Comments on: Abrogation of cease-fire, a triumphant moment of a vicious conspiracy Journalism for Citizens Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:28:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Selva Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:28:20 +0000 Well said sir. You are a good soul. You could forsee what really and exactly is going to happen in the area of fight and places of Army of occupation. Also in the south there may be brutal revenges by the other side to counter what is happening in the North & East. Ultimately scores of innocent civilians will be dying on both sides. What for? Whose benifit this is going to happen? Why Sinhala people don’t like to treat the tamils are equal to them? They(Sinhala people) live in their home land and rule themselves. Like that peacefully they should allow the Tamil people also to live in their home lands and rule by themselves either as a separate state or with full autonomy self ruled tamil state within united Srilanka. If it is done just after independence,by now we would have built a strong well developed Srilanka cosisting of very friendly Sinhala and Tamil people. For not doing this is whose mistake? Govt. after Govt. came to power. What did they do? They only made the Sinhala and Tamil people as enemies to continue their power. only for their own selfish benifits. Even now the same thing is going on as correctly pointed out by you.I moved with Sinhala people and worked with them.I know majority of them feel very much for our plight. Then why should they keep quiet and allow the wrong people who have no forsight or intellegence to rule them and destory them. Sinhalese people should not get cheated by this regime that they can militarily crush the Tamil minority ‘s freedom of thinking,freedom of speaking,freedom of self ruling in their home lands. Every body should think seriously about the end game. If you pursue this war militarily ,you don’t know what turn it takes. Suddenly the scenario might change in to a different turn which no-body would have ever thought of it.
It is better for both of our community to stop the war,negociate for a peaceful solution benifiting all communities. This direction everybody will know the endgame, which is always, guide us to have a happy end.
So,dear Sinhala friends act immediately to stop this foolish regime.It is going to ruin everybody and the country. Every action has its equal and opposite reaction. Now the whole world knows that you are going to use powerful weapons and powerful war planes on to the tamil people to kill and destroy them. This is your action.What about the reaction? Did you think about it.? Well the tamil people will be killed in hundreds and thousands even millions. Their properties will be destroyed completely. After that do you think you can go and live their happily and enjoy life.No. World is an illusion. Can you predict next moment what is going to happen to you? Can’t. So be wise.

By: nihal pathirana Tue, 08 Jan 2008 02:17:07 +0000 Theceasefire came into effect only in 2002.Before this the whole country knew what was happenning in the war zone, the mullative, elephant pass, poonarine etc. knonwn to the whole world through tamil net. Its after the ceasefireact no media has had any access to the any tamil areas no one was ever allowed to do any pollitical work. This act was onesided and was severly crafted by Anton Balasigham.You do not have to worry the tamil media is so powerful each and every incident false or true will be known to the whole world.The act gave LTTE to ackquire large collection of millitary hardware with mulltibarrel guns surface to air miissiles that was the outcome. This is for ur information

By: Siri Tue, 08 Jan 2008 00:07:21 +0000 This a rediculous analysis of the conflict situation in Sri Lanka. The auther has completely failed to provied an alternative the government startegy. When LTTE refuses to come to the negotiating table and hell bent in asking for a piece of Sri Lanka for them only, and nothing else, what sould be the alternative? Is ther any other alternative? Goernment go crush the LTTE militarily so that the meaningful session of negotiations could be held with all stakeholders disreaging the LTTE’e proposition of being the “sole representatives” of the Tamil people.

Unfortunately war in any country is not a civilised to ask for! Howver, if LTTe only understands the power of the bullent in their own pursuit of their so called “liberation” then the government has no other option but to oblidge them with the “best bullets” they have got!

In fact the majority population, the Sinhalese, have nothing to negotiate with the minority and the owness has to be other way round. Minority should use all available means to negotiate with the majority to get what they should get.
Gun and associated killing should never ever have been the means of achieving that goal as has been practiced by the LTTE through out the last 25 years! They say the Tamil community has been descriminated by the Sinhaleses since the Independence! However, the fact of the matter was that the Tamils, comprising less than 20% of the Sri Lanka’s population, were descrimating against the Sinhalese in terms of equity, justice and fairness when it came to provision of goods and services to the community. That was the reason why S.W.R.D Bandaranayake forced to make those changes in terms of lanuage and education. Tamils had the best schools in the island, over 20 of the best out of a total of 33 in the whole country thanks to the “divide and rule ” policy of the colonial governments! When certain, much needed structural changes were brought in the Tamils started complaing and complaining rather being part of such changes for the good of all the citizens. Naturally, all those things culminated in the present day conflict together with the inherent problems of cast, religion and status previaled within the Tamil community itself! This lead to the perceptions that the poor Tamils have been descriminated in Sri Lanka and therefore they are waging a rebillion against the government to free themselves up! What a pathatic interpretation of the so called “ethenic problem”
in Sri Lanka by all sorts of foreigners and the so called IC! India went to the extent of helping and streghtnenning the LTTE outfit for politico-economic reasons and thereby adding fuel to the fire! India should have taken a more proactive active role and brought the two parties together for a negotiated settlement by being the number one facilitator. She failed to do that and now giving all sorts of excuses allowing the never ending killing spree to continue. It is a shame!
