Comments on: SERENDIPITY AND INGRATITUDE: THE MAHINDA MIRACLE AND JANAKA PERERA’S ASSASSINATION IN RETROSPECT Journalism for Citizens Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:51:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarwan Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:51:20 +0000 Ajith

You whitewash the truth. Come to the open and face the truth. Yes, the Sri Lankan army is treating Tamils as enemies. That is the reason for the present genocidal events. Sri Lanka army is not moving slowly to Kilinochchi. It cannot go faster because they all will be slaughtered together by the LTTE.

[Editors note: Dear Sarwan, your conjecture, bordering on the silly, undermines the validity of your central argument – which is that war, however successful for either side, is no guarantee of peace in Sri Lanka. I hope you are able to engage with arguments in this forum without going into personal invective. I have not published your other comment because it adds nothing to the debate here.]

By: Ajith Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:37:30 +0000 Pandyan? Show some proof. Please reference the articles. You get points for making them from reliable sources. Shady NGOs and fake charity fronts (like the ones busted in Canada and Australia) don’t count! If you request the same from me I shall do that, although I hate looking at those countless blood filled images of LTTE slaughtering.. makes my stomach churn.

For people who are crying about the select few civilian casualties that have happened by SLA side compared to the indiscriminate killing of civilians by the LTTE in the North, East and Colombo. Do you think you can fight a war without collateral? Go and read up on some of the admitted civilian casualty figures on prominent defense web sites of some of the western countries which are actively engaged in war right at this moment.
Countries which fight by the so called “international law” – I have made my self clear on these double standards in a another post.

Nonetheless Sri Lankan army is very professional in abiding by these rules. Not only that allowing the enemy to have food supplied. Otherwise they would already be in Kilinochchi had they gone all gun ho!
Have you ever watched a hostage rescue situation? When people are held hostages, the military has to take risks and save a majority especially when negotiations have failed. The current war is basically a grand hostage rescue operation.

I think GOSL should offer Parabakarn the option to surrender to the international courts in the Hague and honor the Interpol arrest warrant on him for war crimes.

By: Pandyan Fri, 10 Oct 2008 08:51:06 +0000 Ajith

Do you reckon that GOSL is doing what it should do under international law ?

How about 100% violation of international human rights and humanitarian law by the state?

Punish them ? Yes, take them to the Hague.

By: CheeLanka Thu, 09 Oct 2008 23:38:49 +0000 Janaka Perera’s violent death is lamentable, but we have to remember that he was accused of very serious human rights abuses while in uniform, against BOTH Tamil and Sinhala civilians who were unarmed and non-combatant. Unfortunately, these war crime allegations were not investigated sufficiently to either clear his name or lead to a prosecution. He hid behind the war hero (Rana Viru) label to cover up all his excesses and lapses in his ruthless military career. Canada was the only country that declined to accept his nomination as Sri Lankan Ambassador, owing to war crime charges. Australia caved in, alas, as did Indonesia (a country ruled by military generals for so long).

In fact, Janaka Perera was one of Sri Lanka’s future military dictators in waiting. He had little regard or patience for the democratic process, and would have seized any opportunity to get into power and rule over the Sinhalese, Tamils and others with the same ruthlessness that charcaterised him as a general. Like too many of our over-rated military men, he too believed that might was right, and preferred bullet over ballot. It was our greatest tragedy that the desperate UNP accommodated Janaka Perera into their midst and gave him nomination for NCP.

By: Ajith Thu, 09 Oct 2008 09:42:08 +0000 You cannot blame the current administration one iota for their current position. They’re doing what any country would naturally do and obliged to do under international law. What country would tolerate a string of actions like that from the LTTE? Murder and attempted murder. Unlawfully occupying a sector of a sovereign state holding civilians ransom. Child abuse!!!
You’re right in saying that the LTTE warranted their own slaughter. No one should tolerate that kind of crimes against humanity. In fact Rajapakse administration would be held accountable for not taking affirmative action against the protection of its citizens should they not tread the path they do now.

By: S.O.U Rajapakse Thu, 09 Oct 2008 00:09:51 +0000 Please don’t speak like this about our beloved leader and saviour of the sinhala people. Give him time and our leader will show himself to truly be a man for all seasons. Long live the king!!!
