Comments on: Civilian cost of a humanitarian operation: miseries of liberated peoples of Musali and Naanatan divisions in Mannar waiting to go home Journalism for Citizens Fri, 07 Dec 2007 21:21:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: selvadurai Fri, 07 Dec 2007 21:21:44 +0000 As some commentators are saying the Tamils does not need the “Terrorist Security Forces” to protect them. Tamils will be happy if the security forces and their paramilitaries pack up and leave the Tamils alone. The Sinhalese have to decide whether keeping the country “united” or saving lives of both Sinhalese and Tamils are important. Time will heal the wounds and they can live as good neighbours.

Imagine if the money spent on the war so far, was channelled towards the welfare of the people. If this was done there would not have been all this problem. Sri Lanka would have been a properous country. It is a foregone conclusion that Sri Lanka is a failed state!! It is only propped up by countries with hidden agendas!! They have to sell their arms at any cost. They do not care whether Tamils are dying or Sinhalese are dying. Mahinda is talking about a “respectable solution” for the last two years!! The international communities “pretend” to believe him. They very well know that Mahinda is bent on annihilating the Tamils. Countries with their own agendas are “rocking the cradle and pinching the baby”. They have nothing to loose!! Loosers are the Sri Lankans. both Sinhalese and Tamils.

By: joseph C. Fri, 07 Dec 2007 16:51:03 +0000 I think we need more articles in Sinhala on the real situation of the Tamil people and what they think, what they want, make it very clear the aspirations of the Tamils so that they can compare what the state tells them or whoever comes to power tell them and find the truth. During elections the UNP and SLFP try to come to power either saying they will bring peace to the country or fight LTTE and come to power. But these parties never for the last 6 decades accepted the fact that Sri Lanka is a multi ethnic, multi linguistic and multi cultural country and the constitution of the country has to be amended to include all of them to live without fear or insecurity rather they made changes to the constitution to benefit themselves. Thus Srimavo Bandaranayake’s government excluded the rights of the minorities and J.R. Jeyawandane’s government made it difficult to make any change in the constitution.
Do not believe all what the government in power say. Discrimination is always there in many forms. Racial hatred is the main reason for all these troubles. Many Sinhalese are unable to swallow the fact that the Tamils also part and parcel of Sri Lanka. I do not see the noble teaching of Lord Buddha is followed in Sri Lanka. It is a shame to note in a country where majority of the people are Buddhists and the government leaders are Buddhists they allow injustice done to one section of the population and many Buddhists monk take part in protests and take part in many other activities against the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Who led the 1983 pogrom against Tamils? That is why the Tamils see buddhism as a religion of hatred and can you count and say how many Tamils in Sri Lanka follow buddhism? The buddhist monks, the politicians and many patriotic Sinhalese are very keen in spreading buddhisim in Tamil populated areas in Sri Lanka by placing statue of Buddha on street corners and renaming the names of Tamil villages into Sinhala, and appointing army personal to civilian administration in the north and east etc. & ect. and not by living according to the teaching of Lord Buddha. They just wanted to make Sri Lanka a Sinhala buddhist nation. Do not forget the fact that even the first political killing in Sri Lanka then Ceylon was committed by a Buddhist monk. Who killed S.W.R.D. Bandaranayake? and for what reason? S.W.R.D..Bandaranayake who came to power by promising to make Sinhala the only official language in Ceylon while purposely ignoring Tamil speaking citizens live in Ceylon. So the seed for separation was sowed in 1956 itself. Then he made a pack with Tamil political leader Thanthai Selva to solve the problem. He could not implement it because of Sinhala buddhist extremism and was killed. But Tamil people and their leaders did not like separation and they peacefully protested each and every move to separate them from the main stream of politics by the successive governments in Ceylon and then Sri Lanka and asked and demanded Tamils and Tamil speaking minorities be included in the nation building. Their cry for inclusion was met with further suppression and oppression. Finally Tamils realized that the only way is separation itself and they are fighting for it. Some may claim that LTTE does not represent Tamils. But the fact is LTTE too represents Tamils. Will the government in SL or the future ones do something to change this? I do not see this will never happen. Are those Tamil political parities that support the governments for their own benefits able to push the government for a political solution? Never this will happen. Now the Tamil and Sinhala are made official languages and how this is being implemented? Many in the south like to learn other languages in the world but not Tamil the official language in their own country. So a lot can be written and analyzed but nothing fruitful can be achieved unless the truth is disclosed to the Sinhala masses, if not death and destruction will continue and the Sinhala politicians and their families and some Tamil politicians who support them for their own benefits will take you for a ride forever and finally Tamils in the north and east will be able to look after their own affairs.

