Comments on: Rohan Edrisinha on the APRC Proposals and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution Journalism for Citizens Sun, 03 Feb 2008 13:45:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews » THE APRC PROCESS: FROM HOPE TO DESPAIR Sun, 03 Feb 2008 13:45:46 +0000 […] Also read: Rohan Edrisinha on the APRC Proposals and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution APRC: The Year of the Rat has begun […]

By: Shanil Wed, 30 Jan 2008 22:13:11 +0000 Good points. Though the crux of the problem is simply and most importantly, will.
It is not a question of what needs to be done. I think it is painfully apparent that only devolution of power and so on…that will really lead to proper equality and proper representation. However, there has and is no will on the part of the Govt and most of the Sinhalese to accommodate equality.

I find it laughable but mostly heartbreaking how so much time and money is wasted on solutions that have been screaming at us for decades now. I’m no, expert, this war started even before I was born…yet even I see that it’s chauvinism, corruption and greed that keeps this monstrous war going. The solution(s) have always been there and always will be…it’s just a matter if any Govt. is really willing to be brave and declare that we are a nation tired of bloodshed and putrid Chauvinism.

What a sham the APRC is. You either want to integrate minorities as equal members or you don’t …if you don’t then wage war forever more….our ancestors will be proud…lions and all. Having lived overseas for much of my life…it always amuses me how Sri Lankans , particularly the Sinhalese are so timid and prone to hurt when given the “racist” treatment oversees. They chatter in little houses and gatherings about it all….but in “their” own country they are far worse…

By: N. Ethirveerasingam Wed, 30 Jan 2008 06:21:33 +0000 Hello Rohan,
Glad to know you are as sharp and consistent from the first time we met twelve years ago. Tamils aprpreciate your integrity and concerns. Much blood has gone under the bridge. Too much to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
