Comments on: Mea Culpa Journalism for Citizens Sun, 24 Feb 2008 18:33:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Felicia Adhihetty Sun, 24 Feb 2008 18:33:30 +0000 Yes, the lenten season is surely a time of giving an inner response and fasting on our ‘natural’ reactions rather than the customary self-inflicted sacrifices. In our childhood, lent was a time of sacrificing on candies, watching movies etc. At the end of which we went back to our ‘old unchanged self’.

But the true meaning is very clear to me, as I journey with the Lord now. Lent is a time when we reflect upon Christ’s inner response to betrayal, loneliness, rejection, being wrongly accused, being scourged and spat upon, letting go of people you love, facing denial and dying to one’s ego. Jesus gave an inner response of love… so much that the look of love He gave Peter despite his denial three times, broke the heart of Peter.

Yet, what do we do?? when someone betrays us, we hate them, we fight back. Similarly, our ‘flesh’ responses to our brokeness is fighting back in the ‘flesh’ .

Can we make this lenten different?? Reach out to someone we find hard to forgive?? Change our attitude towards our enemy ?? After all, its easy to love thos who love us, but so hard tolove those who hate us.

Let’s fast on our natural reactions, let’s reflect on Jesus’ inner response and say, ‘Father, forgive them for they know not what they do’.

By: Princess Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:41:59 +0000 I don’t even know how to begin to show my solidarity with them. I cannot think of anything to say other than that I believe that Jesus Himself is suffering with these people. I believe that God in not untouched by suffering as he went through it Himself. He doesn’t meditate on a side when the chaos of the world begins but chooses to go into the midst of the chaos. That is the God I believe in.
I try o feel, but I feel I get no where. I try to write to the papers.. but my writing isn’t good. But I cant say writing isn’t my line and shut my eyes. I try (in my little way) to get someone else to think.
My writing may never get published but I know people’s hearts are touched and it gives them a little hope to carry on.
I know only too well how people react when someone tries to talk about what is going on. So be careful about how u go about doing this as they can eliminate u or shut u up and then who will speak on behalf of the voiceless?
U know what’s frustrating? That life here continues as if nothing happens..

By: Alien Fri, 22 Feb 2008 10:00:14 +0000 I admire your courage and hope you will be able to find some means of getting across to our reading public in the South the realities you depict of life in the North. The sad state of affairs today in our beloved country is that the so-called “patriots” will not ever grant that anything bad could be done by our security forces or our Govt or our Sinhala people.

By: Shanu Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:18:41 +0000 Talking about the problem is a start. Actually doing something about it could take ages. I hope it isn’t too late
