Comments on: Feature story: Cries for help from Puttalam Journalism for Citizens Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:49:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sie.Kathieravealu Tue, 09 Sep 2008 14:49:37 +0000 From the media we find that large sums of money are being spent for the IDPs in Puttalam and I too was under the impression that they – IDPs – well looked after. But after reading the above article, I feel that my impression is wrong.

It is generally said that the Sinhalese are discriminating against the minorities but here an IDP who has become a minister through the support of fellow IDPs is discriminating his own fellow IDPs. This is the normal behavier of all persons who are in power. Look after themselves first, their kith and kin next, their supporters there after and the ordinary people will be considered last. So you can’t blame the Hon. Minister.

According to the report this discrimination is going on for the last 18 years. Even at the last election the discriminated IDPs could have taken-up the matter and put forward another person, which they have failed to do. So they will have to the blame on themselves without pointing the finger at someone else.

Even now they could appeal to His Excellency the President, directly or through any other MP, to look into their grievances, which would receive, without doubt, due and favorable attention.
