Comments on: APRC: The Year of the Rat has begun Journalism for Citizens Sun, 03 Feb 2008 14:07:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews » THE APRC PROCESS: FROM HOPE TO DESPAIR Sun, 03 Feb 2008 14:07:56 +0000 […] Also read: Rohan Edrisinha on the APRC Proposals and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (A video interview with Rohan) APRC: The Year of the Rat has begun […]

By: N. Ethirveerasingam Wed, 30 Jan 2008 06:58:35 +0000 Hello Sara,
Speaking of Abraham Lincoln, Here are couple of quotes that come to my mind.

“If, by the mere force of numbers, a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right, it might, in a moral point of view, justify revolution – certainly would, if such a right were a vital one.”
Abraham Lincoln
(First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861)

“Finally, I insist, that if there is anything which it is the duty of the whole people to never entrust to any hands but there own, that thing is the preservation of their own liberties , and institutions.”
Abraham Lincoln
(From the book, “Living Lincoln”)

then there is Homes who was wounded at Antitem (Am. Civil War.) He said,
“I have always said that the rights of a given crowd are what they will fight for.”

Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes
(In “Holmes Laski Letters.” July 26, 1925)

By: groundviews » Rohan Edrisinha on the APRC Proposals and the 13th Amendment to the Constitution Tue, 29 Jan 2008 23:33:14 +0000 […] Rohan Edrisinha talks in detail about and through three key points, critiques the flaccid proposals submitted recently to the President by the APRC. Also read APRC: The Year of the Rat has begun. […]
