Comments on: EU withdrawal of GSP+ to enforce Human Rights – Part 2 Journalism for Citizens Sat, 24 May 2008 23:07:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shanil Sat, 24 May 2008 23:07:59 +0000 Apologies for the typos..

By: Shanil Sat, 24 May 2008 23:05:12 +0000 As always, I feel (San) that it’s all one of side of the coin. You describe the brutality of one side with so much as acknowledging that of the other. As hard as it may be to believe, there are many people who suffer under the Govt.s oppression. Not that I’m in anyway suggesting that the Tamil people are not marginalized, i’ve always felt that they were. I know I’m not going to change your views and perhaps you aren’t going to change mine.

I just feel that one needs to view all this from a larger perspective than just good guy , bad guy. Two governments in one country being accepted as a solution? Pray where is this being accepted? I apologize if I sound rude and confrontational, I don’t intend to…but I really am keen to explore this view that a small island like Sri Lanka (a veritable spec on the globe)….that already has hundreds of ministers ….would be supported in having two governments? To me that doesn’t even make sense from a FDI perspective.

I am cynical about Eelam because I don’t think the people who fight for their freedom through terrorism (the LTTE) are better than their oppressors…in fact they are arguably worse. To believe that they will magically drop their arms when the war is won and run a wonderful little state where all the Tamil people can live happily ever after …to me that is nothing short of naivety. The truth is it will most likely be a police state much like SL is now with restrictions on everything and immense pressure to conform. It will have staggering socio-economic problems .Is that what these poor Tamil refugees want? People who have been forced nomads for decades now? Following orders of people who tell them what they want …tell them how to feel for coerce them to? I think not…I did a fair amount of work with Tamil refugees in the East a while ago and I found that most of them were apathetic towards a separate…or ironically….cynical towards the concept of a “motherland” mainly because they are weary and they just want to get along…..they mostly identified the leadership on both sides as being the villains and not entire races.

I think the common enemy we face in Sri Lanka is utterly corrupt leadership and it is not something that spawned overnight. I had bred and fermented so many problems in this country. We as a people are so passive about our futures and the few that are …are often hounded and punished for it …because they are easy to identify. As idealistic as it may be ….I don’t believe in viewing people in terms of race and I find it a futile distinction. From the most beautiful the most depraved acts…they are a range of features endemic to humanity and no particular race.

I don’t propose quick fire solutions. But to me it’s obvious that we need a whole new generation of leaders and a total re haul of our out-dated systems (primarily of thinking). Clinging to the past and associated pride is of little importance when in this present day context…the people of this island we call Sri Lanka…can no longer call it a home…can no longer survive on it…can no longer be free.

By: sam Fri, 23 May 2008 03:08:38 +0000 Dear Sam,

There’s a few Tamil guys I see and talk with daily … Sure, there are problems, but I think you are getting a bit carried away with the line “Tamils are specifically targeted with the intent of Genocide.” …

Also, re: Cairo – please check out what Human Rights Watch says about Egypt. … And I believe they happily co-operated with the CIA in providing safe places to conduct torture of suspected ‘terrorists’.

It’s all perspective really.

– S.

By: Sam Thambipillai Tue, 20 May 2008 14:31:47 +0000 The violence, murder, displacements and disappearnaces are not generally to bring about fear in the minds of all the people of Sri Lanka. This violence is directed against the Tamils of North East. One could call it “collective punishment”. Mervyn Silva type of violence is another brand altogether.

There is an organised move by the Sinhala Nation (SN) to subjugate Tamils and deny the legitimate right to rule themselves. This is the war; be it against the LTTE or Tamil civilians.

In the recently held Eastern Provincial Council election, massive intimidation and mass rigging by the armed TMVP cadres supported by the government, were reported, preventing the real will of the populace to express democratically. TNA, the major actor in the East boycotted the election.

What has beeen revealed in the elections is that the Sinhala nation (SN) and their political parties are still hell bent on ramming their will unilaterally on the Tamils of the East.

The SN has proved yet again that it has no “character”. It does not value truthfulness, fairness and honesty. Character is not valued much in this region. Human rights are grossly violated in India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. India values money more than Human rights !

Mahinda Rajapakse promised the position of Chief Minister to the Tamil speaking-religo group obtaining the maximum number of seats. But Hisbulla was denied that position unfairly. Promises are meant to kept, but promises are meant to be broken with Tamils !

TMVP has surrendered spirit, soul and body to UPFA. A surrendered party cannot be expected at all to get any of its policy fulfilled by its master. A slave is a slave. SN never ever honoured agreements with Tamils. It is not in their culture. What we see in the promises of TMVP is the usual deceptive rhetoric.

To be cynical about Eelam is to be cynical about reality. An island with two governments is being accepted and recommended as the only viable and workable solution now.

An eminent internantional ex-jurist from Australia presented a paper last week in Wales, requesting the International Community to seriously and quickly implement such a policy of two government for Sri Lanka.

Therefore, it is wrong to say that Tamils are victims of the law of the jungle practiced islandwide. Tamils are specifically targeted with the intent of Genocide.
