Comments on: R2P: The Chinthanaya Version Journalism for Citizens Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:52:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: dujohn Thu, 28 Feb 2008 09:52:09 +0000 Great Article by Dr, P Saravanamuttu. It’s a pity our sinhala speaking brothers and sisters cannot read a translation of this and other articles by the Dr. Someone should translate.

By: Sassy Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:16:11 +0000 Hi, I am really enjoying this discussion and have learnt a lot from following the debate about ICES and R2P in the various newspapers. I have lived in this country for several years now and have gone to many movies and talks at ICES. I am also a great fan of Groundviews which I think is a wonderful forum though I have not felt confident enough, until today, to respond to any of the articles or comments which I read avidly.

Sara is also one of my heros after he fought that lone battle in the courts to stop northern and eastern Tamils from being evicted from Colombo. However, I think Rajiva Wijesinha has a point when he says that some of the positions Sara takes are knee-jerk ones (these are my words not RWs) which are not fully thought out. I think this frequently happens when progressives feel embattled; they become entrenched in their views and often do not even try to find out all the facts before rushing to draw conclusions because they are so sure who the bad guys are. In this regard, I think you guys should not only be discussing the sovereignty of the nation but the sovereignty of NGOs in Sri Lanka because I do think you allow your donors to set the agenda for you far too much. Why do you always have to look for the initiative to be taken by the UN or a Gareth Evans? This is something which would never happen in India because activists there are much more conscious about figuring out issues for themselves by themselves.

And on the issue of Mani’s attractiveness. Have you ever seen her in action at a party, Eleka? Believe me, she is one confident woman who manipulates her beauty to great advantage (in fact, when I first met her, I thought Weerakoon was her doting doddering husband and she was, not surprisingly, looking for younger fodder!) and as someone who has done the same, I don’t see any thing wrong with that. I just don’t cry about it afterwards, I just sock it to them where it hurts!

By: eleka Fri, 15 Feb 2008 16:51:20 +0000 I just want to comment that sara’s article points clearly to how vicious people have become in their desire to grab institutional power. This kind of harassment of Mani is also gendered, of harassing a woman by constantly drawing attention to her attractiveness. Furthermore, those involved in trying to grab power at ICES have long been critics of Sinhala nationalism, and claim to value human rights. What has happened proves that they criticize nationalism, but have no compunctions about using a nationalist repressive state for personal gain. The R2P issue is nothing new. ICES has always stood for human rights protection. This is something we have espoused for a long time. It was used as an excuse by petty people for petty gains. What they do not seem to care about is that they are reducing space for discussion and political intervention in Sri Lanka, and in the process shrinking the space they have for themselves.

By: Ravana Fri, 15 Feb 2008 05:28:27 +0000 That’s all you’ve got?

By: dj Thu, 14 Feb 2008 15:46:24 +0000 I agree that it is difficult to PROVE that Jeganathan’s Nation interview was nothing other than an incidental description of the state of the ICES at this particular moment in its history. Perhaps he had nothing better to do, perhaps as Ravana suggests he was merely responding to Bradman Weerakoon’s “gossipy allegations” the week before. Perhaps the placement of an unauthored article below the interview describing the financial crisis at the ICES & R2P as the work of foreigners seeking “vengeance” on GOSL was also merely…placement.

Even setting aside the preceding unauthored articles with unattributed sources spilling the beans on the ICES in the Nation and other papers, I think, to put it charitably, that this would be a fairly basic understanding of how the media works and how it’s used.

I don’t think character attestations are any less “insinuative” than the acknowledgement of what everyone knows; that there is a struggle going on here for control of the ICES, people are making claims on it and its Colombo director has been effectively expelled from Sri Lanka. To read Jeganathan’s interview, one would think that the latter episode was merely epiphenomenal – it doesn’t even warrant a mention. So given that he’s a person, as has been noted in other interviews, who chooses his words carefully, I choose to read this as intentional.

By: Jack Point Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:26:39 +0000 Poor Rama, looks like she got a taste of the local corporate politics as well as that of the paranoia of the political establishment.

By: Ravana Wed, 13 Feb 2008 08:12:23 +0000 My usual respect for the author’s intellectual prowess and his contributions to civil society notwithstanding, I found that this article succeeded in amplifying the “sensational and sordid proportions” that it purports to rail against.

It is ambiguous and, worse, insinuative. It leads the reader immediately to the desired and UNFOUNDED conclusion of the first commentator that, “If the recent interview with one of the main protagonists in the past weekend’s The Nation is anything to go by, there is now a conscious attempt to shift the agenda to discussion of altogether more purely “professional” issues – re the financial predicament of the ICES, its internal structure etc…Dr. Sara’s piece has the virtue of reminding us what this all really about. The calling in of the CID and the cancellation of Dr Mani’s visa were not merely collateral.”

Personally, being a friend of Pradeep Jeganathan’s and finding it impossible to reconcile the man I know with the gossipy allegations that are being levelled against him, I thought it was a good thing that he responded to the allegations made against him in Bradman Weerakoon’s interview on the Sunday before. There were few explicit accusations made, and he responded to them, in a very convincing way, I thought.

It is unhelpful to anybody’s understanding of the situation to beat around the bush. And, this article does that.

By: dj Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:16:12 +0000 Solid article. Stories of a conspiracy to undermine national sovereignty have good cash value for our self-appointed national saviours, but when the dust settles the only plot that will be left is an all too familiar Sri Lankan story of petty jealousies, thuggery and false petitions.

If the recent interview with one of the main protagonists in the past weekend’s The Nation is anything to go by, there is now a conscious attempt to shift the agenda to discussion of altogether more purely “professional” issues – re the financial predicament of the ICES, its internal structure etc…Dr. Sara’s piece has the virtue of reminding us what this all really about. The calling in of the CID and the cancellation of Dr Mani’s visa were not merely collateral.

Two further points.
As I understand it, the ICES association with the GCR2P was for the purposes of research, debate and discussion of the concept of R2P, ie critical intellectual scrutiny. So this is an issue of the policing of intellectual space and freedom. It is the very possibility of such critical intellectual activity that has been undermined from “within” as it were by those who would term themselves progressive. A very dangerous precedent.

Second, the use of proxies in the media. Dr. Mani was targeted on the principle of her vulnerability as a foreign woman of south Indian descent. Vide much of the unashamedly xenophobic, racist, sexist and xenophobic media coverage from the usual suspects. If one is to understand this as a well-planned putsch, and I have too much of an estimation for the machinatory abilities of its authors not to, then it would seem that there was a simple division of labour between the self-styled progressives and the chauvinists.