By: nandasena Fri, 07 Dec 2007 13:28:59 +0000 Some of the commentators are ingnorant of what is happening in the North amd the East. They refuse to accept the fact that the Sri Lankan security forces have various means of TERRORISING the people. Rape,abduction, arrest withour any reason, theft,humiliating people, especially women. Do they know how many people have dissappeared after being arrested by the security forces? Have they not heard of the Chemmani graves? Establishing security zones, where by driving them out of their homes. Does this commentators know that there are thousands of civilians who were driven out of their homes living in “make shift dwellings” without any livelihood, education for their children for years!! I have a feeling they don’t want to know, or they don’t want to accept, or simply they don’t care!! Do your research, before making any comments. Don’t look at the problem with preset conclusions!! When they had the JVP problem in the south, they did not drive people out of their homes! They did not do carpet bombings!! Have you ever heard of any other government in the whole world bombing and killing its own civilians!!

Do they know that [name edited out – please be mindful of submission and discussion guidelines] is the big terrorist of them all? He has goons under his payroll, who do all the abductions, killings and terrorising in Jaffna for the Government? The Governement has Karuna and Pillaiyan Group in the East to do their dirty work. Sri Lankan forces are the most un-deciplined forces in the world. Mainly because they are aided and abetted by the “people at the top”

Does the commentators know how the Tigers emerged? The Tamils tried every peaceful, democratic means to win their rights, but was met with brutal force in the fifties and sixties!!

By: Ange Fri, 07 Dec 2007 12:25:32 +0000 Thanks for that detailed report Ruki. I can imagine how hard it must be to stand up and say things which are so easily perceived as blame or unpatriotic comments. It is true that in the name of patriotism many have lost their lives and livelihoods and still continue to do so. The plight of the suffering is lost in strategy and politics.
When their plight is highlighted we are told this is to be expected in a war situation. I don’t see anyone else having to accept such things.
I live in Colombo and everyone seems to be planning their Christmas holidays without a care in the world. The shops are packed with consumers and loud music. People are all happy unless they are inconvenienced by a road block and have to get to their destinations slightly later than they would like to.
What about the plight of the people whose lives are caught in the time warp of war? what about the children who grow up without being able to complete their education? what about the refuguees who are born and die in camps?
I think we need more reports of the situation over there to jolt people out of their comfort zones and make them actually act patriotic and see that their country is not shunned by everyone because it is no longer a paradise but hell.

By: sannd Fri, 07 Dec 2007 11:06:45 +0000 hey this is really bad. when terrorists attaack civillians, buses and schools those global voices are silent. isnt that a cost? well any solidier won’t bother forcing civillians out of an area and occupying that land. but the reason is terrorists. terrorists hide between people. and those soldiers are keeping terrorists out. u know the sad thing is when a terrorist blast a bomb everyone shouts at the govt saying that govt doesnt take any aciton. but when it takes actions they blame them again. we have to sacrifice something to get something. i know being homeless is a misery but they should be able to endure that for a little time unless this war is finish. otherwise… they will be homeless forever.

By: Sham Fri, 07 Dec 2007 10:26:13 +0000 i feel that the reason that the military cant keep civilians is the fact that there is a difficulty is distinguising between terrorist and civilians. when the south was at war with the JVP, the sinhaleese got rid of such insergents due to the fact that number of people who rejected JVP ideas ouweighed the JVP insergents. hence sanity prevaiild.

in jafna and ohter areas its not the case. all tmails are scared of the LTTE. on douglas and few others are able to stand and say that LTTE is a terror outfit and that they are not the sole liberators….

if any intellectual tamils recongnised the fact that there can never be any division of sri lanka, (one country, one falg, one army ., one citizenship) VP would not be where he is today. ( Like rohana wijeweera , he would have been done with)

Unwisely , tamils politicians grew a tiger cub who became bigger and bit off all the feeders as well as others. even people abroad and here in this web site keep saying they need their own country.

that will never happen while there are sinhaleese left as no perosn can give away seperate this country…

and time will be with us, as when slowly the top brass feels the age, this will go away……………………

Long live united sri lanka

By: Sam Thambipillai Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:44:56 +0000 It is very clear from the unbiased report presented in this article that the government of Sri Lanka has a rampaging will to destroy the Tamil people, their economy, value system, education and the future generation. Such intentions are racist and criminal. In international Law these acts are defined as acts of genocide.

