Comments on: The Island newspaper promotes pedophilia, sex and fellatio for children Journalism for Citizens Wed, 01 Apr 2009 06:32:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hem Goon Wed, 01 Apr 2009 06:32:27 +0000 The Island is the only patriotic English newspaper in the country that is helping President Mahinda Rajapaksha to rebuild the nation ruined by 500 years of colonial misrule, 1505 – 2005. All other English newspapers are dominated and controlled by non-Buddhists who are working overtime to undermine the Sinhala Buddhist nation. It is likely that one of these anti-Sinhala, anti-Buddhist conspirators funded and supported by western intelligence agencies and foreign-funded NGOs infiltrated the production rooms of The Island and carried out this dastardly attack to discredit the only patriotic English newspaper. If you are a Sinhala Buddhist, please don’t criticise The Island; encourage them in their noble nation building, and better still, join them. If you are not Sinhala and Buddhist, hold your tongue and fall in line. This is not your island to do as you please.

By: Don Camillo Fri, 16 May 2008 23:22:06 +0000 The Island has become such a tragic comedy (and I’m not just referring to the newspaper).

The media in Sri Lanka has been taking a beating for so long now, it seems as if the journalists have finally abandon all hope and taken a running leap off World’s End. Of course I exaggerate – there are a couple of good eggs left – but really the majority aren’t even fit to be scrambled.

As far as this particular incident is concerned (instead of offering ‘dog ate my homework’ type excuses) the Island should ‘at least now’, act a little professionally and be accountable for what occurred. Yes, anywhere else in the world the Editor would resign or be fired – but in Sri Lanka it’s not demanded of him; it’s not expected of him; it’s not even blamed on him.

To the Editor of The Island newspaper: Please give us all a pleasant surprise and show the world you are a true media professional – RESIGN! 😉

By: aljuhara Fri, 16 May 2008 12:24:15 +0000 well I guess my search was too quick. …
but then its certainly not the first thing you get when you search for Nursery Rhymes, is it ? You have to pretty much dig through tens of pages to reach this particular configuration of sleeze…so it really cant be an innocent mistake ,whatever else it is.
I tend to agree with V that it may be someone inside doing it to teach people a lesson, but I dont think it is “nice” at all.
you probably have supreme authority, disgruntled elements resorting to unfair attacks resulting in traumatised children at the end of this – all the ingredients that define terrorism, the story of Sri Lanka…

By: groundviews Fri, 16 May 2008 11:24:30 +0000 Glow,

Whether or not plagiarism occurs is certainly not a moot point. That it did occur blatantly and despite the repeated complaints made by numerous bloggers is proof enough that it does matter to many of us and quite deeply. Professionalism is easy – for starters, you don’t copy others text without their permission and when it is pointed out, you don’t keep on doing it. Same form with this incident – you are responsible for what you publish. Even if you buy the hacker story (I don’t) why didn’t anyone in the Editorial Department check the first editions? Or is that really not a practice in the print media today (and not just The Island)?


By: JJ Fri, 16 May 2008 11:22:57 +0000 Make that lost hope in most of them. There are a few, alas. 🙁

By: JJ Fri, 16 May 2008 11:20:54 +0000 Acromantula,

Now I’m not sure if you’re joking or not, but a little glimpse into your blog makes me unsure. If you want to accuse me go ahead, call the authorities. I have nothing to hide.


“It is sad that neither the traditional media nor the new media is able to admit to lurid lapses in professional behaviour… and insist on by the way responses (and sometimes absolutely way out theories) to justify any criticism whatsoever.”

Ha ha you read my mind there. A couple of years ago for one of my school assemblies a journalist was invited and she rambled about how important journalism is and all that jazz. Ever since that day I just thought, boy these journalists are just a small group of privileged people who get the opportunity to let the world know their opinions. Now I may have come to that realisation as a kid in haste. But isn’t this exactly what is happening today? Whether it be on the blogsphere or traditional media. Just a bunch of people with relatively good command of language bashing each other and making baseless accusations without regard to the mayhem they cause. The reason journalists are losing respect and the world losing those neutral observers is partly due to restrictions put in place by the powers that be that don’t allow journalists to do their job right *cough* “no independent observers allowed” *cough*. The other prominent reason I see is what Glow has mentioned, “a lurid lapse in professional behaviour”, just like our politicians eh? Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate all journalists, they are a very important and necessary part of the modern world, it’s just that I’ve lost hope in them like I have lost hope in our politicians.

By: groundviews Fri, 16 May 2008 11:05:43 +0000 “Perhaps an irate journalist within the Island got sick of the pandering and decided to screw the bosses with a prank. If that was the case, whoever you are, NICE JOB!”

If this is indeed the case, though one may never know, it is sick and wrong. This is not a prank and no doubt if this was the US, The Island would been sued out of existence by irate parents.

By: groundviews Fri, 16 May 2008 11:00:36 +0000 “Groundviews u cant seriously think tht this was done intentionally can u?”


By: Glow Fri, 16 May 2008 10:20:46 +0000 The failing on the part of the Island is quite horrendous, apart from this article being in the children’s section…

Re the first response by groundviews, I fail to understand how this turned out to be a contention between ‘traditional’ and ‘new’ media. Sashini’s point is that the title is quite excessive and she is not calling upon anyone to be tolerant of the (grave) failings of the ‘traditional media’. The tendency of the traditional media to criticize new media is no excuse for unprofessional excesses on the part of the ‘new media’.

And please… not the ‘plagiarism of blogs’ episode again. This can’t be the case in point for ‘everything’. Many of us realize that bloging is a relatively new thing, and whether in fact an act of plagiarism occurs is a moot point… and hence difficult to judge ‘professionalism’ on this point (quite apart from the editor’s response).

It is sad that neither the traditional media nor the new media is able to admit to lurid lapses in professional behaviour… and insist on by the way responses (and sometimes absolutely way out theories) to justify any criticism whatsoever. The real problem seems that professional journalism has run into some serious difficulties, if today’s events are any indication. Let’s all address this sorry fact… shall we?

By: Tina Edward Gunawardhana Fri, 16 May 2008 10:18:20 +0000 Today’s internet Island carries an apology saying that hackers had done this
