Comments on: Old Truths and Old Men Journalism for Citizens Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:04:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: teachtheignorant Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:04:19 +0000 Eckol,
I disagree with your point about JR as it is not really relevant to the argument. The author is saying that in today’s world most people who hold power are old men who have not changed there views since they were inducted into their powerful positions. And on the metaphorical side old men can also mean the people who still hold old truths in their hearts instead of new age thinking regardless of their ages.

You say that young people are the people who voted the old men in. That is correct. And the reason for this is given by you. “What people do to each other is ingrained in their mind and the society in which they are brought up.”
So society creates the individual. And if there is no one to teach the individual what is right and wrong, he will vote for the stupid old men. As you say Nurture has more of an impact than nature. So what the author is saying is if we can change the views of the old men, then the people who look up to them will also change their views for the better.

The author never states that truth is absolute, he merely states that over the last 500 years there have been many “truths” by which the world has lived by. And now it is time for a new truth. I agree with you that a a fact is occurrence with a high probability. Also that you should blame those who misinterpret it.

“In fact the word Truth does not exist in science.”
If you would be so kind to look up the meaning of the word science-
It is Knowledge. And if you look up the definition of knowledge-
you see that it is a true, justified belief. So yes there is “Truth” in science as it is in the root of the word.
Also what is science other than a method of searching for the truth? If the word doesn’t exist then what is the purpose of science? For example when we study atomic interactions why are we doing it? Yes to be able to understand it and also cause the human being has a need to search for the truth. Maybe we will never find out what goes on at the levels we can’t detect but the truth is there.

Your use of the proverb is nice but I don’t understand your point. The author is the young leaf who is laughing at the old leaves falling. And what is your point? Yes, the author is pointing fingers at the old men. So? When you try to make a point it helps to be specific.Random quotes don’t make you sound too smart.

I wonder how old you are? To be such a pessimist!
You said for your foreseeable lifetime? what are you like 60? If you are a young’un like me, then i feel sorry for you cause you don’t seem to have any drive to help change the world. Its easy to sit at the computer and say the world isn’t going to change. But if you do get out there and start no matter how small, you will see the difference. Everyone starts small. That is if you really want to?
I dare you to go out and start changing the world around you from the material and single track minded to the more spiritual and understanding. I hope you do change your mind and be a bit more positive.

By: JJ Tue, 13 May 2008 16:14:23 +0000 These old men you talk of, there’s always a fresh supply of young’uns to take their place.

By: JJ Tue, 13 May 2008 16:13:02 +0000 This will NEVER happen. The world always has been and always will be asleep, at least for my foreseeable lifetime.

By: Punitham Tue, 13 May 2008 02:46:36 +0000 Kurththolai is young leaf and not shoot.
Very interesting things for thought, Lalith, Chinthana and Ekcol.

By: Ekcol Mon, 12 May 2008 17:03:41 +0000 Lalith,
Yes, JR was an old man and was stupid. But he was stupid when he was young anyway. Guess what the average age of those who implemented his policies and their average age. They were Young. Guess who campaigned to elect the Old Men. Ellalan was old, but not stupid by any yardstick. Guess who the young Turk who killed the old man. Killing an old man may get a testosterone high in the short run, but see what it led to in the long run.

There are old men who are vile and there are young men who are vile. What people do to each other is ingrained in their mind and the society in which they are brought up. The question is how do we create a system of education that would evolve a humane society? Ideals are a Rupee a dozen, but ideas are hard to come by whether it is from the Stupid Young Persons or the “Stupid Old Persons..”

Your complain of the Old Men, brings to memory what my grandmother told my brother when he teased her about her age and called her a stupid old woman. She smiled and said in Tamil,”Kavolai Vila Kurththolai Sirutchchuutham.” That is, when the Dried Palm Leaves Fall, the Shoots Laughed.

Your commentary on Truth assumes as if it is absolute. Scientific methods never permits anything to be absolute. In fact the word Truth does not exist in science. Every scientific fact have conditions under which it may be true. A fact is an event of high probability. Not a truth engraved in stone by philosophers or prophets. So don’t blame science. Blame those who misinterpret and/or misuse science. Go bark up the young trees, the old ones will be falling down soon anyway.

By: CHINTHANA MAHINDA Mon, 12 May 2008 06:42:38 +0000 With apologies to Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

First they banned the sale of meat,
and I didn’t speak up, because I was a vegetarian.
Then they banned the sale of alcohol,
and I didn’t speak up, because I was a teetotaler.
When they shut down movie theatres,
I didn’t speak up, because I had a DVD at home.
When they censored television,
I didn’t speak up, because I didn’t watch T.V.
When they imprisoned Tamils on suspicion of being terrorists,
I didn’t speak up, because I was a Burgher.
When they shooed away the beggers and bashed up the gays,
I didn’t speak up, because I was neither gay nor a begger.
When they put away the prostitutes,
I didn’t speak up, because I was a married men who stayed cloistered at home.
I didn’t raise my voice, I didn’t make a fuss.
It’s funny there was no one left to notice, when they came for me!

For his opposition to the Nazi’s state control of the churches, Niemöller was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps from 1937 to 1945. He narrowly escaped execution and survived imprisonment.After his imprisonment, he expressed his deep regret about not having done enough to help the victims of the Nazis.

This is the original poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn’t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
