Comments on: WOMEN IN CONFLICT – An interview with American filmmaker based in Sri Lanka, Lisa Kois Journalism for Citizens Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:02:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: punitham Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:02:15 +0000 Gas chambers and the like would be easily noticed but slow genocide of the Tamils in the last six decades cannot be easily reognised by many before it is too late. 1. The whole of Northeast has been behind an iron curtain the last three years(as has been in several periods previously). There has been unbearable suffering of various kinds in Mannar, Jaffna, Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Amparai. Why else wouldn’t the Buddhist Republic let the UN human rights monitoring in? The damage control exercises of the last four decades at the UN!! Now in the last three years – APRC, CoI, IIGEP, etc to gain time to kill as many Tamils as possible. Why did wthe SLA have a ”conducted tour” for journalists in Jaffna a few months back? Why were the EU delegates prevented from going to the East?

By: nihal pathirana Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:17:34 +0000 well said david you have spoken the truth when comparing the two, but for sam he doesnot see things as true [edited out]. He sees the truth but pretends not to know it, he always try to white wash him in the eyes of the International community to gain sympathy. what ever the attrocities committed by pabhakaren is blind to sam

By: David Blacker Tue, 09 Sep 2008 07:07:51 +0000 Here is an excerpt from an excellent article by Dr Rajasingham Narendran:

“The LTTE is in a defensive mode today, fighting for its own survival in the territorial and politico- military space it had bravely and brutally carved for itself at great cost to the Tamils, over three decades. Even if the LTTE, overcomes the odds stacked against it by the Sri Lankan armed forces and the other forces- both internal and external- aligned with the government, it is no longer relevant as a liberation movement. It has earned itself a nuisance-curse value in the future of the Tamils, by its callous brutality, absence of a realistic vision , total lack of political acumen and moral principles, unbridled arrogance and a lack of respect for the people it claims to represent. The LTTE has led us for three decades on a ‘ Wild Goose chase’ that has almost destroyed us as a people. The LTTE has become an unbearable burden we have to unload from our shoulders. The sooner the better!”

The rest of the article is here:

Perhaps it’ll teach you something about what your worshipped LTTE has done for the Tamil people.

By: David Blacker Tue, 09 Sep 2008 06:47:39 +0000 “David, you definitely came out to protect MR.”

Really? Please quote where I’ve defended MR or even mentioned him in my first response to you. Try not to be childish, Sam.

“The comparison between Radovan Karadzhic and MR is very appropriate whether you accept it or not”

Ha ha my acceptance or rejection of it is immaterial, but thanks. The point is that the international community has rejected it. There is not a single indictment against ANY Sri Lankan leader, past or present (never mind MR). On the other hand, Prabha is wanted for murder in India, and the LTTE and its auxiliaries are illegal in most of the world. Not a single nation or body is willing to pledge support to Eelam even if UDI’d; not even your friend Norway. How can a gang of thugs expect to be treated as a nation?

“The military action of both were directed to gravely harm and destroy an ethnic group. ”

Not in SL it’s not. We’ve got Tamil parliamentarians and Tamil political parties, a Tamil Chief Minister. We had a Tamil foreign minister til the LTTE killed him. In fact, the greatest harm done to the Tamil ethnic group has been by the LTTE.

“Both were mindless about the lives of the opposite ethnic group and their property”

What is this “opposing ethnic group”? The Tamils are divided in their support. We have Tamil militants fighting the LTTE, and Tamil politicians in parliament. We have a Tamil population equal in size (at least) to the NE Tamils living in the south. Where is this opposing ethnic group? Surely you’re not suggesting that the Tigers are an ethnic group?

“They are identical “partners” in the sme type of criminal game.”

You mean like the “Axis of Evil”? 😉

“MR may not yet be under indictment but the time for MR is coming soon”

Around the same time as Eelam, perhaps?

“That is why he refused the UN Human Rights Monitors and started “running away” from them,”

Jogging round Temple Trees?

“You say that before MR is indicted, the UN will be looking at the murderers of two presidents. Presidents who were murdered were the “Commanders in Chief” of the two armies the LTTE was fighting against. Therefore, the deaths can be said of as military personnel in a freedom war”

Well, tough shit, but political leaders are considered civilians by the UN, so don’t bank on that argument. Since the LTTE uses women and children as fighters, the GoSL should be justified (by your logic) in killing them, since they are either combatants, or supporters of combatants, and therefore part of the infrastructure. Mothers of Tigers support the Tigers, right? Genius, Sammy.

“It is the intention to destroy a people of an ethnic group which is the crime.”

Exactly. So where is this intention. Talking about it won’t make it real. On the other hand, there are countless recorded incidents of LTTE targeting civilians as a matter of policy — Central Bank, bus and train bombings, A’pura Bo Tree attack, Dollar Farms, border villages, ethnic cleansing of the NE Muslims, etc etc etc. Policy proves intention. There is no GoSL policy on exterminating Tamils.

