Comments on: I/NGOs: Mea Culpa… Your Culpa… or Our Culpa? Journalism for Citizens Mon, 07 Mar 2011 18:21:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: sham Thu, 13 Dec 2007 15:35:32 +0000 nice article-
if you see the trend in CSR(corporate social responsibility) it can be seen that companies are highlighting areas of helping the society while the CEO;s dealing , related party cotracts are highlighted in the annual report.

it would be good to see the INGO’s and NGOS version of a annual report. how much does a ceo get, as salary, living allowance and family support?

i read some where (unofficial) that oxfam in sri lanka , increased the staff a lot after the tsunami. if ajournalist can get some stats such as this it would b intersting…..

some times if might be far easier to meet the INGO/NGO staff at R&B in colombo on friday night or saturday night. in fact the st. jhons ambulance is also there………

do we need all the foreign staff, can we use some of our own staff in these ngo’s?
