Comments on: The Politics of Winning in the Vanni Journalism for Citizens Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:33:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dayan Jayatilleka Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:33:06 +0000 dear Amazing

Its amazing that you include me among those who criticise the LTTE as ” boys from the lower castes”. i actively supported the EPRLF when it was the first to organise the so-called lower castes, and was condemned in jaffna as a movement of those castes ( though its leaders were from the so-called high castes). I was also a prominent supporter of presdent premadasa. so if anyone can be accused of caste-ism, it ain’t me. by the way my mother came from the so-called karawe caste, though my father was goigama.

as for education and literacy, that’s another matter. it counts. just recently fidel castro made much of the fact that john mccain by his own admission, came fourth from the bottom in his class at the naval academy.

isn’t it amazing, dear Amazing, that after 35 years of being in the liberation struggle business, mr prabhakaran and the Tigers have not achieved recognition as a fraternal movement by a single national liberation movement anywhere in the world?

isn’t it also amayzing that the most successful guerilla leader in the south asian region, prachanda, (pushpa kumar dayal) now prime minister of nepal, said on the recod to the hidu, that his orgnasation has nothing in common with the tigers which has no “political programme”?

By: groundviews Fri, 17 Oct 2008 04:25:32 +0000 See

By: amazing Sun, 28 Sep 2008 16:30:24 +0000 this is in response to comment about directed at Mr. Prabakaran above, which hinted that Mr. P wasn’t “educated, well-read, articulate, politically savvy and realistic…”

My comment back at Mr. Dayan was that his view is one that is common to the colombo, pseudo-intellectual elites, especially those from the colombo 7 tamil community such as Mr. N. Thiruchelvam, Mr. L. Kadigamma, and others, who have privately (to me in stark terms) and publicly (in more refined terms) stated that the LTTE leaders do not/did not have the intellectual capacity or educational background to really know what was “good for the tamil people” and that they were “uneducated boys from the lower castes” (envision the snooty facial expression, wrinkling of the nose etc) and it was best that now that they have made their point with the armed struggle they let the “intellectuals” negotiate the political solution.

Whether many like to admit it or not much of the criticism over the years of the LTTE by Tamils has come from the “higher caste” and must be viewed in this context… this war is not only an ethnic conflict but also a conflict of class and caste.

so, dayan’s criticism of Mr. P as being uneducated and not “well-read” falls into this category.

By: groundviews Sun, 28 Sep 2008 11:20:31 +0000 “Amazing”, your comment contravened the Site Guidelines. Feel free to resubmit if you rephrase what you want to say.

By: amazing Sun, 28 Sep 2008 10:27:14 +0000 Groundviews, why did you remove my last comment?
i would appreciate an explanation

By: CHINTHANA MAHINDA Fri, 26 Sep 2008 07:40:21 +0000 Wijayapala…WHO KILLED MP NADARAJA RAVIRAJ, Joseph Pararajasingham, Kumar Ponnamabalam ect ? Who Killed the 17 aid workers?

By: wijayapala Fri, 26 Sep 2008 03:53:09 +0000 Suren,

can anyone pl. tell me why Dr Dayan Jayathilake has turned into a someone who glorifies and justifies war, especially under a regime that is infamous for its corruption?

Yes. The LTTE killed off just about every Tamil leader who could’ve worked with Sinhala progressives to reach a political solution, most recently his old friend Ketesh Loganathan.

By: suren Thu, 25 Sep 2008 20:53:41 +0000 When I was schooling, I heard of a Sinhala revolutionary who stood and worked for the rights of the Eelam Thamil people.

Then later in life, I met him as an impressive intellectual, but can anyone pl. tell me why Dr Dayan Jayathilake has turned into a someone who glorifies and justifies war, especially under a regime that is infamous for its corruption?

By: dayan jayatilleka Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:12:23 +0000 i’m perfectly aware oh why the Tigers didn’t go to tokyo, or rather, the reason they gave. however that’s not the point is it? no other liberation movement would have been stupid enough to pass up the Tokyo platform, on which they could have denounced the washington disinvitation. participation could have also secured them the development funds. thirdly, they couldn’t afford to boycott Tokyo– as current events are proving.

as for federalism, the truth is that balasingham wrote a tract and then a book ( war and peace) which denied that there had been any agreement to explore federalism. at which point, the royal norwegian govenment produced the minutes of the december 2002 meeting, and disproved his assertion.

there is a reason that Prachanda is PM of nepal and prabhakaran is unsure where he’ll be on his upcoming birthday. the former is educated, well-read, articulate, politically savvy and realistic, while the other wasn’t/isn’t…and he killed off all who were.

By: dayan jayatilleka Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:01:32 +0000 ah, but the sort of true sinhalese leaders you wish for , did come along. i worked with one of them. according to anita pratap’s books Island of Blood, she asked prabhakaran why h went to war against Preadasa when Preaadas was willing to give him the north and east on a silver platter. his answer to her was that he didn’t want the north and easy on a silver platter. that sinhala leader was blown up by prabhakaran. then came chandrika, who pushed for radical devolution in 1995, 1997 and 2000. she’s blind in one eye, thanks to prabhakaran. never mind sinhala leaders, let’s recall what he did to an indian leader who was enlightened enough to sponsor the thimpu talks in 1985, the proximity talks in bangalore in 1986 and the accord in 1987: prabhakaran assassinated him!

ok, if secession doesn’t succeed at first , let them try again. but before that let whoever look at the statistical results to the aspirant seceding community of this recent attempt at secession. prof ratnajeevan hoole’s recent speech sets them out. what would be the demographic cost of another attempt?