“MR has to duly answer in the International Criminal Court for the crimes he did, when indicted.”

Which crimes are these? Be specific, please, Sam. Generalised “oh he wants to exterminate us” won’t really do.

“I am glad that you agree that murderers who have ” killed thousands of his own people, and sent hundreds of women and little children to their deaths” should be punished. Are not the citizens of any country, even if Tamils,. the own people of the head of state, the president?”

So if you come over and kill me today, Sam, the president is to blame? Or if I come over and kill you tomorrow, it’s the president’s fault? Oh dear. Poor bugger. So perhaps you should indict MR for the murder of Rajiv Ghandhi, since Prabha (the murderer) is an SL citizen. Stupefying logic, Sam. Do go on.

“But when Karadzhic and MR are in the same boat, one being charged for war crime and the other not, would be injustice.”

Really? So then trying Adolf Eichmann but not Yasir Arafat is injustice? Ha ha. Sam, try and have some perspective. The world is not a fairy tale book with good and evil. You have to be a George Bush to think that.

“Have you ever heard of “transitional justice”.? Even the traitors who promote civilian killings, even if they belong to the same ethnic group, are punishable.”

So you then agree that Prabha & co are criminals.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 08 Sep 2008 13:57:15 +0000 David, you definitely came out to protect MR.

The comparison between Radovan Karadzhic and MR is very appropriate whether you accept it or not. The military action of both were directed to gravely harm and destroy an ethnic group. Both were mindless about the lives of the opposite ethnic group and their property. They both carried out collective punishment and genocide They are identical “partners” in the sme type of criminal game.

MR may not yet be under indictment but the time for MR is coming soon, as it happened to the Sudanese presdent for genocide in Darfur. In the year 2004, the UN accepted that there was genocide in Darfur but the indictment has come only in July this year. Four years later. Indictment will have to come but as to when is the question. If not, there would be no justice in this world.

MR knows what is coming. That is why he refused the UN Human Rights Monitors and started “running away” from them, so that, his genocidal acts would never come to light. Sudanese president also was “running away” in a similar manner but he was cornered into an indictment.

You say that before MR is indicted, the UN will be looking at the murderers of two presidents. Presidents who were murdered were the “Commanders in Chief” of the two armies the LTTE was fighting against. Therefore, the deaths can be said of as military personnel in a freedom war. But what Karadzhic and MR carried out were against civilians of an ethnic group.

It does not matter how many or how less people were killed. It is the intention to destroy a people of an ethnic group which is the crime.

If LTTE killed women and civilians deliberately they will have to account for it but two wrongs don’t make one right. MR has to duly answer in the International Criminal Court for the crimes he did, when indicted.. I am glad that you agree that murderers who have ” killed thousands of his own people, and sent hundreds of women and little children to their deaths” should be punished. Are not the citizens of any country, even if Tamils,. the own people of the head of state, the president? For this reason, the offence is viewed seriously by the UN when the crime comes from any head of state.

You might have not yet seen the “slightest inclination” of any war crime action coming. But when Karadzhic and MR are in the same boat, one being charged for war crime and the other not, would be injustice.

I hope now you understand who the war criminals are.

Have you ever heard of “transitional justice”.? Even the traitors who promote civilian killings, even if they belong to the same ethnic group, are punishable. That is justice according to that principle. So even collaborators of criminals are punishable.

By: David Blacker Fri, 05 Sep 2008 12:05:25 +0000 I came out to protect no one, Sam. Merely to point out how absurd your post is. Your comparison between the Serbian leaders and MR is tenuous in the extreme. Both Milosovic and Karadzic had been under indictment for many years. What exactly is MR (and the other GoSL leaders past and present) running from – pipe dreams? Long before any SL president is indicted, the UN will be looking for the murderer of two presidents, the murderer who has killed thousands of his own people, and sent hundreds of women and little children to their deaths. Never once has the UN or any other recognized body shown the slightest inclination to charge any SL political or military leader with war crimes. All the lobbying has been ignored. When are you guys going to learn who the true war criminals are?

By: Justin Fri, 05 Sep 2008 10:54:06 +0000 Well said Sam. The UN should intervene to bring justice to the people of the island.

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 05 Sep 2008 10:03:28 +0000 David

Thanks for the correction. I apologise for the error. It should read Radovan Kharadzic.

Strangely, you failed to correct it but came out to protect ruthless Mahinda Rajapakse.

My prophesy is that Mahinda who is ” running… running away” from the UN Human Rights Monitors will one day be dragged in a net to the Hague.

By: aadhavan Thu, 04 Sep 2008 14:15:05 +0000 Did you mean Karadzic?

By: David Blacker Thu, 04 Sep 2008 13:00:24 +0000 “The former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic “ran away” from arrest for more than 10 years but is facing charges in the Hague now”

Slobo is dead. He died some two years ago. Hadn’t you heard? I think you’re a bit behind the times, Sammy, as is most of your ridiculous post.šević
