Comments on: Reasons I love Mihin Lanka Airlines… Journalism for Citizens Wed, 14 May 2008 10:26:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews Sun, 16 Mar 2008 03:18:56 +0000 Yet more reasons to love Mihin – “Govt. and directors caught in legal net as Mihin Lanka crashes”,

By: groundviews Fri, 22 Feb 2008 16:45:02 +0000 The rise and fall of Mihin –

By: groundviews Wed, 23 Jan 2008 03:53:43 +0000 And if you aren’t already in love with Mihin, this will really tickle your fancy –

By: Deane Tue, 22 Jan 2008 11:21:43 +0000 Nihal, This is not so much a partisan issue. I don’t think anyone here was suggesting that.

Java, i do think Civil society has a role in dealing with issues dealing with governance, all you can hope in a democracy is to scream what you think is going wrong and hopefully it will find some resonance with the voting public. screaming of course can take more sophisticated forms. that’s why u need a civil society. Otherwise we could close everything and use this space to host p0rn. I promise to visit often.

While you are right that nothing will probably stop mahinda, but hey you got to give it some chance.

By: nihal pathirana Tue, 22 Jan 2008 04:54:47 +0000 All governments are responsible for the breakdown of law and order in the country.The primary cause was with the interfering with public service and judiciary. Before 1970 there were permanent secretaries appointed by the public service commission which is an idependent body. The secretary was more powerful than the minister and is accountable to the parliment and to the COPE.This scenario has changed completely and became worse after 1977 with lawyers who did not have practice support a political parties became secretaries outside the public sevice . Well I know a person appointed in the ninteeneighties by J.R.J as the secretary to the judiciary commission who was from the bank of ceylon working as a legal officer where this position earlier held by a senior appeal court judge according to the seniority.The constitution of JRJ is that president is above the law and he is not accountable cannot be challenge in courts. All heads of deparments corporations and statury bodies are governed by A.R and F.R. which is a act of parliament which the ministers of the present previous goverments didnot care did what they want and continue to do so. God bless Mahindha Chintana

By: shami Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:53:27 +0000 JM, in your comment about ‘civil society throwing tantrums every time the police arrest a terrorist…’ are you saying that all those arrested are terrorists??? Nice to see that kinda racism alive n kicking…

By: JM Sat, 19 Jan 2008 09:16:22 +0000 I didn’t vote for Mahinda and I certainly don’t agree with most of this Chinthanaya. I however support how he’s conducting the war and his opposition to foreign intervention in Sri Lanka. What really worries me is that this so called civil society of ours has lost all credibility by regurgitating LTTE propaganda, that now when they try to bring attention to real issues that do concern us, people brush it off as just another smear campaign. This cry wolf effect has completely emasculated the ability of these NGOs to do what they are mandated (and paid big money) to do.

With Mervyn’s case, they could have got not just the opposition, but even parties like JHU and JVP on their side if they took to the streets asking for his dismissal. The CJ with his political ambitions seems to be happy to delivery populist judgments, so why couldn’t the CPA or someone else sue the government for fiscal mismanagement, corruption or something else. I wouldn’t want Mahinda to be thrown out of power (just yet) but at least he shouldn’t be allowed to get away with all this.

By: Java Jones Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:12:47 +0000 Hey JM – there’s a whole lot more ‘real issues that affect the Sri Lankan people’ that Mahinda never had a mandate for. The ‘Helping Hambantota’ scam, where he stopped the investigation, the huge amount of hangers on that accompany him all over the world that we taxpayers foot the bills for, the ‘merv’ fiasco – and I’m sure that if you want more, there’ll be a lot of folk that can provide lists.

And who, pray, ‘are not going to let him get away with it’?

By: Deane Fri, 18 Jan 2008 07:19:00 +0000 That’s right. the civil society seems to be obsessed with “peace, human rights and democracy” that’s all fine. but someone’s got to get into this massive over-spending.

By: nandasena Fri, 18 Jan 2008 03:50:38 +0000 As long as the sinhala people believe what ever the government’s propaganda without researching and thinking for themselves, Mahinda and Co. will do what they want and get away with it.

Regarding the comment from JM, “These are the real issues affecting the Sri Lankan people” How can JM speak for all the Sri Lankan people? For him Mihin Airline may be a big issue. For the Tamils, (and some of the fair minded sinhalese)their lives, and freedom from oppression from the TERRORIST Government is a big issue. May be JM thinks that the Tamils do not belong to Sri Lanka!!

I find it very puzzling and amusing that when it comes to anything related to Tamil problem, the average sinhalese swallow everything what the government says. When there is a bomb in the south they make so much noise, which is understandable. Have they stopped to think of the poor civilians who are at the receiving end of the aerial bombardment day in and day out. The sinhalese poeple believe,( or pretend to believe ) that the government is bombing the LTTE. If that is the case LTTE would have been finsihed long ago.

Who said that killing civilians by aerial bombardment, shelling, and by multi barrel launchers are not TERRORISM?.
