Comments on: Travels in a Militarised Society – 3 Journalism for Citizens Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:02:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: athula/duishen Tue, 12 Feb 2008 09:02:37 +0000 The voice of humanity goes unheard as all the guns of racist war bang. Prasanna’s style really makes us ponder on our own self. We all have blood in our hands, peace NGOs,civilians all include. Who wants to end this? Ultranationalists would go on for a few other terms. And the prolitariat whose blood pays for all our follies would love an increase in their pay packets specially in FDL.

So keep writing. voice of the unheard will be the music of tomorrow.

By: David Blacker Tue, 05 Feb 2008 08:47:44 +0000 Chanluck, it’s exactly because the Pakis have been building guns since the 1900s that they’re good at it. I challenge anyone to provide a picture of a locally-made rifled firearm, never mind one made by a blacksmith in Boorupuka or wherever Prasanna Ratnayake’s supposed to have seen it.

By: SLPP Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:31:11 +0000 I agree, we have to fight Terrorism wherever it is. In fact, when I go out on the street and see Terrorism, I like to hit it on the head. When I come home and see Terrorism, I slap it on the face.

After subduing Terrorism, I’m sure all the problems of inflation, drug usage, poor education, terrible health care, corruption, nepotism will just magically disappear!

By: groundviews » Travels in a Militarised Society - 4 Sat, 02 Feb 2008 07:57:36 +0000 […] Also read: Travels in a Militarised Society – 3 Travels in a Militarised Society — 2 Travels in a Militarised Society — 1 […]

By: chales Ryan Sat, 02 Feb 2008 01:34:34 +0000 SriLanka society is fast deteriorating into an uncontrolled kingdom of criminals and corrupt politicians. The gun culture is dominating the young folks in Tamil,sinhalese and Muslim communities. the goverment has demonstarated to our next generation that it is normal to intimidate press,assault political dissidents,abduct and kill opponents and use armed miltants to contest “democratic”elections.If international community questions the violations they seem to think others have no right to interfere in “internal”affairs.These are the perfect qualities needed for a failing state.

By: chanluck Fri, 01 Feb 2008 20:40:19 +0000 It is not hard to make guns, in pakistan they were making guns since early 1900’s. I am pretty sure sri lankan balcksmiths shold be able to do same thing.

By: Ruvan Fri, 01 Feb 2008 20:08:56 +0000 I think these things are nothing compare with the major problem terrorism in our country.It is important for us to fight against terrorism.If we can defeat terrorists other problems can be solved easily..

By: Palmyrah Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:26:28 +0000 I liked this:

“I reflect on the fact that the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka which gets all the attention is only one element in the matrix of social contradictions that are contributing to the war situation. Caste, class, gender, employment, poverty, resources and land issues are also involved…”

While no-one should pretend that the racial (let’s call a spade a spade) division isn’t the most salient one operating in our society, it’s well worth pointing out that there are other fissures, too.

Sri Lanka is a nation in fragments. It was ever thus. We don’t need a Prabhakaran to divide our nation-state for us; we have already done that for ourselves, far more comprehensively and successfully than he ever could.

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:43:11 +0000 In a nutshell, Sri Lanka is a state full of rebellious gangsters and politicians.

In essence the leftists made the South a rebel country with a rebel constitution in 1972. Since then we have been a rebel state nurturing rebellion.

Rebellion….. rebellion….. rebellion every where. When and how do we become disciplined?

We cannot do it ourselves. We desperately need outside help.

By: David Blacker Fri, 01 Feb 2008 06:28:35 +0000 I’m sorry, but a lot of this article sounds like it’s made up — the cop asking to see someone’s phone, the homeguards who can’t unload their rifles, and the homemade T56s.

Unloading a T56 can be done by pressing one button on the receiver and is the first thing you’re taught when given one. A 6-year-old can do it — and in fact they do. I have watched the little son of a Polonnaruwa homeguard dismantle and clean his father’s T56.

I have also never seen or even heard of policemen using homemade copies of T56s, nor of any local gunsmiths capable of making anything beyond single-shot smooth-bore weapons.

Mr Ratnayake, please don’t lie. Why don’t you actually get out from behind your desk and go and see what you’re allegedly writing about. There are many worrying things happening due to the militarization of our society, and it would be great if you could write about them instead of making up stuff.
