Comments on: The subterfuge called All Parties Representatives Committee Journalism for Citizens Tue, 29 Jan 2008 04:26:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: nihal pathirana Tue, 29 Jan 2008 04:26:56 +0000 Justin how can you say the dream of EeIlam also the wish of the north and east. Karuna was the second in command of the LTTE before he left the organisation [Edited out – please stick to verifiable facts and address the issue without getting personal] Then he toured five times to western Europe saw himself finally came to the conclusion Eelam is not feasible under Prabhakeran.Now that there is an election in march in the east outcome will show results.What people need is food clothing and shelter to all.

By: Justin Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:31:06 +0000 APRC proposal is being spoken of but the army commander is talking politics. He is speaking against Eelam and the desire of the people of North East.

It is reported that the Army commander said yesterday that the military has won the East and are winning the North.

One daily reported “Army Commander Sarath Fonseka said the myth believed by the International Community that the LTTE cannot be defeated has now been exploded.”

Was that the reason they returned without landing in Jaffna today?

He also said “Prabhakaran’s dream of ‘Eelam’ based on the East is over with his leaders eliminated. Prabhakaran is on the run and the facade built around him has collapsed,”

The dream of Eelam is not only that of prabakaran but is also the wish of the entire Tamil speaking people of the North East. It can never be subdued by military means.

Fooling the foolish in the South is not only a political game but is now also a military game.

Battles might have been won by the military but the war is still going on. Ther can never be a military victory to either the government forces or the LTTE.

By: Sam Thambipillai Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:47:47 +0000 Whether we like it or not, Sri Lanka is a rebel state, created by a rebel constitution in 1972, unilaterally drafted and declared by the representatives in the South. The North East was annexed to the South, Called Sri Lanka. And the people of the North East rejected this constitution.

The people of the North East refused to accept the sovereignty of Sri Lanka on them and demonstrated democrataically by non participation in the drafting of the 1972 constitution of Sri Lanka and subsequent rejection, through a self referendum, to create Tamil Eelam in the North East of the former island of Ceylon.

The APRC is recommending amendment to this rebel constitution of the rebel Sri Lankan state.

Therefore, It is logical to conclude that the entire exercise is wasteful. Discussing about this wasteful exercise is ludicrous.
