Comments on: Now that the CFA is out of the way… Journalism for Citizens Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:49:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sunimal Alles Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:49:13 +0000 Many Sri Lankans are not honest and patriotic. Many people I have met, spoken to, interviewed and read of, since I arrived in Sri Lanka in December 2006, have interests that there is chaos so that, they can earn fame and money as analysts, writers, consultants and others. There are many that have underlying interests and manipulate populations. I have worked in five countries where there was war and others where there were coup d’etats, and saw what happened in those countries. We “Ordinary” Sri Lankans, who are honest and neutral (Not supported by someone or an organization) are in trouble and are wasting our time being manipulated. I feel that doomsday will arrive if there is no Law and Order rapidly. Other nations that were at war are RRN (Rapidly Returning to Normalcy).

I take the example of Rwanda, where there was a Genocide, but today it is one of the safest and cleanest places on earth. In November 2006, I could walk at midnight in Kigali on well lit streets. I was also surprised that I had to leave all plastic bags I brought into Rwanda at the airport and put my goods into a bio – degradable bag I had to purchase at the airport.

The tribal unrest Rwandans faced was greater than what we face. Currently the authorities in Rwanda are very strict and you are monitored as soon as you step down from the plane. You also cannot go there without prior authorization as they screen everyone and verify credentials. If one needs to go to go there they need to apply through

Rwandans were in a sense forced to set aside differences and develop their country under a former Military leader, maybe it will last, maybe it will not. But Rwandans I spoke to said, “there is Law, Order and control and space for reflection”. They say that as there is peace now, people will grow to like it and maintain it for the future, as their aggressive and unforgiving NATURE will be replaced, by good examples.

I am not sure how we will be able to improve and increase “Patriotism Levels” of Sri Lankans, verify and bring to justice all those who are un-patriotic and corrupt. One African leader named Thomas Sankara changed his country within weeks, maybe our leadership should learn from his vision:
He was a military leader, but was able to change his country rapidly. Though he was assassinated 20 years ago, people say there are Seven Million Sankaras today. (That Live his Spirit)

Law and order and patriotism are key words. “La Patrie ou la mort, Nous Vaincrons”- Thomas Sankara’s Keywords.

By: nihal pathirana Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:45:20 +0000 Is there anyother alternative other than prasident mahinda rajapakse going for war.Ltte from the very inception took Shiri Rajive Gandhi,Prasidents Premadasa,and Mrs Kumaratunghe for a good ride. Later the Norwegians backed by pro western international community.What Prbhakaran and tamil diaspora in western countries have in mind is mono ethinic monlithic state with one third of the land with two third of the ocean. The country srilanka the majority sinhalese are not responsible for Tamils of the world for not having a country.No one ever think or dream of war which is dreadful but Prabhakaran has to be removed from the scene or killed as it was done to Hitler.

By: Morpheus Thu, 10 Jan 2008 21:09:33 +0000 Great snapshot of Sri Lanka today! Thanks ‘muchly’ Sanjana and Sunanda! Having left Sri Lanka not too long ago – I have been finding it hard to actually get a feel for what’s going on there (other than usual feedback from everyone I talk to over the phone telling me that things are getting worse by the day). My appreciation for Groundviews has grown tremendously in the last few weeks. I hope you guys keep up this very important work – but more than that, I hope you stay safe. God be with you!

By: Shami Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:53:52 +0000 that may be true jm, but what’s the sense of injustice faced by this group?? if they read the divaina and send their kids to ananda college…sri lanka is all theirs…they are the ultimate majority. they can go into any govt office and carry out all their business dealings in their mother tongue…..they have no worries…and they are the ones excluding everyone else – tamils, muslims, burghers and malays…
also, since you talk about schools…there are many buddhist at STC and many christians and muslims and hindus do you find at ananda and visakha????? or is it ok to exclude minorities from these schools coz after all, sri lanka is a sinhala buddhist country….and all the minorities shud shut up and take their place- or emigrate!

By: JM Tue, 08 Jan 2008 11:42:27 +0000 Shami, perhaps the middle class, educated, urban/suburban (but not as urbane or cosmopolitan as you think) demographic is not dependent on I/NGOs nor tourists for their day to day survival and they are well cushioned from the economic and social externalities of the conflict. Because they are educated, they have the intellectual competence view the issues from a paradigm different from that of the peaceniks, even in the face of guilt-tripping, pro-appeasement mass mind control devices such as Chandrika’s Thavalama and Sudu Nelum. These are the people who would read Divaina, and think that the Sunday Leader editor set fire to his own printing press. Their children would go to Ananda or Visakha, not STC or SBC.

There is a great sense of dis-empowerment, paranoia and injustice among this group. The reasons are many, and the conflict will not end for as long as these legitimate concerns are brushed aside with disdain. Mahinda Rajapakse has given them a voice and a hammer, and he will prevail with their blessings.

By: Shami Tue, 08 Jan 2008 09:30:43 +0000 Well said Sanjana and Sunanda! But could you perhaps dig into the statistics as to why so many ‘middle class’, ‘educated’, ‘urbane’ Sri Lankans are nationalistic and increasingly supportive of the war cry of the regime? In other Asian countries, the ‘Middle classes’ tend to be liberal,often left -leaning, pro peace, etc..but in Sri Lanka, they form the most vocal racist of all…would love to see an article on this…
