Comments on: Lt. General Sarath Fonseka: military dictator, saviour or both? Journalism for Citizens Tue, 29 Sep 2009 07:58:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: President Bean Tue, 29 Sep 2009 07:58:09 +0000 David Blacker…you say that “the Sri Lankan regimental system will not allow a military dictatorship.”
But the Presidential system has allowed a dictatorship of the “Brotherhood,” aka the “Four Warlord Millionaire Brothers!”
In time there might even be a military dictatorship in our Utopian Paradise. Anything is possible in this ‘Small Miracle’ pronounced ‘Big Hypocrisy’ that we live in!

By: Dilip Tue, 29 Sep 2009 06:37:46 +0000 Journalist of the calibre of Keith Noyah should be wiped out. These corrupt journalists who write rubbish for the sake of a dinner or a bottle of whisky and bring discredit to the whole nation and to a great General who brought the ruthless terrorists outfit to their knees should be treated as traitors. Finally the great General has won and a hero of all Sinhalese Buddhist.

By: anuladevi Mon, 18 May 2009 13:23:07 +0000 Geez, what a piece of absolute crap. A stupid journalist trying to take on a great general. We admire the the General for what he has achieved for SL.

By: kichchi Fri, 13 Mar 2009 03:40:37 +0000 kapuge said,

October 6, 2008 @ 9:45 pm

“Sri Lanka is a small country. It can not be partitioned. We are not in Europe. If Tamils needs a separation, other minorities would follow suits. What will then happen.”

So the best thing would to create a political climate that will not induce anyone of any minority community or majority community to think in terms of “taking-up arms” to solve his/her problems. For which the “Rule of Law” must be established. To establish the “Rule of Law” we must establish “good governance” in the country. To establish “good governance” we (particularly the “majority” community) must change our ‘attitude’ towards others around us and think in terms of “justice to everyone” and discard ‘racial supremacy’.

This Island that was once known as the “Paradise Isle” is not only a beautiful island but also a bountiful island where there is ENOUGH SPACE for everyone to lead a peasant life on their own and not at the expense of others.

As Lord Buddha said “Greed is the cause of all Grievances”

This bountiful island has enough resources to satisfy the NEEDS of all its inhabitants but a few are trying to “grab” all the resources o themselves by false slogans to make the “common people” their slaves in their pursuit of power.

Let us – the common people – of this bountiful country , be vigilant to avoid becoming slaves without our knowledge.

By: kapuge Mon, 06 Oct 2008 16:15:32 +0000 I want to know you all something. He is a army commander. He is not a polician. So he is a military man. He must talk with weapon. If LTTE do not carry weapons, every thing is ok. LTTE must lay down arms. otherwise get killed. LTTE get killed.

Sri Lanka is a small country. It can not be partitioned. We are not in europe. If tamils needs a seperation, other minorities would follow suits. What will then happen.

By: amazing Mon, 29 Sep 2008 12:31:37 +0000 this is how the majority of the sinhalese view the current situation and the tamil’s place in society…

“tamil speaking survive and may partake in the life of the country at the pleasure of the sinhala minority ”

– we are allowed only what they see fit to share with us
-our freedoms are those that they allow us

and we should like it and thank them for it…

like dayan said somewhere on this site: (paraphrasing) federalism, separation etc will not work because the majority sinhalese will not allow it. The 13th amendment is what was approved and that is what the tamils must accept. NOthing else will pass with 2/3rds majority in parliament and/or at a referendum.

in his and most sinhalese persons views it is their country and they can dictate to the “minorities” the conditions of their “servitude”.

the fact of the matter, which the LTTE recognizes and fights for, is that the tamils have the right to self determination. The East Timorese & Macedonians did not have to get the approval of the Indonesians or Yugoslavia/Serbia. They had referendums and then separated. in 1977 the tamils voted for the TULF on the platform of separation – and won.

The LTTE & Prabakaran understand that the statement by Fonseka is what all sinhala leaders since independance have believed, it is only this administration that is frank enough to say these things out loud. and due to the recent GOSL military “successes” there are many in colombo who i once thought were enlightened, western educated, reasonable persons, with similar worldviews who have turned out to be closet sinhala-nationalist racist and the sad thing is that they don’t see that they are.

By: groundviews Mon, 29 Sep 2008 02:29:47 +0000 Commander of the Sri Lanka Army, General Sarath Fonseka, in an interview with Stewart Bell of the National Post newspaper of Canada, published on 23rd September 2008 stated that,

“I strongly believe that this country belongs to the Sinhalese but there are minority communities and we treat them like our people…We being the majority of the country, 75%, we will never give in and we have the right to protect this country…We are also a strong nation … They can live in this country with us. But they must not try to, under the pretext of being a minority, demand undue things.”

By: The Under Dog Mon, 25 Aug 2008 05:58:50 +0000 To CheeLanka, I agree with your comment. I too was quietly happy that the ex-general was defeated. But it is sobering that this victory for the UPFA is purely solidarity with the military effort, not with other elements of their governance. There is definitely a political vacuum in the country now, created by the incompetence of the UNP, the impotence of the JVP, and the arrogance and corruption of the present government. It is a vacuum that could easily be filled by the military, in league with the Buddhist clergy. If the clergy gave their nod to the military, the coup would be given legitimacy and roundly applauded by the public. My guess is that it could happen after the Wanni falls. If the APRC suggestion are implemented, there may be accusations of selling out the sinhala victory, with the military then coming to ‘save us.’ I hope I am proved wrong.

By: CheeLanka Sun, 24 Aug 2008 04:41:28 +0000 I am writing this shortly after the results of the NCP and Sabaragamuwa Province elections have come in. I’m politically and ideologically opposed to the Sinhala Buddhist chauvinist regime of Mahinda-Champika alliance. But at the same time, I am so very glad that the UNP has been routed once again – especially in the NCP where the ex-military man Janaka Perera (stand up from where you are sulking!) has firmly been put in his place. Serves the UNP right for putting forward a military man, and one with very serious allegations of human rights abuse while he was serving.

At least let this be a lesson to the UNP that it must belatedly stop contributing to the alarming militarisation of Sri Lanka in every aspect including electoral politics. The bigger problem, as I noted in my comment of Aug 10 (see above), is not the likelyhood of the individual called Sarath Fonseka taking over the country as military dictator. It is the military – all three armed forces – slowly and insidiously militarising our nation. Few have noticed their gradual encroaching of the civilian spheres in administration, media, disaster management, etc, etc.

For now, at least, one overambitious ex-general has been stopped in his track by nothing more than the combined ballots. But don’t expect ANY of these generals – current or serving – to have much faith in the ballot or any other democratic systems. They have for too long ruled by the bullet, terrorising innocent Tamilians, and they will always be tempted to resort to the bullet to achieve their own selfish, dangerous ends!

PS: I feel rather sorry for Ranjan Ramanayake, a good man and non-politician who hitched his fortune on to the miserable UNP of Ranil Wickramasinghe.

By: jumbo Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:53:52 +0000 I m a worrior of many kinds, not just paper and so is my herritage. Seeing the conditions for democracy, development and elimination of mono-ethnic fascism is the joy.
So you prefer the mon-ethnic baby army?
