Comments on: Is Sri Lanka China’s Georgia? Journalism for Citizens Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:29:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sajitha Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:29:08 +0000 India should really careful about USA.They can do anything to ensure their power.Remember they used atomic bombs to win world war two what is most cruel crime in human history(and they still proud about it).If there will be a world war three USA will be the first to use nuclear weapons.Sri Lanka should continue their non-aligned policy.

By: Sajitha Sun, 07 Nov 2010 13:12:02 +0000 If USA or UK help any country there is a ugly condition in there mind.But china,Russia and Iran never get there hands into other countries internal matters .So there is no matter if Sri Lanka seek their help.India always watching Sri Lankas actions closely but they have right to do that as their neighbor.Sri Lanka always respects their friends but not for imperialists like USA and UK.

By: xia chu Fri, 10 Sep 2010 11:05:14 +0000 Srilanka needs to patch up with the tamils.China will not help India is a better bet

By: Sam Mon, 18 May 2009 07:10:27 +0000 I see people are dreaming on a US-india intervention. If you really believe these guys can do things together, the decades old civil war would have ended long time ago. In the mean time, thousands people have died, but may I ask the people here that who cares. OK, if nobody cares, let’s play a game. Now, with China’s help, the tamil is quashed. If this is a playoff game, China won game 1, got the home court advangtage. Let’s see if the US-India can regroup and actually do something, at least make it a close one. Keep all your fingers crossed, it may stay that way for a long long time.

By: Manju Wed, 29 Apr 2009 19:18:45 +0000 Sri Lanka must have free hand to sort its own problems out. When it comes to LTTE, it must have the power and rights to destroy LTTE without any concer of human rights. LTTE does not protect human rights, then SL should not care about it, even if the theory says. All those theories come form west, not form asia. In a trouble time, SL must take bold step to eliminate LTTE. If it does not it would be fail state. This is what west expecting for.

Sri Lanka lost the seat in the human right council. It should be a shame. Even US, England, the breachers of human rights in way of iraq war may be still there. If they are there you can understand which kind of countries and the people are behind the curtain those control the system.

china is our neighbour. Why should not we happy if our neighbour prosper. Sri Lankan can trust more thana than indian.

SL should not worry about western isolation. We have now powerful neighbours. They mean by isolation the fact that SL does not get foreign technology .. But china and other friends are very much advanced in technology. We can get it. We must also build our own technology base.

By: Ajith Tue, 30 Sep 2008 14:39:32 +0000 Ok first of all, US does not give a damn about Sri Lanka – unless we discover vast amounts of oil resources which I highly doubt. Even then believe me India will jump before US can mobilise troops. Don’t you remember how excited India got when they heard about potential oil sites off the coast of Sri Lanka? They were salivating..
Lover of Serendipity, if you think we should side our selves with US as opposed to China or Iran then think twice. Not with the current administration anyway or with MacCain/Paulin (what a joke!). Don’t even get me started on US dignity. Bush lost it all and MacCain can only run around naked!
I can only think of a world war situation where Sri Lanka will be occupied or leased for bases like during the last world wars when allies set camp. Other than that World super powers got other things to worry about.

By: Sinthamani Fri, 26 Sep 2008 15:09:09 +0000 While the writer provides an enlightening analysis of the changing world order, and poses the likelihood of US-India nexus intervening in Sri Lanka should the war extends into 2009 (objectively analysed the war will extend), he has not contrasted the differences between internal conditions that led to failure in the 1987 IPKF intervention, and the conditions likely to prevail in the future that will prompt another intervention. DJ’s contention of Sri Lanka successfully withstood the earlier intervention, however, does not hold water in analysing future prospects of similar intervention, as the IPKF failure was mainly due to strange coincidence of circumstances where arch-enemies joined hands to make the Indian intervention unviable. Sri Lanka, measured in any metric, is taking a trajectory downhill, in HR aspects, governance, break-down of democratic institutions etc., lawlessness, suppression of press freedom etc., so that a future intervention is entirely plausible, provided the interventionists do not provide a space for the GoSL-LTTE nexus again.

By: wijayapala Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:11:16 +0000 A lot of geopolitics in this article, but little relevance to SL. If you take a closer look at this article, ***there is only one paragraph in this entire piece that discusses Sri Lanka.*** It would’ve been nice if the author at least had even a little bit to say about those Indian technicians who were wounded by the recent TAF attack.

It is evident that US and India are moving together due to 1) war on Islamist terrorism and 2) China. But it is quite a separate thing to argue that either country will want to heavily engage in SL. Lover of Serendipity is quite correct about “delusions of grandeur” in this article. The author makes an extremely vague reference to a joint platform based on human rights and counter-terrorism, apparently not grasping the vast contradictions/conflicts of interests between the two. After the IPKF experience, the Indians will not get involved in a situation where its interests are not clearly defined.

The Indians know that despite their loathing of the LTTE, they don’t have the resources or political will to militarily support SL as China can, and therefore Chinese influence will only increase as this war continues. Barring some senile ex-RAW fossils who want to reconciliate with the killers of their Prime Minister, most Indians understand that their interests thus lie in a quicker defeat of the LTTE. With the LTTE gone, the Indians can engage with alternative Tamil leaders who will eventually emerge to fill the void.

My advice to the author is to take some time away from Geostrategy 101 towards specifically examining current Indo-Lanka relations and where they’re going.

By: Lover of Serendipity Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:32:49 +0000 Does SL have delusions of granduer or what? The US has zero interests in intervening our SL affairs. The question SL shld ask, is do we want to associate with countries like China and Iran? All around the world people see the iron-fisted way they deal with THEIR OWN PEOPLE. Sure, in the short term we get some benefits but are we selling out our souls in the long term? Shldn’t we strive for dignity and integrity over a material benefit of an infrastructure project, etc? As for me, I’d rather eat bread crumbs falling to the ground then dine on steak at the table with these rogue nations. Think, listen, and discern- for the long term…

By: De silva Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:28:44 +0000 do you know, Srilanka,China, Iran,Pakistan,Burma,Afthgan never respect human but respects politicians who can kill the minorities. China is playing a dirty game
against india with help of srilanka this will be the on of srilankan dirty ploitics.
one day UN should send their Troops to protect the Tamils.
