Comments on: Send us content for publication Journalism for Citizens Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:52:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lieama Mon, 15 Mar 2010 03:52:27 +0000 We achieved the victory in the civil war but we lost the democracy for oligarchic rulers and still struggling to achieve peace in the island- by Lieama

The lost democracy should be restored. We could win the war but we are still struggling to win the peace in Sri Lanka. With the dream of establishing peace in the island, the Sinhala youngsters had been lost their lives for nearly the last thirty years of the civil war, but today we, the masses have been diverted their minds towards absolutism with new illusions by the incumbent administration is unfair. We won the war from the deadliest ever creature Brabakaran but lost the democracy to the worst man on the planet earth. As a result still, we are struggling for peace. Every other day the common man is losing one of his basic fundamental rights under this government.

The incumbent president is heading towards a one party system where there is no opposition party(s). This practice took place in few countries and the neighboring Maldives is the best example. The then president of the Islamic Republic of Maldives Mamoon al Qayyum was ruling the country for nearly thirty years and recently the democratic backed people who opposed the dictatorship over threw his government. Everything should not be learn through mistakes but ought to learn from examples. We have been deceived by the current administration and will not need the same carry out in the future.

The lost democracy could only be recovered by the democratically elected governing body but not by the totalitarianism. It is a fact that freedom of media is lost, the freedom of expression is lost, freedom of voting is lost, freedom of human rights and value is lost, not only that but also freedom of movement is lost, freedom of electronic, printing and all the other aspects of media expression is totally lost. All three military service of Army, Navy, Air Force and police and including other intelligence and secret services are threatened by the Rajapakse administration.

The government has blockaded the basic needs of the people’s day-to-day utility by mounting the prices. Now this administration is persuading the masses for a two thirds 2/3 majority in the parliament after the general elections to make few or more constitutional amendments. Truly, there is no inevitability for a two-thirds majority in the parliament. The masses have come across numerous impenetrabilities to earn a living under this government. In the world history, the every developed nation(s)such like, Malaysia/Singapore/China/Japan/North & South Korea/Taiwan/Hong Kong/Thailand and number of other countries including the hegemonic USA has never even attempted to amend its constitution to develop the country’s economy and people’s living standard.

The Rajapakse administration is waylaying the general election 2010 for a two thirds 2/3 majority in the parliament is going to be a comparable to the last concluded presidential election. The masses over again going to be poisoned if they really this time failed to support the opposition parities to have their real freedom of living and to preserve the basic fundamental rights of a human animal and the democracy. The masses ought to learn through paradigms but not everything by mistakes

By Lieama
