Comments on: Hurry Up and Go Slowly Journalism for Citizens Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:40:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Thambipillai Thu, 21 Aug 2008 11:40:22 +0000 When Human Rights are grossly violated or crimes against humanity are perpetrated, civilised countries, valuing human life, take punitive action against the offending state. But when genocide is carried out, the UN is bound to act based on the 1948 UN convention on Genocide. This happened in Bosnia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sudan.

Radovan Karadzic,the Bosnian President during 1992-1993 war, fought to take Sarajevo and link it to Serbia. Water and power were cut off and the people lived on scarce food. Bombs and grenades rained Sarajevo daily. Bosnian civians were killed. Along with his military commander Ratko Mladic, Karadzic now faces charges of genocide over the Sarjevo siege.

Mahinda Rajapakse, the Sri Lankan President, is fighting a war to take over Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu and link to Colmbo. Medical, fuel and food supplies to the areas are cut off. The Government Agent for the area is moved out.

At least 12,000 families, mainly with women and children have left; unwillingly leaving behind the sick, the blind, the maimed and the handicapped. Their animals are left without food.

Surely, this is “Collective Punishment” by the GOSL for the political belief of Tamils to achieve self rule. It is a war crime. Each of the 12,000 is a Collectively Punished Person (CPP). The UN and the International Community should recognise them as such. The term IDP does not clearly denote who they really are.

The Serbians viewed Bosnians as property less than human and so do the Sinhalese view the Tamils.

Therefore, upto this stage, every act of the siege of Kilinochchi stinks exactly like the siege of Sarajevo.

The only thing left is for the GOSL to rain bombs, grenades and shells at Kilinochchi daily, kill Tamil civilians and destry their property. With that Mahinda Rajapakse and Sarath Fonseka would more than qualify to face charges of genocide in the Hague. And Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese would be disgraced and humiliated internationally like Serbia and the Serbians.

Mahinda Rajapakse started the war as “war on terrorism”. But the bombings and shellings of his armed forces killed many civilians, destroyed their property and displaced many. Now the war has changed into State Terror on Tamil civilians, collective punishment and genocide. But still he calls the war “war on terror” to cover up his genocidal acts and hoodwink the world.

The UN and the International Community are normally slow to act on genocide. The trouble is that it takes a long time for the west to identify and name it. The presidents of USA stopped short of calling the killings as Genocide when it started in 1990 in Bosnia, in 1994 in Rwanda and in 2004 in Darfur.

The west should stop acting as those who only record the history of genocide. Instead, they should learn to prevent it by taking timely and appropriate action under the 1948 UN convention on Genocide.

By: Justin Tue, 19 Aug 2008 11:33:46 +0000 Political problems can be resolved only with the help of political experts, neither by military warfare nor state terrorism. Any logical and pragmatic political solution to the problem in the North East(NE) can never be found because of the Buddhist clergy in Sri Lanka(SL), though wearing robes, have become neither clergy nor politicians.

Yesterday, the “Mahanayake of Asgiriya Chapter” spoke against terrorism but never mentioned of prevailing state terror. State terror, though earlier in the NE is now at his door step in the South. Also yesterday, JVP warned the government for “state terrorism” against its political supporters.

The difference between politics in the NE and the South is that in the South, contrary to civilised political and spiritual norms all over the world, the Buddhist clergy make political pronouncements. But in the NE, Hindu, Christian and Muslim priests do not rightly make political pronouncements.

The curriculum of Buddhist priests does not include political Science, let alone Social Science. Yet in SL, they are “heavy weights” in politics in the South idiotising masses, making them neither political nor spiritual. Though Buddhism requires the denial of desires, the monks desire politics too much ending up even in the legislature.

The political party leaders go on their bended knees to please the monks. Mahinda goes even on his belly. The South is in a messy political situation because of this. Even the war in the NE is because of the continuous fingering of monks in political and miltary decisions from the 1950’s. They even spoilt SWRD Bandaranayake with the devil inside of them and misled him to Sinhalised politics. A monk finally gunned SWRD down showing to the whole world that they are a vicious lot.

Since then, there is a curse to politics in SL from this brand of monks. They rarely speak wisdom, thinking of the welfare of ALL the citizens in the island. Instead, their concern is about Sinhala Buddhists only.

Although, Buddhism advocates non violence and non killing, the pronouncents by the Buddhist monks from the top to bottom have a hidden intent to kill Tamils, exterminate them and take control of NE; which is genocidal and criminal.

The world community should have banned the import of this killer Buddhist cult philosophy into their countries long ago and imposed travel ban to selected “loud speakers” of genocide.

A separate independent state of Eelam would be inevitable, unless the Buddhist monks in SL are made to “shut their gap” on political matters.
