Comments on: The Abrogation of the CFA Journalism for Citizens Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:04:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eye of the Tiger Sat, 26 Jan 2008 12:04:30 +0000 QUOTE “They hope to defeat the LTTE and re-conquer the territory which they held at the time of the Ceasefire. The government has already re-conquered the East.”

This is an error. This is suggesting that the LTTE captured new territory during the ceasefire. The SLMM have not mentioned any violations of LTTE capturing new territory. In fact on the contrary the Sri Lankan army has captured large swathes of the East from the LTTE which is a violation of the ceasefire agreement.

The fact that the LTTE were prepared to play the waiting game and get the irate Sri Lankan government to loose patience and unilaterally trash the ceasefire agreement says much of LTTEs political maturity. Remember the LTTE have not yet captured new territory. They have only mounted defensive operations. The blame game of post April 1995 talks can’t be repeated against the now.

By: ealem boy Fri, 25 Jan 2008 14:39:38 +0000 The CFA violations by LTTE were the reaction for the GOSL`s (DPU) targeted killings of the senior members like Nizam and Sankar. Prabaharan knows what Tamils have been going through since the independence and there is not one single party in the south that has the courage or guts to come up with an acceptable solution for Tamils. The one thing GOSL mastered is putting up a good show for International community by saying things they love to hear. YOU CAN FOOL SOME BODY SOME TIMES BUT YOU CAN`T FOOL EVERY BODY ALL THE TIME.
Justmal, LTTE was the response for the Sinhalese cleansing of Tamils in Ceylon. Come out of it justmal, who are you going to blame for atrocities committed to Tamils since independence to 1983, that’s when Tamils gave a response to you`s in the form of LTTE.

By: nihal pathirana Fri, 25 Jan 2008 13:55:32 +0000 I totally disagree with Jos davids comments that Prabhakaran speaks of soverenignty of the Tamils of the North and East, he is more interested of all Tamils living in other countries in the world who does not have a country including the Tamils of TamilNadu. His annual heros day adress shows how he laments with the Tamil diaspora for help mostly in dollers to build a empire for the Tamils in foreign countries. He is not sorry to see his poor people in refuge camps
why he didnot accept the Indo lanka accord in 1987 signed by Rajive Ghandhi where all the other groups accepted including EPRLF ENDLF TELO Etc. Who was Anton Balasinghem was he not agent planted to look after the interests of the west
Living in utopia of a seperate state for Tamils is a distant dream,well Tamils live abroad as refugees would not like to see this war ends thinking that they would have to go back to Srilanka and continue with misinformations and misconceptions and play this old music with Keith Vaz who is only interested in their votes.

By: JustMal Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:41:05 +0000 1. If the independent Sri Lankan state established in 1972 is a rebel state, then those loyal to the British Queen must then leave Sri Lanka. We are willing and able to facilitate their journey. Perhaps you should contact Keith Vaz, MP of the All Party Committee for Tamils.

2. The Tamils’ “right to sovereignty” in the Northeast is not legitimate. Tamils are essentially a minority in the East, which was a part of the Kandyan kingdom until European invasions. The North could certainly be given away to the Tamils, provided all Tamils in the South are relocated to their new homeland. We are willing and able to facilitate this. A separate exclusive Tamil homeland in the Northeast, and the rest of the country being multi-ethnic is not a desirable prospect for us, however legitimate you may think it is.

3. What we believe is that the Tamil militant movements did not arise out of real discrimination, but were created by India and Tamil Nadu in order to destabilise our country. Prabhakaran’s death also means LTTE’s death. We are willing able able to negotiate with the remaining ragtags as we did with Karuna.

Murder, bombing and killing, displacements, torture, arbitrary arrests and disappearances are not the cause of the war, but our response to it. Once the war is over, so will be all these. Post 89 normalisation of the South is the perfect example.

By: Jos David Fri, 25 Jan 2008 09:30:46 +0000 Can any person who has commented against the LTTE explain as to why the LTTE and Prabakaran are targetted always dragged into criticism? Even Mahinda Rajapakse appears to be waking up every day with a comment to satisfy his inner ego.

Let me list the reasons;

1. LTTE is the only movement that speaks for the liberation of the people of North and East who are oppressed by rebel state established unilaterally in 1972.

2. Prabaharan is the embodiment of the aspiration of Tamils of the North East to obtain their legitimate right to sovereignly rule themselves.

3. Mahinda Rajapakse, JVP, JHU and other Sinhala extremists in the South wrongly think that by killing Prabakaran, the freedom movement would also be killed. They like to make the Sinhalese also believe in this falsehood. They are really day dreaming.

If the reasons stated above are not the reasons for angry criticism but genuine human rights violations, why are the same commentators silent about the murder, bombing and killing, displacements, torture, arbitarary arrests and disappearances carried out plentifully by the soldiers in the North East?
