Comments on: THE GALLE LITERARY FESTIVAL: FROM THE LEFT FLANK Journalism for Citizens Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:39:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: suha cassim Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:39:49 +0000 Absolutely well said. I say go enjoy, the literary feast, let the adrenelin race and the interllect sharpen ..What a fantastic event…the goodest of luck! Suha cassim

By: Tan Lee Lin Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:31:23 +0000 Pip! Pip! Mr Killick…

By: Preserved Killick Fri, 15 Feb 2008 19:06:24 +0000 The Esteemed Mr Roberts,

Allow me Sir, on behalf of the the Galle Boutique Hoteliers Guild, to extend my humble and profoundly coarse appreciation of your excellent narrative on the GLF. If I may be so bold sir, I believe you struck just the right note of irreverent brown nosing ( no easy task that ) of the really big name of the likes of Mr Dalrymple and Mr Smith, with a patronising condescension towards the natives. Let me hasten to assure your eminenece that condesesion is treasured mightily above both beads and mirrors by the natives And if I may venture to comment upon your lordship’s casual name droppping, that veritable broadside of specious scholarship did much to asuage the dubitably lack of substance both here and there.

May I sir further impose the undisguised appreciation of us ‘umble hoteliers at the like of you lot coming out here ( particularly on account of you being more or less one of our own) with the happy result of boosting the revenues of us hospitaliers, times being as they are.

There may sir be one or two whey faced local lobcocks scarce two cents to scratch their posteriors, who may persistently, and upon ill advise, venture an opinion that the GLF had more to do with Mammon and Master Bates and less with the flights of poesy. I say sir a plague on both their houses .. if you get my meaning sir. The fact that your eminenence has added your name to this very tulip of ventures has won our unceasing and unalloyed admiration.

I remain sir, your obedient servant

Hon General Secretary GBHG

PS. I do most heartily recomend the now refurbished ( we have refreshed all mounts sans Lavinia ) suite in the west wing upon your next sojourn here.