The incidents cast a sobering light on the priorities, practices and life styles of the majority Sri Lankans. Shammi and SLLOVER who have opined before me reflect such a value system. All Sri Lankans are “brain washed” to justfy and believe that Tamils are terrorists; Killing of civilians is normal; the army is infallible; suffering of Tamils is acceptable and should be ignored.

Genocide was carried out in Bosnia, Rwanda and other countries. The governmental perpetrators in Rwanda and Bosnia were handcuffed and marched in front of international tribunals, so that the affected could receive justice. The perpetrators of the crimes in Mannar namely the leaders of the government and the soldiers responsible for the criminal acts you describe, should be taken to the International Criminal Court (ICC) by responsible persons.

Tamil diaspora should actively work towards submisions to the ICC, if they desire justice. Tamil Nadu government receives Sri Lankan Tamil victims fleeing from human rights atrocities. Also, the citizens from Tamil Nadu face human rights abuses from the Navy personnel in Sri Lanka. Therefore, Tamil Nadu government could take up the matter directly to the ICC.

Let us not fool ourselves. We are not one people in Sri Lanka. If we are one, we would have cared for each other, avoided bloodshed and violence. The state would not have resorted to terrorising Tamil civilains and the Sinhala people would have never supported it. We are two people; the Sinhalese and Tamils living in one island.

The Tamils should be given their separate and sovereign state of Tamil Eelam. Let the Tamils look after their own people because the Sinhalese can never ever do that for them. Tamil Eelam will restore the dignity and self respect of the Tamils. Our leaders predicted this more than six deacades ago. They were accurately prophetic

By: josee Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:48:44 +0000 Good report of the real situation. It is Tamil civilians who suffer the most. Will the authority do the same in the south? or did they do it when fighting JVP in the 70s and late 80s? Why this is happening in the North and East of Sri Lanka where the Tamils are majority ? Are they really fighting LTTE or punishing the Tamils for being in Sri Lanka? Not only in Mannar but also in Jaffna, Trincomalle and Batti the fate of the displaced civilians is same. How many High Security Zoons? Who need sucurity? The people or the forces? Displaced people from Palaly, Vasavilan, Tholagaddy, Kurumbacity, Mavaddapuram, Urani, Keerimalai, Telliplalai, Kankesanthurai and many other villages in Jaffna city and even some parts of Jaffna town as well as Muthur in Trinco and some in Batti are unable to return to their home for months, years and decades. If all these people start filing case against the government of SL for the damages done to them and their properties and ask compensation what will happen? If the government doesn’t care for these people whom will they turn to? Fighting terrorism does not mean you destroy the whole village and loot all the belongings of Tamils and celebrate the victory while the displaced are languishing under the trees and at temporarily made shelters. Actually whoever comes to power in Colombo play games with the lives of the Tamil people? There is no democracy? Who kill the unarmed civilians in Jaffna almost daily? Where is the law and order in SL? Why do the authority have to arrest thousands of Tamils in a couple of days and send them to Boosa? There is no genuine political will to put things in correct order in SL. Whoever comes to power make use of their time in power to fill their pockets with millions and disappear. While in power they use the sentiments of the majority to do their dirty job? Now a days you do not see democracy in Sl but demon-crazy. The longer the people wait as observers the more the damage is done. The media has to play a better role in Sri Lanka bringing the real situation of the north and east to the south. Media should not take sides. People of good will have to join together from north to south and east to west to make Sri Lanka a better place to live in for all ethnic communities. No one can achieve anything by means of arms.

By: janani Fri, 07 Dec 2007 05:38:14 +0000 Thanks for article
I am a Jaffna tamil who fled my hometown in th 1990s
In my experience, if the Tigers have killed 10 then the SL Army would have killed 1000. The brainwashed people in the South will never understand this….and perhaps this will go down in history as one of the reasons why Tamil Eelam is going to become a reality.

By: SLLOVER Thu, 06 Dec 2007 23:04:32 +0000 Your comments may be correct! However, in asituation like this what is the alternative, particularly, when you are dealing with a terrible terrorist group like the LTTE? Can you distnguish between the innocents and the “UGLY” in the war front? Ther is always an unfortunate situation of colateral damage in war though it is a responsibility of the forces to reduce such damages. This has happend, happens and will happen in any “war’ situation and it is not something the forces do willingly or predetermined! Your arcticle seems to give the impression that the civilians have been targeted deliberately by the SL Armey! I feel that is not reasonable to imply in that manner.

Thank you

