Comments on: Norwegian and British Interventions in the Sri Lankan Conflict: A Sorry Tale of Misinformation and Misunderstanding Journalism for Citizens Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:17:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: SIMRiyas Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:17:54 +0000 It’s well but It not denoted Muslims Factors any how it has done well

By: nihal pathirana Mon, 21 Jan 2008 09:45:19 +0000 Dr.Sarvananthan has done well giving a critcal analysis why the Norwegians and British Governments failed in their missions in Srilanka. I am scared that you have become a target of the LTTE by expressing you honest views that the misinformation and misconceptions poured by the Tamil diaspora have taken both goverments for a ride, as done to India earlier. We all need a solution to this conflict. Tamil diaspora must realize sufferings of the Tamils live in the conflict zones in Srlanka while enjoying the luxuries abroad . It is the Tamil disapora who can help to hammer out a solution by giving up this Elam concept which is outdated, now its time to think on the basis of a global village. Hindues and Buddhists have a common origin, which is India, the main philosophy in this two religons is non violence this means that both can live together as Srilankans. South Africa with diverse ethinic groups including the white minority community lives in perfect harmoney thanks to great Dr. Nelson Mandela. My only advise to the Tamil diaspora is not to misdirect the international community with false misconceptions go for a solution immediatly as the country is bleeding.

By: Plain Truth Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:11:00 +0000 s going on in Sri Lanka, I got the feeling that Norwegians has been driven by pro-LTTE diaspora. Since there were not sufficient inertia by the Sinhalese community, Norwagians we able to please LTTE at will to get them to the negotiating table and cut a deal. That deal would have been at the expense of Sinhalese. I feel that the current JVP and JHU parties in Sri Lanka got popular since they were the ones dealing with Sinhalese issues than the other major two parties in Sri Lanka and resistance for Nordic came from them. A Norwegian official who were involved in peacekeeping once said that the Sri Lankan government did not play the game right and implying the Tamil diaspora living in Norway and elsewhere play the right game. The Tamil problem in Sri Lanka has been oversold to the international community and therefore they are unable to suggest a lasting solution. One has to have a scheme to build the Sinhalese community first and make them solve minority problems since Sinhalese are 74% of the country.]]> As a person who was listening to what’s going on in Sri Lanka, I got the feeling that Norwegians has been driven by pro-LTTE diaspora. Since there were not sufficient inertia by the Sinhalese community, Norwagians we able to please LTTE at will to get them to the negotiating table and cut a deal. That deal would have been at the expense of Sinhalese. I feel that the current JVP and JHU parties in Sri Lanka got popular since they were the ones dealing with Sinhalese issues than the other major two parties in Sri Lanka and resistance for Nordic came from them. A Norwegian official who were involved in peacekeeping once said that the Sri Lankan government did not play the game right and implying the Tamil diaspora living in Norway and elsewhere play the right game.

The Tamil problem in Sri Lanka has been oversold to the international community and therefore they are unable to suggest a lasting solution.

One has to have a scheme to build the Sinhalese community first and make them solve minority problems since Sinhalese are 74% of the country.

By: Carl Oweson Tue, 18 Dec 2007 06:15:47 +0000 Muttukrishna Sarvananthan is touching upon several interesting and relevant factors which Norwy and the UK (and others) should clearly take into account. But the piece lacks any spelling out of what would be a realistic alternative to foreign involvement to try to resolve a three-decade long conflict which the islanders seem utterly unable to settle themselves. Another week point, which Sarvananthan shares with many (most?) Southern Asians (be they Sinhalese or Tamil – I know the latter much better), is his absolute distrust and suspicion in other (in this case foreign) people and the wholehearted belief that there is ALWAYS a hidden motive and ALWAYS self-oriented/self-beneficial interests that drive human beings. This, I would argue, is almost a pathology in the South Asian/Tamil culture. Also, the conviction that people listening to or interacting with diaporas are not able to distinguish fact from fiction, or truth from lie, is distorted, to say the least.

EVERYBODY involved in the latest peace move know, of course, that V.P. is a problematic person to deal with. What Sarvananthan and others have to realise, however, is that they (or any one else) cannot predict with absolute cerrtaintly what changes or learning lessons other people are able to take in. Also, it is a basic (if perhaps unwanted) fact that no peace is possible in Sri Lanka without the involvement, somehow, of the “terrorist Tigers”. This, at least, Norway has understood. It is high time that other countries AND the many illusionary theorists among the Sinhalese and Tamils, come to acknowledge the same fact. For a FACT it is. The question thus becomes: Are you willing to bear the inevitable cost of reaching peace in Sri Lanka (meaning finding a way to deal constructively with the LTTE)? If not, then peace is not your highest goal, but rather probably something related to justice, punishment, fulfilling correct moral principles etc. (to correct/account for all past wrongs). This latter way, as I see it, leaves more (perhaps 3-4) generations in misery. The BRAVE route, however, is the first one.

What actually happened in 2002-03 was quite courageous and foresighted. Like it or not, but the Sri Lankan civil war was never closer to a resultation than during the Norwegian-led intiative. It collapsed, however, due to the Tigers’ entrenched war-mindset AND the incompetent and irresponsible actions of southern political leaders (those days Chandrika and her aides; today the embarrasingly unintelligent and deceitful Rajapakse brothers).

By: punitham Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:13:48 +0000 I’ve been in the Uk the last thirty years.
There are two important factors that have been misleading the international community much more than some of the diaspora not in touch with the reality on the ground:
1. anti-Tamil propoganda engaged in by the Sri Lankan High Commissions in the western world and the support they give to the Sinhalese to set up organisations that get access to western politicians who are given distorted stories ( I managed to get into one of these recently )and 2. the damage control exercises over the last thirty years or so by the Sri Lankan delegations to the UNGA and UNHRC and other international fora.

We don’t certainly need Norway or anybody if, from the time of independence, we had leaders interested in the welfare of the country and not in the outcome of the next elections. It’s the greatest tragedy it’s continuing to this very day when the country is in the most perilous condition.

As regards Sri lanka and donors are concerned, many donors have been blind to the deepening of ethnic disharmony their aid was wreaking because the successive governments have been overwhelmingly using the aid for the Sinhalese. A few donors began to withdraw from projects when they found out the truth.

In some of your articles you have said how Northeast economy has gone down a great deal.

By: Nadesan Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:12:35 +0000 Muttukrishna Sarvananthan has got it right while may many experts failed.
Only reason was ,He did with out emotional and personal attachment.
Well done Dr Sarvananthan.
