Comments on: Until the Guns are silent Journalism for Citizens Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:48:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Veedhur Mon, 31 Dec 2007 10:48:55 +0000 A war fought on class faultlines is markedly different to a war faught on ethno-linguistic or religious faultlines. Despite the tactical similarities they have differences in origin and solutions.

Again, not to say that 87-89 JVP insurrection is wrong analogy, just to point out that there are more and varied examples…


One makes choices in life

By: JM Mon, 31 Dec 2007 00:48:49 +0000 Sri Lanka is not South Sudan or Yugoslavia. As Dayan says, the best precedent to go by is the JVP insurrection, and that only ended when its leader was assassinated. Once the LTTE leadership is eliminated, we can negotiate a quick truce on terms favourable to us with the remainder of the cadre. Such a truce, while not pandering to the racist exclusivist demands of the Tamil polity, will bring sustainable peace to all communities in the country, including equal treatment before the law and the right to live anywhere in the country.

The reasons for LTTE’s existence are no longer valid. India can no longer support terrorism in Sri Lanka, which is how this all started, and the Tamils don’t face any discrimination except for being suspected as potential terrorists, which is LTTE’s fault. It only remains as a personality cult built around the demi-god VP, funded by his followers (=devotees) in the Tamil diaspora. Once he’s gone along with Pottu Amman, the LTTE will crumble, and the guns will fall silent.

By: Veedhur Sun, 30 Dec 2007 17:38:10 +0000 the enemy as Saddam found to his detriment in Kurdistan and Israel is continuously grappling with it in Palastine (didn’t they take out the Hamas Leader?) Worse still the Guns can return with a vengeance even after 50 years as in El Salvador – remember ‘La Matanza’ and Farabundo Marti. It was eventually settled by Peace Agreement. While I am not knowledgeable enough to argue about your stylized depiction of Angola and Chechnya, I thought of pointing out that there are more ways in which the Guns can fall silent. One makes choices in life….]]> Dear Dayan Jayatilleka,

Guns can also fall silent by Negotiations as in South Sudan or by International intervention as in former Yugoslavia.

Conversely they can still keep going even after your definition of ‘defeating’ the enemy as Saddam found to his detriment in Kurdistan and Israel is continuously grappling with it in Palastine (didn’t they take out the Hamas Leader?)

Worse still the Guns can return with a vengeance even after 50 years as in El Salvador – remember ‘La Matanza’ and Farabundo Marti. It was eventually settled by Peace Agreement.

While I am not knowledgeable enough to argue about your stylized depiction of Angola and Chechnya, I thought of pointing out that there are more ways in which the Guns can fall silent.

One makes choices in life….

By: nandasena Sun, 23 Dec 2007 03:30:20 +0000 Regarding the following comment “Does the LTTE understand anything called the rule of law? Freedom of speech? Freedom of expression? Any freedom at all which is not in line with their thinking? ” This comment is like the pot calling the kettle black!!

I would like to ask whether all the above mentioned exists in the “Republic of Sri Lanka”? If it exists we would not have had so many abductions, extrajudicial killings, demanding ransom, killing of political opponents, killing of journalist happening. Worst thing is no investigation took place, if it did, never completed, or findings made public and the pepetrators are aided and abetted by the Government. Lawless has become the hallmark of Sri Lanka. They are too numerous to mention. It does not help to pretend as these things does not happen in our “beloved” country.

By: punitham Sat, 22 Dec 2007 08:22:43 +0000 Sanjana
Many comments in this strand and many other strands tell me that they are made with a dangerously minimum knowledge of the multitude of ”happenings” that have been twisting and twisting the conflict over the last sixty years. What happened yesterday affects what happens today which affects what happens tomorrow.
What can be done?

By: suntzu Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:18:18 +0000 Ange… ‘In the Land of the Blind…the one eyed man is KING!’
‘In the Land of Sri Lanka…the man with the… (I can’t type anymore because Sanjana will censor it!)

ps: Sanjana…I liked MOJU better…stay cool. (Groundviews is ok…ok COOL!)

By: sham Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:09:56 +0000 well ange, what u say then we do, let robber come and take my eye away, and we say that its ok??

