Comments on: WHAT LIBERATION? Journalism for Citizens Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:38:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: ordinary lankan Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:38:30 +0000 Liberation is a word that is misused and exploited by those who wield coercive power whether as a state (like GoSL) or as an alternative state (LTTE).

Both these organizations are essentially insecure, immature and juvenile entities which are incapable of liberating either themselves or others.

So let us not live any longer under the illusion that these entities are going to either “free people or grant their legitimate rights and freedoms”

People free themselves. The important question is how.

The instances in history when people were liberated are all instances where people were awakened by liberators and guided and directed to use that energy in the service of a higher self.

This higher self is one that unites with others and dissolves the selfishness we all have in a spirit of brotherhood. We all experienced this for sometime after the tsunami and more recently when the staff of rupavahini rose to a man against naked brutal thuggery; we all shared this sense of unity.

I believe that brotherhood anywhere is a blow for brotherhood everywhere. It does not matter where. It may be your workplace, your home or your neighbourhood – standing up with others for justice will work even if the results are not apparent immediately.

The most important change occurs in our own heart and soul where we become stronger and more human.

The lion flag is a piece of cloth and coercion and deception have always been the province of organized coercion and deception – otherwise called the state – both then and now.

This is the time for ordinary lankans to stand by other ordinary lankans. Let us try not to utter divisive words that can continue to separate us. Doing so will only help the state and alternative state – both of which have now lost all moral legitimacy and credibility.

In our speech which is all important – let us go for CONNECTORS. not DIVIDERS. Let us relate to the suffering in the east and spend our energy to alleviate it. Fault finding is ok for the pontiffs both national and international who will continue to flog dead horses. It only plays into the hands of further conflict and irrelevant talk – power talk which flies above the heads of those who really matter – the poor people of the east. Our brothers and sisters.

By: Jos David Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:57:44 +0000 Liberation is freeing people and granting their legitimate rights and freedoms.

It is not erecting a monument and putting up a lion flag.
