Comments on: SRI LANKA: THE YEAR IN REVIEW Journalism for Citizens Tue, 01 Jan 2008 11:32:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: groundviews Tue, 01 Jan 2008 11:32:24 +0000 Hi Dayan,

Just to note that Infolanka doesn’t go with all the GV articles, though I seem to recall that it did in fact feature this one a couple of days ago. If you want to get all the articles as they are published, simply enter your email in the Email Updates box on the upper right of GV or here –



By: dayan jayatilleka Tue, 01 Jan 2008 11:26:51 +0000 Didn’t catch this on infolanka, which is where i see GV stuff. Just had my attention directed to this. Publius writes “For the government, this means an exclusively military policy…” Why ‘exclusively’, pray? This is a logical non sequitur: it does not follow from the first paragraph. A ‘primarily’ military policy perhaps, but not ‘excusively’ so.

Secondly, the writer has a curious theory of ‘historical repetition’. Where does this derive from? Or is it a creative conceptual contribution of the writer? I don’t see the rise of Nazism in Germany for instance, repeating itself!

Thirdly and finally, the writer’s notions of majority and minority nationalism, the indomitability of the latter etc seem to display total ignorance of a place called Chechnya.

Happy New Year…and wishing you better theorising in 2008.

By: ICT4Peace in 2007: Significant work, applied research and challenges « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Mon, 31 Dec 2007 14:01:21 +0000 […] December 31, 2007 It’s been an bloody eventful year, literally and metaphorically. […]

By: ICT4Peace in 2007: Significant work, applied research and challenges « ICT for Peacebuilding (ICT4Peace) Mon, 31 Dec 2007 14:01:21 +0000 […] December 31, 2007 It’s been an bloody eventful year, literally and metaphorically. […]

By: punitham Sat, 29 Dec 2007 18:56:02 +0000 Thank you Publius and Cyberviews.

By: cyberviews Sat, 29 Dec 2007 08:50:21 +0000 Thank you Publius for another excellent analysis, even if it is a depressing forecast. While the article examines the evolving political scenario from a domestic perspective, there is little mention of the international ramifications and how they would shape events in Sri Lanka. There is the Indian factor, a possible victory for the Democrats in USA next year, and the position of the EU and especially the UK, if Chilcot’s recent controversial pronouncements at the Dudley Sennanayake memorial lecture is of any significance. Your thoughts on this aspect would be very enlightening.
