Comments on: Women and politics in Sri Lanka: The challenges to meaningful participation Journalism for Citizens Mon, 17 Oct 2011 04:00:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: s.ainkaran Mon, 17 Oct 2011 04:00:44 +0000 this is a modern forum that is a good view i am the secretary of valivest
chairman.the local government election 2011 the fist women won the election and she was the chairman.through the party of t.n.a

By: Sie.Kathieravealu Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:13:31 +0000 For women to get due representation and to participate in the governance of the country , the present system of election must be drastically changed to make it mandatory that both genders are more or less equally represented and likewise the representation of the youth too must be made mandatory with nearly equal representation with the elders.

In the present system of elections it is not possible to achieve the above. Presently it is MONEY and other forms of assistance that money can buy is needed to compete in an election, which is difficult for women and the youth. Moreover political parties would not take a risk by nominating such persons.

Political parties are the cause for election violence and so the system of governance has to modified in such a way that will make election competition more decent and free of violence.

One way is to curb the material benefits and power an elected representative would become entitled. It is these benefits that encourages election violence.

Once election violence is eradicated it will not be difficult for women and youth to enter the election fray and get due representation.

By: Justin Tue, 02 Sep 2008 15:15:02 +0000 Women of Sri lanka should first protest against all injustices in the country. This is important if they are to be meaningful participants in the development of the country. Women should be first to lead against discrimination and genocide. They have always been silent accomplices in their homes to these crimes. They should actively protset in streets and work places.

The question that arises in any person’s mind, who desires justice is, whether there could be responsibility and accountability from the judges in Sri Lanka(SL) and fairness in the judicial process of the country, when the persons who are arrested, tortured and detained for long periods of time are mainly Tamils and the judges are Sinhalese.

A Chief Justice once said “Judges are responsible for what they do and as such are not above criticism. Criticism in itself is not wrong as long as it does not impair the administration of justice.”

Therefore, a culture of injustice to Tamils is vehemently criticisable, especially when the rut filters from the very top.

Most persons are aware that the Sri Lankan state practices oppression and ethnic discrimination against Tamils. Political appointment of judges makes them to please their political masters in their decision making and use a long judicial stick on Tamils.

Consequently, judges fail to be good custodians of the rule of law and there is a rotten judiciary, arisisng from a subtle form of Anti Tamilism.

The Sri Lankan state is aggressively involved in the ugly process of collective punishment and terror on Tamil civilians especially, the Tamil journalists. This dirty policy has filtered into the judiciary and the Tamils are powerless to prevent any injustice whatsoever.

The Government Of Sri Lanka(GOSL) refused to cooperate with the judges from IGEP appointed by the Commonwealth, when skeletons of injustices to Tamils were found in the cupboard of judiciary in SL

The UN Human rights Council recently observed that the judicial process was virtually non existent for Tamils in SL and that no single case of Tamil torture, murder, rape and disappearances made by the soldiers was brought to court by the GOSL.

The UN therefore suggested to send Human Rights Monitors but the GOSL turned down the proposal fearing that more skeletons would be found in more cupboards.

GOSL was willing to be kicked out of UNHRC rather than allowing Human Rights Monitors to supervise rights violations and provide justice to Tamils.

Therefore, any person analysing the arrest, torture, detention and trial of journalist Tissanayagam and many others languishing in horror detention centres like Boosa should have these aspects in mind, to be realistic in their approach.

In a nutshell, what the GOSL tries to do is to massage the ego of the Sinhalese for its journey of collective punishment and genocide of Tamils. The cruel and illegal acts of the GOSL are sidelined by a pro Sinhalese and anti Tamil judicial process.

Nelson Mandela faced utter humiliation as a prisoner for 27 years when a judiciary, similar to that found in SL now, prevailed then in South Africa. Many blacks faced similar situations of scare and humiliation from that evil judiciary.

To end the rotten judiciary, Mandela and most blacks in South Africa turned their faces to the God of justice, the ultimate judge and not to the perpetrators, whom they decided to forgive freely. The wheels of justice of God turned slowly but surely.

Similarly, the Tamil brothers and sisters in custody in SL, should take this opportunity to plug on to the power of God, on whose laws, the present justice system was started in our island about 200 years ago, and forgive freely all those who are cruel and unjust.

The walls of injustice will definitely come down crashing suddenly to the astonishment of all.

By: Deane Tue, 02 Sep 2008 14:36:13 +0000 Sri Lanka already have archived reasonable gender equity for a developing country. A 30-40% quota is a pipe dream, not even in the west (except for some Scandinavian countries) do women have that much of representation in politics.

Everywhere in the world (including most developing countries) less women run for office, while they have almost equal representation in most other professions. Perhaps women aren’t just interested, and maybe more decent than men to get into game of wielding power over other people.
