Comments on: An Eye for an Eye, a Bomb for a Bomb Journalism for Citizens Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:00:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: sarath Fernando Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:00:33 +0000 The most rational way to stop the war and have a settlemnt is to make the war unnecessary. All rational mined people whether they are sinhala, Tamil or Muslim will agree that allowing people in various regions and of various cultural backgrounds to rule themselves and to plan thier owm economy and development process would not be and need not be against the interests of any other group.

Even if you look at other groups in the country such as plantation workers in hill country, the fisher people in the Northern or in the southern and Western coast or the farmers in Monaragala, Anuradhapura or any where else would do better if they are given the oppotunity to decide and plan for themselves, rather than their being under planning by Central governments that are only planning to plunder people and their nature’s resources.

So, the majority community , the Sinhala must begin a campaign to pressurinze both sides in war to stop their “eye for an eye” approach and to grant this right to all communities to plan, decide and govern themselves which would make this war “unnecessary”. No group can sustain a war unless they can justify it “as necessary”

By: nandasena Sat, 31 May 2008 02:28:20 +0000 Fairly reasonable article. Most sinhalese start the history of the Tamil struggle from the time convenient for them. ie to show that the Govt. treated the Tamils equaly , but the Tamils wanted a seperate state. No mention about the several pogroms against the Tamils!! They also mention that the Tamils are living “happily” in Colombo and other areas. They forget to mention the hardships and degrading treatment the Tamils receive at the hands of the security forces in Colombo and other areas!! They are living in Colombo because they cannot live in the Tamil areas due to the ill treatment of the STATE SPONSORED paramilitaries. Some of them are their because they are driven out of their house by the Security forces in the name of establishing high security zones.

You mention that the ” The LTTE, a little known group in the 70s grew in to a brutally efficient beast that breathed hatred and bombs” But fail to mention the brutality of the govt. against the Tamils. The state sponsored abductions, arrests of innocent people, inprisonment of Tamils without charges for ages, torture, extra judicial kllings etc.etc. DELIBERATE aerial bombardment of schools, churches and villages knowing very well that they are civilian areas. Not bringing to trial the security forces responsible for mass graves, rapes, torture etc. In fact these officers were given promotions or sent as ambassadors.

During the CFA, the GOVT. refused to consider the ISGA suggested by the LTTE. Now they are propping up the ARMED TMVP in the east despite their proven record of abductions, killings, torture. It is not a secret how they won the election. (It is not free and fair by any standards) Of course it is anybodys guess that the TMVP will be thrown out once the GOVT.’s agenda of genocide against the Tamils is carried out through the TMVP!!

How can the Tamils trust any government. Even the supreme court in Sri Lanka sways according to the whims and fancies of the ruling party!!

By: Seara Kumar Fri, 30 May 2008 03:00:46 +0000 Excellent article with true passion for a way out of this mess.
The mind set on both sides need to change.
As Gandhi said ” eye for an eye makes a whole world blind”
In my opinion a true federal system would be the best solution where both communities of the conflict become winners.

By: Ekcol Thu, 29 May 2008 06:59:15 +0000 Under Dog
“The LTTE, a little known group in the 70s grew in to a brutally efficient beast that breathed hatred and bombs.” How would you describe the fifty years of State Terror?
The Ceylon and Sri Lanka governments since 1948 gave birth to the LTTE. True, the Tamils both in and outside the Island nurtured them because Tamils wanted to regain their sovereignty so that they can once again govern themselves and protect themselves from Sri Lanka aggression.

The SL govts since 1956 began brutalising the Tamils who had no recourse to law, and since 1972 could not appeal to the Privy Council. The 1977 genocide of Tamils caused the LTTE to strike back. The government and the Sinhala thugs struck back with the 1983 Genocide. The LTTE struck back. Then the SL govt began systematic subjugation of Tamils. The LTTE would not let that happen.

Now you see the results of two communities conducting the war of sovereignties. Until people in Sri Lanka accept that there are two sovereign communities exist in the Island, the violent conflict of sovereignties will go on. For every Tamil killed, the sequence of events show that the LTTE will reciprocate. Tamils will not turn the other cheek to an oppressor who is bent on genocide.
