 +0000 this site is so one sided. that is purely beacuse the authors are all PEACE/NGO and Conflict resolution type. this site shows the hazards of peer pressure where the top NGO voice is repeated again and again….. As a policy alternative, you should open this to more authors who have contrarian views. then only will you have a more livily discussion. the smaple of comments here are not representative.

By: Sinthaamani Wed, 15 Oct 2008 14:23:55 +0000 I think we all are skirting around fundamentals of why the situation has arisen. Tamils (and the LTTE) have, determined to seek their right to self-determination (Let’s leave out the arguments on sole representation, coercion etc. out). Sri Lanka Governments, especially the current Government, rooted-on by Sinhala majority is going after a military solution. People are in the middle. LTTE resisting people movement out of their control, is expected, else battle is already lost for the LTTE.

Can the government push the limits of humanitarian crisis to a level where the cornered people will “rebel” against the rebels, is the question.

Without external intervention we have to wait to see who wins this battle, while the Tigers, despite of all Sinhala bravado, still, in my view, can still spring a military turnaround.

In all this chaos, one thing is certain in my view. Tamils and Sinhalas have come to a juncture where co-existence in amity is not possible. The result is either separation, or Total domination of the Sinhalas over Tamils…
