Comments on: Put back missing chairs and stop the APC musical chairs game! Journalism for Citizens Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:44:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:44:32 +0000 Decolonisation of Ceylon, initiated seriously by the UN, but handled shabbily by Britain from 1948 to 1972, was intended to abolish colonial “master- servant” syndrome. The belief that all human beings in this world are born equal, was the reason for it. The idea was never to replace colonialism with ethnic “master-slave” syndrome but to have free countries with dignity for all, equality and justice.

But decolonisation was used as a right by the Sinhalese to collectively gravitate in greed, selfishness, pride and superiority and to create an ethnic “master-slave” culture in the island.

Envy against Tamils ensued and the rights and freedoms of Tamils were vandalised. Political, social, economic and legislative discriminatory practices followed this discourse.

Adolf Hitler played the same dirty game of “Aryan Supremacy” and envy against the Jews to carry out genocide in Germany. Similar attitudes of supremacy and envy caused genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia.

In a recently held interview, the army commander in Sri Lanka(SL), a Sinhalese, answering like a television series mafia boss, claimed that 75 percent of Sinhalese living in the island would determine the destiny of Tamils in the North East(NE).

Democracy is not about numbers but is about equality, freedom and justice for all. One often talks of numbers to claim supremacy. The affirmation by Fonseka was that the ethnic Sinhalese master would decide what rights and freedoms to give to the ethnic Tamil slaves in the island.

Tamils believe the Statistics of 75% to be faked with an intent to claim supremacy. Sinhalese were only about 60 percent when Britain did the last census before independence. If true, the acts of genocide have caused Tamils to decrease in number.

This week, Sarath de Silva, the Chief Justice, a Sinhalese, said in Batticaloa that he gave a judicial verdict to separate the joined Eastern provincial council from the North because he felt that the Tamils in the East had a different culture. The democratic decision of 1977, the present desires of ethnic Tamils and even the Indo Lanka Accord of 1987 was irrelevant to the “ethnic master”, let alone the common Tamil culture.

Obviously, the judicial “master” failed to bring the Sinhala soldiers who committed gross human rights violations to justice, as “slaves” have no right to justice against the “master” !

Genocide in no two countries were alike because the cultures, habbits and circumsatnces were different. For this reason, the genocide of Tamils in SL cannot be expected to be exactly the same as in Bosnia, Rwanda and Sudan.

However, in all instances of genocide, the criminal acts of killing, disappearing, rape, expulsion, displacement and causing bodily or mental harm had a common ethnic dimension and an ethnic intention to harm and destroy ethnic groups.

When there is a strong case that something is genocide one should not be afarid to use the word and say so. The government sponsored atrocities against the ethnic Tamils in SL should be called by their rightful word – genocide.

Genocide is crime against humanity. In SL it is the culmination of a process including discrimination, dehumanisation and destruction of ethnic Tamils.

The UN should address the discernable reality. The reality is that decolonisation of the island was not done meticulously with utmost care. Genocide of Tamils is occuring because of this reason.

The UN should therefore, appoint a Genocide Tribunal for SL immediately and decolonise the island properly, to abolish the existing ethnic “master-slave” culture.

By: Sarwan Mon, 06 Oct 2008 14:45:51 +0000 One should remember that during the last elections the UNP got mandate for a Federal government in the North East. As such they cannot accept the 13th amendment.

As far as the TNA is concerned it has no right to accept anything less than a separate state. A mandate given by Tamils in 1976 and is being desired by the Tamils of North East.

The best solution to resolve the conflict Would be to create two independent sovereign states of Sri Lanka and Tamil Eelam. There is no other sensible solution apart from it. But UPFA, the JVP and the racist Sinhalese lot will not accept it. No Sinhalese leader is brave enough to do just that.

APC was created for cheating the international community with a picture that a solution was coming. But Tamils from their past experience knew full well that nothing was coming up except procrastination.

APC should be abolished without wasting the time of others.

By: Sinthamani Fri, 03 Oct 2008 12:02:38 +0000 The game was designed at the outset to be musical chairs, so one is hard pressed to see why the writer is harboring (still…) any hopes of changing the game. Even a cursory review of the APRC’s past, including the analysis from CPA (if one assumes all pronouncements from Tamil sounding names are completely biased), the sheer farcity of the proceedings will be clear to all who wish to see the “truth.” Pirapaharan, aided by the Rajapakse brothers, has created a situation where Sri Lanka is heading towards a path of no return: a secession, if Tigers hold out; or a total subordination of Tamils, in an unending guerilla quagmire that may last for a time no-one can predict.

By: Sarwan Fri, 03 Oct 2008 08:52:57 +0000 None of the Sinhala political parties are non racist, non violent, reasonable, impose real democracy and take care of all the citizens of the island. Any racist party can never have these qualities

Until all parties agree to grant Tamil Eelam one could say briefly “another political gimmick is over”

By: amazing Thu, 02 Oct 2008 18:52:32 +0000 all party?
don’t kid yourself… the tamil party that represents the northeast wasn’t there…

it’s the sinhala APC…