By: Ange Fri, 21 Dec 2007 05:51:12 +0000 The philosophy of an eye for an eye will leave us all blind…

By: Fonseka Fri, 21 Dec 2007 01:37:49 +0000 77 granted all the demands on language etc of the Tamil political parties (but Prabakaran continued with LTTE) b. In '80s IPKF came and merged N & E and provided a framework, but LTTE waged war against IPKF and would have got annihilated if not for Premadasa c. Premadasa invited LTTE for talks, but upon the IPKF departure LTTE re-engaged in terrorism and killed over 600 policemen, who surrendered to LTTE on Premadasa's orders d. Under Chandrika gov further constitutional proposal were made by Neelan Thiruchelvan, but he was assassinated by LTTE e. Ranil made incredible concession with the 2002 CFA, but that was used to stock up arms, place sleepers, build the terrorist network etc In turn, i. Prabakaran has reduced LTTE active areas to Tamil prisons ii. Reduce the reputation of Tamils globally iii. Kill the next Tamil generation and have converted the remainder to terrorists with life lasting psychological damage; displaced countless others iv. School principles, temple dignitaries, and other Tamil leaders such as Lakshman Kadirgama, Amirthalingam, Neelan Therichelvam, Alfred Duraippah etc killed. In fact the list of Tamils killed by LTTE far exceeds the list of Sinhalese and Muslims killed by LTTE For those convinced that Prabakaran is the liberator, here's a question: Why with all these concessions over the years Prabakaran insisting on terrorism? Time and again, reasonal solutions could have be reached, but everytime, he killed the very proposer. The interesting question for all is, where would Prabakran would be if not for his business of terror. Could he have given the same luxurious life he can afford his family now if he remained his family business of smuggling???]]> For those insisting on history, here’s a very brief synopsis:

a. The JR gov in ’77 granted all the demands on language etc of the Tamil political parties (but Prabakaran continued with LTTE)
b. In ’80s IPKF came and merged N & E and provided a framework, but LTTE waged war against IPKF and would have got annihilated if not for Premadasa
c. Premadasa invited LTTE for talks, but upon the IPKF departure LTTE re-engaged in terrorism and killed over 600 policemen, who surrendered to LTTE on Premadasa’s orders
d. Under Chandrika gov further constitutional proposal were made by Neelan Thiruchelvan, but he was assassinated by LTTE
e. Ranil made incredible concession with the 2002 CFA, but that was used to stock up arms, place sleepers, build the terrorist network etc

In turn,
i. Prabakaran has reduced LTTE active areas to Tamil prisons
ii. Reduce the reputation of Tamils globally
iii. Kill the next Tamil generation and have converted the remainder to terrorists with life lasting psychological damage; displaced countless others
iv. School principles, temple dignitaries, and other Tamil leaders such as Lakshman Kadirgama, Amirthalingam, Neelan Therichelvam, Alfred Duraippah etc killed. In fact the list of Tamils killed by LTTE far exceeds the list of Sinhalese and Muslims killed by LTTE

For those convinced that Prabakaran is the liberator, here’s a question:
Why with all these concessions over the years Prabakaran insisting on terrorism? Time and again, reasonal solutions could have be reached, but everytime, he killed the very proposer.

The interesting question for all is, where would Prabakran would be if not for his business of terror. Could he have given the same luxurious life he can afford his family now if he remained his family business of smuggling???

By: Fonseka Fri, 21 Dec 2007 00:23:41 +0000 You should start with the atrocities committed by LTTE against not only the general Sri Lankans (Sinhalese, Tamils & Muslims), but also of the specific Tamils. History as they say is a matter of interpretation and anyone go down the history lane a 100 yrs, or to colonial times or even to pre-colonial times to justify crimes against humanity. But the focus should be about here and now.

When combatting a precarious situation like terrorism, esp ones who have their establishments within civilian preimeters, when the existence of one is a threat to hundreds or even thousands, then to preserve HR to the last letter is impossible. This is not a situation unique to SL, but during WWII, after Perl Harbor bombing, all the Japanese living in US were herded out of their homes and into horse stables…

When the JVP were a terrorist group, Sinhalese (youths as young as 14 yrs) were rounded up and almost a decade later the plight of many are unknown. If this terrible deed that had to be done were not done when it was needed to be done, then SL would be plagued with the same menace it is with LTTE. Why this problem has lived for so long and has taken so many lives is because GOSL (Gov of SL) didn’t take the proper measures it should to counter terrorism.

The writer, who claims to be a reporter, should not get emotionally carried away, but impartially report the truth. The truth is, yes, there are ‘disappearances’ – but not in the scale when JVP was persecuted, yes, people are been dtained, but definietely not in the conditions LTTE is keeping its detainees and yes, children are witnessing horror beyond description, but so many more are been forced out of their families into committing terrorism. Children as young as 10 – 12 are been forced to face a professionally trained security force. They die screaming for their mothers.

What the writer in his brief visit has not seen is the humanitarian efforts by the very Security Forces (SF) that he is blaming on – no other SF does the amount of humanitarian relief as the SLSF. If in doubt, then ask why is it before an impeding attack and even during a confrontation and then afterwards, the Tamil people move to areas under SF domination and not vice versa.
